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Messages - Tapio

Karten auf angemessen schneller externer Karte ist kein Problem (bei mir). Lesen von großen Blöcken ist das ja.
Tendenziell würde ich bei vielen (kleinen) (Schreib)zugriffen auf der Internen ablegen.
The following users thanked this post: kodela
1 - So? You picked white or see the reverse color (track selected vs. not selected)

2 -Notice that you can edit the ascend/descend percentage for controlling the coloring. Please just look close to where you made the respective settings...

I use the theme in my signature. But it's unrelated.

Maybe your elevation data aren't perfect. Turn dynamic elevation on, so that you can see the elevation at the center and get an idea if something is wrong. I agree, the strong blue doesn't suit to what the elevation lines (which are part of the map) show. Should be ratger even = green.
The following users thanked this post: Hispanico
1- "Edit", in:
You cannot view this attachment.

You cannot view this attachment.
The following users thanked this post: Hispanico
Das geht nicht, Du musst Dich schon entscheiden, was Du gerade machst.
Diese Track-Details sind nicht als dauerhafte Einblendung konzipiert. Mit Klick auf deren Titel kannst Du das aber schnell verkleinern/vergrößern.

Willst Du dauerhaft die Höhenlinie sehen, befasse Dich mit Dashboards.
The following users thanked this post: bildGRAV
Yes. Find this. Generally, you can define colors per track or per folder.
As for slope, red is uphill, blue downhill, green even.
The following users thanked this post: Menion, Andrew Heard, Hispanico

  • Unified some path colors and sizes
  • Better visibility of private/restricted ways (red instead of grey lines)
  • Optional display of access restrictions
  • Fix: paths/footways which weren't drawn
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Other features / Re: Online search
July 06, 2023, 14:25:46
Maybe Google changed their output? However, an easy way for newbs is missing. And Locus should definitely understand latlon and pluscode formats in its new search.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard

  • Minor changes
  • Paths (usually dashed lines) with asphalt/paved/concrete drawn like streets. With blue lines.
The following users thanked this post: T-mo, Andrew Heard
Yes I think paths are rendered as dashed all around, here it felt misleading for me.
And it takes the bicycle designation into account,hence blue.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Leute. Einatmen. Ausatmen. Tief.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Hi Karlsson, also, welche Strassennamen/Nummern wann (Zoomstufe) und wie dargestellt wird, bestimmt das Theme.

Aber die Verteilung über lange Straßen - das beschäftigt mich auch (, ist für uns Theme-Autoren schwer zu kontrollieren.

Siehe Anhang. Man sieht die A45, die A2 ist darüber, aber da ist kein Text zu sehen.
Ich hoffe, das irgendwie verbessert zu bekommen.
The following users thanked this post: Karlsson

  • Villages display on lower zoom, ZL11
  • Minor MTB track changes
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Themes - Vector maps / [Theme] Tapiola
June 26, 2023, 16:20:18
I want to present you my theme "Tapiola".
You can download it here.

Tapiola is 100% tested with regional Mapsforge v5 maps (Germany->Nordrhein-Westfalen) from Bigger maps (e.g., whole Germany) have a few less details included on certain zoom levels, but you probably won't notice it.
It also works with Lomaps V4+, but there are definitely issues.

The theme is a fork of the awesome Settler theme from Andrey, but slowly and steadily I made many changes and moved away from it.

My main ideas/goals were:
- Change colors to my preference
- City/town names not dependend on priorities at all. They will show up if zoom level allows it. Some names may overlap - but IMO it is important. A good overview is crucial for me. This way a was able to use smaller overview maps from OAM.
- City names following priorities were under risk of not being displayed. It happened that they were not displayed because a river had preference.
- Good visibility of hiking and cycling networks. Reasonable display of their names (like "X1"). Hiking color on one side of road, cycling on other, so both visible usually.
- Some themes show lines at some zoom levels due to few pixels of overlapping, I got rid of that.
- There's also some coding of track quality via display of lines on paths (OSM has a grade1-grade5 system) - more lines=less quality. 0 to 2 lines. Short+long line=Undefined. Zoom more in to see them.
- I reworked the display of road names, especially motorways, primary and secondary roads.
- In the themes options, I have made some changes compared to the Settler heritage. I combined some options.
- Less focus on hilltops compared with Settler.
- Benches, picnic tables, shelters, viewpoints have high prio and are drawn later, on top of other stuff - I'm a hiker.
- Parking has some over-the-top exaggeration. Many parkings are displayed. May change that.
- After all, you can turn on/off most things in theme options.
- I included OSMC hiking node icons (shameless copy/paste from John, his awesome Voluntary Theme) but I never really liked those. May remove them at some point.

Sorry, time is an issue, no pdf/html legend or fancy theme icon yet.

Here's a few notes as for the legend:
- Motorway: blue, Trunk: blue-greenish
- Primary road darker orange, secondary/tertiary getting lighter.
- White roads are asphalt, light brown more what you find in forests, less quality the more lines are on it (0-2 lines).
- Hiking routes are red, less important ones are interrupted lines. Cycling=blue, MTB=purple.


1. Download the zip file
2. Copy (don't unpack!) it into Android/[data|media]/

Just walk through the different zoom levels and see if it can help you. Have fun!

A few screenshots attached:
1. An overview map, I balanced the theme starting from Zoom level 8.
2. Notice the display of suburbs (can be turned off) for best overview but still no distraction
3. Display of hiking (red) and cycling (blueish) networks.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, luxcalor
Quote from: luce on June 22, 2023, 21:22:18In German, "Auswahl aufheben" is a better translation to "Deselect all"
Agree. I have changed it, I hope. Was a bit difficult via mobile interface. Please have a look in upcoming versions.
The following users thanked this post: luce