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Messages - freischneider

New beta, and a nice improvement which I think is useful when you are displaying many tracks and want to highlight one.

You tap a track, it inverts as normal and the lower pane appears. Now you can tap the title of the lower pane and it minimizes to a very small size - so now you have a better view with still having the inverted track. You can move map and zoom.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Freischneider, if you have LM4 you don't need that, except maybe for the offline Geonames files.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Hi guys,

here's a Tasker script which downloads BRouter routing files (rd5). In the task, just adjust the rd5 path to match your own system. It will then download and overwrite exactly those rd5 files it finds in that directory. Task has no error handling whatsoever.

BRouter rd5 files are typically in:

Please execute task in a reasonable manner and have server load in mind.

The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Ich hatte nach dem Update heftige Probleme. Bei LM4 waren alle Daten weg und bei LM3 gab es auch einige Probleme. LM3 hat zwar funktioniert aber die Backups wurden z.B. nicht in den defenierten Ordner abgelegt. Ich habe sie nicht gefunden. Wenn ich sofort auf "Teilen" ging und das Backup manuell abgelegt habe, war alles in Ordnung.

Daher mein Ratschlag : Nicht lange nach Lösungen suchen. Man weiß nie, was intern nach der Umstellung noch so alles schief läuft.

Ich habe ein manuelles komplett Backup gemacht und den ganzen Locus Ordner an eine andere Stelle im internen Speicher kopiert.

Dann LM Daten löschen und deinstallieren.

LM wieder installieren, Backup wieder einspielen und die restlichen Daten aus dem kopierten Ordner zurückspielen. Nur die fehlenden Daten (nicht den ganzen Ordner), z.B. Photos und Karten.
Jetzt läuft wieder alles einwandfrei.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
The "Quick Bookmark" feature can help, especially if you add its button to one of the function panels.  Hit "+", predefined, OpenStreetMap, then "x" because it gives no indication it worked.

Now, move the map cursor to the item of interest, tap Quick Bookmark, then select OpenStreetMap.  It'll open a browser window to the OSM "Query Features" page.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Quote from: freischneider on December 21, 2021, 16:45:24
Quote from: ColdAutumn on December 21, 2021, 16:34:50
Any feedback?
No stress...only 3 days have passed. At the moment there are few in the forum. If you have an urgent question, next time create a ticket in the helpdesk. There you have a guarantee of an answer....not here.

ok, I see, many thanks.  Actually I was about to ask their difference. Thanks again! Merry Christmas.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Menion, I was wondering:
You're not the first to suffer under Google restrictions. I know quite some apps that offer a "Google-impaired" version on Google Play, and another without those restriction on their website.
I mean, I'm not an expert on Android development, but if I remember correctly, you can request any Android right from the user if the app is sideloaded. So you could tell the user: "Play version only allows to store map and other extra data in internal app dir. If you need to access data stored anywhere on your system, please install the version from the website (sideload): <link here>".
Wouldn't that be a compromise to appease Google and the power users at the same time?
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
New version 4.5.5 is available on the Google Play.

Change in the A11+ file-system > check app settings > Misc > File manager and enjoy it ;). And please, do not forget to keep in mind (we will be writing it everywhere) > we have a temporary exception!! from the Google team. Temporary for how long? No one knows. So we have to prepare, it will end one day ...

Locus Map Pro is currently in the verification process ... we'll see how things go ...
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Other features / Re: Android 11+, changes
December 07, 2021, 12:29:02
I am not sure. I think, after moving "maps" to the external storage the map in "Preload global map" wasn't configured any more.

Here I zoom from the global map into some random area, which is not cached. Hillshading is on and I use Sonnys 24mb hgt files. SRTM on ext sd (those are "NM" cards on Huawei). Map is OAM V5, Device is Mate20X.
I don't think it was faster on int sd. Definitely alright for me.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Other features / Re: Android 11+, changes
December 06, 2021, 20:21:15
SRTM data needs fast access when you use hill-shading. Anyway, truth is that HGT files that are currently used should be cached in memory, so it should be slow only for this first-time app to use it. I'll have to do some benchmarks, but if you do not feel any difference when using hill-shading, no worry, and use it directly from the SD card.

thanks for the summary and help with this complicated topic! The current state is definitely not a final version. We will be updating also based on the problems and support on the help desk!

Difference in performance > as mentioned in second topic - it will need some benchmark to verify the real impact on battery and performance.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Other features / Re: Android 11+, changes
November 29, 2021, 10:26:32
Quote from: Menion on November 26, 2021, 19:28:21
"Is it then possible to divide app and data over private directories in internal memory and SD card" - not yet. If there will be bigger interest, I may work on it and this is definitely a doable task.
1000% supported! I have very big non-vector maps (OruxMaps format) on extSd, which won't fit on intSd, but also don't want to take the performance hit to database operations on extSd.
I don't want to spend lifetime getting angry at Google for this change, we few people won't be able to change it. And I don't really care about the actual paths to data (I would care about inability to share this data, but I don't need that, so I'm fine). But if there's any way to make use of the data on int and ext SD at the same time, that would be a big improvement! I would probably wait with updating Locus if you now tell us, you'll tackle this... Thx for considering!
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Other features / Re: Android 11+, changes
November 27, 2021, 18:21:57
Terminology is really confusing here.  "Internal storage" vs "Internal memory" in the Set Working Directory dialog.  "Internal" vs "External" in this discussion, but both seem to be inside the phone somewhere.  Those who know that one is removable and called "SD" would be confused by an "Internal" option being /sdcard/Locus, which (I think) is in non-removable memory despite the "sdcard" name.  I think only an Android developer could understand all this.

Here's the chance to be clear and non-confusing.  And if there's no need to worry because you're on Android 10 or lower, then please say so in the UI.  Thank you.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Other features / Re: Android 11+, changes
November 27, 2021, 13:49:24
After all, users will choose between internal/external SD. The precise place is something they not necessarily need to know. Locus UI could simply offer a matrix which let's the user pick the desired place with radio buttons (so, pick int or ext sd) for vector maps, srtm, whatever else... And it should manage the file movements in a secure way.
I don't like the move towards apple, where people even don't need to be aware of files and folders. But otoh, bullshit apps, malware, messing with other apps, idk, most people have just a glimpse of clue and need to be protected 😐
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Other features / Re: Android 11+, changes
November 26, 2021, 17:54:42
Quote from: Michal on November 26, 2021, 15:05:30
To be honest, I would rather not rely on SD card with its "ability" to handle database fast random read/writing, its stability etc. Not long ago I lost all my data on an SD card due to its malfunction and the necessity of formatting.

I appreciate your twofold warning, Michal!

Question to Menion:
I saw that many apps have a /Android/data folder on external SD, BUT their working directory in fact is on internal storage.
Are you able to access BOTH of them simultaneously? E.g. SRTM and large maps on external SD, while databases and other essential objects with high performance and reliability needs are kept on the internal /Android/data storage.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
An Presets binden? Seit einiger Zeit speichern Presets ja auch die Detaileinstellungen von Themes. So mache ich das. Die eigentliche Theme-Auswahl nutze ich selten.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider