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Messages - freischneider

Other features / Re: Android 11+, changes
November 27, 2021, 18:21:57
Terminology is really confusing here.  "Internal storage" vs "Internal memory" in the Set Working Directory dialog.  "Internal" vs "External" in this discussion, but both seem to be inside the phone somewhere.  Those who know that one is removable and called "SD" would be confused by an "Internal" option being /sdcard/Locus, which (I think) is in non-removable memory despite the "sdcard" name.  I think only an Android developer could understand all this.

Here's the chance to be clear and non-confusing.  And if there's no need to worry because you're on Android 10 or lower, then please say so in the UI.  Thank you.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Other features / Re: Android 11+, changes
November 27, 2021, 13:49:24
After all, users will choose between internal/external SD. The precise place is something they not necessarily need to know. Locus UI could simply offer a matrix which let's the user pick the desired place with radio buttons (so, pick int or ext sd) for vector maps, srtm, whatever else... And it should manage the file movements in a secure way.
I don't like the move towards apple, where people even don't need to be aware of files and folders. But otoh, bullshit apps, malware, messing with other apps, idk, most people have just a glimpse of clue and need to be protected 😐
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Other features / Re: Android 11+, changes
November 26, 2021, 17:54:42
Quote from: Michal on November 26, 2021, 15:05:30
To be honest, I would rather not rely on SD card with its "ability" to handle database fast random read/writing, its stability etc. Not long ago I lost all my data on an SD card due to its malfunction and the necessity of formatting.

I appreciate your twofold warning, Michal!

Question to Menion:
I saw that many apps have a /Android/data folder on external SD, BUT their working directory in fact is on internal storage.
Are you able to access BOTH of them simultaneously? E.g. SRTM and large maps on external SD, while databases and other essential objects with high performance and reliability needs are kept on the internal /Android/data storage.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
An Presets binden? Seit einiger Zeit speichern Presets ja auch die Detaileinstellungen von Themes. So mache ich das. Die eigentliche Theme-Auswahl nutze ich selten.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
I don't think navigation by track is bad. I personally use her in winter hiking. I have a phone in my pocket and turn instructions to hear in headphones.
Navigation from the route scheduler is fine too. But I have a bicycle ride like such a wandering for attractions. When I take me something along the way, I turn me there and I'll be back on the route until I fucks it. Often, I also keep a group of cyclists and each of them has their needs or interests. If I had all attractions to include in the route, it would kill me a lot of time spent at the mobile. And that's tired of me. LOCUS routing profiles do not suit me and use their own. So I still use with a profile from the pilgrim. So it is better for me to ride by line. In addition, for navigation, it bothers the turn off. When I'm going through the city, I better have the screen onto the screen. Mostly I use Zoom in town and Zoom.
Lately, I often ride only according to a very simple line without a map at Garmin 130, which I use Due to the Garmin Varia radar.
This will not miss the distance to your destination. Although I would like it to work as before, but it's not very important. I'm just responding to a colleague Wlashack.
But thank you for your advice

Nemyslím si, že je navigace podle stopy špatná. Osobně ji často používám při zimní turistice. Telefon mám v kapse a pokyny k odbočení slyším ve sluchátkách.
Navigace z plánovače tras je taky v pořádku. Já ale jízdu na kole mám spíš jako takové toulání po zajímavostech. Když mě něco po cestě zaujme, tak tam odbočím a na trasu se vrátím až se mi to hodí. Často taky vedu skupinu cyklistů a každý z nich má své potřeby či zájmy. Kdybych měl všechny zajímavosti zahrnout do trasy, zabralo by mi to mnoho času stráveného u mobilu. A to mě nebaví. Routovací profily na webu Locus mi nevyhovují a vlastní tam použít nejdou. Takže stále používám s profilem od Poutníka. Je pro mě tedy lepší jezdit jen podle linky. U navigace mi navíc vadí to zhasínání. Když jedu městem, raději mám obrazovku stále rozsvícenou. Většinou používám ve městě i zámek zoomu.
V poslední době taky často jezdím jen podle velmi jednoduché linky bez mapy u Garmin 130, který používám kvůli radaru Garmin Varia.
To zobrazení vzdálenosti do cíle mi až tak moc nechybí. Byl bych sice rád, kdyby to fungovalo jako dříve, ale není to moc důležité. Reagoval jsem jen na dotaz kolegy Wlashacka.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
as michaelbechtold said, create a suggestion topic
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
All geo App developers should unite and kickk Google's ass.
Now all of them - and their customers and users are suffering separately.

The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Maybe the export option "Overwrite files" is usually not turned on. Of course there is workarounds, one gpx would work, but the problem is a nasty one, people may not realize the loss of data.

Locus says "Exported 1600 tracks" and user may not notice there is just 1300 files. People may rely on re-import (personally I've done that often) and then have silently lost tracks.

The track name is just not unique. I think Locus should populate a list of export file names beforehand. Then resolve collisions before writing files. Add indexes maybe on collisions. It's really bad that it overwrites files which it has created in the same export run. I'm sorry, I always put stuff on your monstrous pile of work. 😁

User id 1aacaff2a2, I will try to find the cause of import crash, maybe find limits... EDIT: Not yet found a cause. Happens pretty much at ~1004 import files.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Quote from: michaelbechtold on October 27, 2021, 12:39:00
Quote from: CabrioTourer on October 26, 2021, 19:23:32
But it doesn't provide the possibility to download the gpx, right?  It just shows route on map?
Did I missed this Feature?

I thing you missed it. When I select a track or any other route, the context menu offers a "share as gpx". The tools available then depend on the staging of your smartphone (apps).
In the App the share gpx can download the gpx and you can send it to friends somehow

I talked about the share in the Web. This will create a url you can send to your friends. If you open that url you see the track on the map. I see no way to download a gpx. That's what I mean.

Sharing the track via URL is a nice modern way but today the possibilities with such a link is very limited. If would be nice if adding gpx download doesnt make much work.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Have you tried OpenAndroMaps with the Elements (not Elevate) theme?

Elements is designed for sparsely-populated areas, and shows elements as soon as their data appears in the file, rather than keeping them selectively hidden until a higher zoom level.

OAM are very similar to LoMaps, but - ironically - they render better in Locus than Locus' own maps.  That's because OAM and the Locus app both support MapsForge V4, but LoMaps are still stuck at V3.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Unhelpful track stats - I don't have a heart rate or cadence sensor. Display N/A (Not Available) or better, don't display if N/A or even better, allow configuration.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
PS: a sustainable support of the Locus team is easily manageable: they now offer LM4 via subscription.
I have both, LM Pro and LM4 installed and they share the maps (LoMaps plus OAM) as well as the track/points DB.
PPS: and the hiding works - "INTERNAL THEMES" - "Hike&Bike" - "Hiking Trails" - nice place near Mt. Rainier, WA :-)
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Hi Menion, I don't want to talk to unfinished graphics, but the difference in the symbol location doesn't look very well. See SCR. Couldn't you use a color circle around the button instead of the dots? See CIRCLE1-2.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Quote from: freischneider on October 12, 2021, 14:52:15
Suggestion: point away. the compass needle red, green, gray.
I would prefer the compass needle in the centering button. But where to turn it on and off?

Or maybe not red/green/gray for the north part of the needle, because a red compass arrow is always associated with "north". Maybe instead change the colour of the south part of the needle. The three different colours don't have to be so strong that they leap to the eye – it could also be white, light grey and maybe a greenish gray, or something like that.

I also think markers are something that draw attention to something that happens less frequent like e.g. a map update – the information about the current compass mode should be more unobtrusive.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Quote from: freischneider on October 12, 2021, 20:29:11Rotary knob always displayed.
You maybe just want to turn off "Dual centering button" option again to achieve this.
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