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Messages - freischneider

Hmm, a simple function is not so easy :). The app keeps internally the list of last selected maps and does not make difference between base map or overlays. Anyway agree, it makes sense to keep a list only of the base maps. I'll improve it.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Long tap on map content to toggle last two maps is nice! A little problem though: I believe when Locus restarts and maybe also when I select a new overlay map, you forget the previously used map and replace it with the overlay map. That doesn't make much sense, I never want the overlay to move into one of the toggle spots.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
I know I know. Andrew already reported this a few days ago here and I'm still unable to correctly simulate it. But I'll look at it more precisely at Monday, promise  :)

Alternative turn-off method > hmm I did no changes here. Interesting ...

"Hide" button. Agree with @freischneider, there is no space for another button. Anyway to explain: the app simply creates a list of buttons that should be placed at the bottom and only a certain number is visible, the rest is in the "three-dot" menu. So I promised a long time ago some kind of customization here > and this is ideal adept > allow to define order of these buttons.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Quote from: tapio on March 31, 2022, 17:47:08
Eg toggling from the OAM map to the Satmap shows an empty map instead. Map picker says "Adaptive - Base map".
I have a similar experience to @tapio. Here's my theory: Locus doesn't remember 2nd last map after app exit, so first long tap toggle displays blank map. It is necessary to manually select a 2nd map, then the long tap toggle will work correctly. So question becomes, should Locus now remember current & previous maps at exit & restore these settings upon execution so that long-tap map switch works across app instances?
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Switching between maps is something I do very frequently on the trail, most of the time toggling between OSM and a satellite map. I believe this is a very frequent operation in Locus, especially now that you have these gorgeous satellite maps in Gold without google hacks. Anyway, map changing has become a bit of a cumbersome multi-tap operation recently: tap on the map icon, tap on the current map name (feels a bit illogical here), find new map in the list, tap on new map name. One could probably put the quick map change function in a toolbar, but that doesn't make the tap orgy less complex really.

How about using a long tap on the map icon (currently unused) to toggle between the previously selected map and the current one? That would make things super-easy and fast if all you need is two maps, like OSM and Satellite.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Hmm, are you sure about missing submit button? It appears once all required fields are set!
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
There never were official satellite maps. If you use any maps from Google, their usage violates the terms of use of Google. These once are of course legal and paid by us. Because of this, they are part of the Gold Premium, simple.

And better? We made an analysis and in many areas around the world, Google Maps were a little better than these. Anyway not everywhere ... depends. Anyway because the Locus Map app can't legally use Google satellite maps, this is the second-best choice ;). And they will be soon available also for the web planner...
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.6.+ ( 02/2022 )
February 05, 2022, 22:18:38
what you see is intent. I do this on more places in the app > next row is visible from the half to indicate, there is more content that may be scrolled.

@freischneider, well, why not to ask here in more friendly and less official places right? ;). And answer is simple: the app is not limited by any device resolutions etc, so it should work. How much usable it will be? Hard to say. I was not creating any optimizations for foldable devices yet, so keep this in mind.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.6.+ ( 02/2022 )
February 05, 2022, 13:42:19
It's a bit nitpicking, but as much as possible space for map is important.

So, can Locus detect the required space for the collapsed bottom panel more precisely? See screenshot, it could save some more space. Also it would look more useful if only the tracks name would be visible and no half unreadable lines. Maybe you could even create a distinct, space saving ui element only for the collapsed state. With just the track name  visible in a small line (I don't like the word wrap here) and an arrow up tap zone indicating expanding...
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
LM4 hat zur Zeit alle Privilegien um so zu arbeiten wie zuvor. Z.B. Basis-Folder intern, SRTM intern, Karten externe SD, auch ohne vereinten Speicherbereich.

Und zu LMP gibt es auch eine AFA-Version auf Menions Google Drive.

Für mich überwiegen die nachteile einer vereinten externen SD, aber das muss jeder selbst bewerten.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.6.+ ( 02/2022 )
February 02, 2022, 14:20:29
I've today published a new version of the Locus Map 4 on Google Play. Today only for 25% of users, rest in next days. If anyone wants to test & play with it (or with the Locus Map Pro version), they are all already available on Google Drive!

Just for your info, why I do not communicate often as usual. Well, winter, some team planning, family require also some more time now, some illness and working on the system for one-time payments that consume most of my (not just) time. So nothing special and unusual, but just informing that app is still in progress   8)

Stay all healthy and don't be too much hidden at home like me, it does not worth it  ;)
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Are there any topics to vote/ support regards saving shaping points in GPX files. It's crazy that these valuable points are lost during export.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Nein, es ist kein Geheimnis von Menion, denn er hat den Zusammenhang noch nicht gefunden.

Deine Denkweise ist zu einfach. Ich konstruiere ein unsinniges, aber exemplarisches Beispiel:

Das Betriebssystem dunkelt den Bildschirm 10 mal schneller ab, wenn die Quersumme der ASCII-Zeichen des App-Namens der App im Vordergrund 755 ergibt.

"Was hast Du nur anders gemacht?" brüllt nun, mit Mistforken bewaffnet, das wütende Volk dem bedauernswerten Entwickler zu.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
New beta, and a nice improvement which I think is useful when you are displaying many tracks and want to highlight one.

You tap a track, it inverts as normal and the lower pane appears. Now you can tap the title of the lower pane and it minimizes to a very small size - so now you have a better view with still having the inverted track. You can move map and zoom.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Freischneider, if you have LM4 you don't need that, except maybe for the offline Geonames files.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider