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Messages - freischneider

Information / Re: Update of the forum
August 19, 2022, 15:38:51
Smooth upgrade, at least from the outside looking in.  I just had to log in again, browser auto-fills the details, a few seconds, done.

Looks good too.  :)
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Link broken?
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
The new copyright button on top right is super horrible. Is there any way to disable that pretty please? Like a "I have acknowledged the Copyright for this map, remove the button" link when you first display the message for each map?

Besides of getting in the way visually and being hit accidently (moving bicycle on bumpy roads..
not while sitting in a chair...), it WILL cause OLED burn in with its super high contrast. Other parts of Locus UI have done that as well for me and are now permanent on my current phone... and my previous phones. Which reminds me... any chance of slightly moving the whole UI around by a few pixels every now and then somehow? If you run Locus outdoors, display will always be super bright and maybe always on and burn in will occur after a while for power users. All my Samsung devices going back to at least the S8 suffer from burned in Locus UI actually. S10 does, my GFs S20 does, my current S20FE also does (after 16 months heavy Locus use).

Obviously it's Samsungs fault, not Locus. But anyway... Locus is the only App that runs at 1000 nits many hours a day, so it causes by far the most stress for your Display.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Bei mir hat die Kalorienberechnung in Locus noch nie gepasst. Vor langer Zeit hatte ich das auch mal angefragt, aber da es mir aber nicht so wichtig ist, nicht weiter verfolgt.

Es gibt unzählige Onlinerechner im Netz, die bei Eingabe von Geschlecht, Gewicht, Streckenlänge und Zeit alle mehr oder weniger ähnliche realistische Werte ermitteln.

Bei Locus hingegen bekomme ich immer viel zu geringe Werte angezeigt, meist nur um die 50 bis 70 % des realistischen Verbrauchs (beim Joggen). Egal, es gibt wichtigeres.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Quote from: Andrew Heard on July 28, 2022, 01:35:20
Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on July 27, 2022, 07:45:25
Quote from: Andrew Heard on July 27, 2022, 00:55:08
you probably find only 0.01% of users use Presets, so far bigger fish to fry; maybe there are analytics behind the scenes to justify development in certain areas

Andrew Why do you think so? I think Locus Presets needs. Without them I can not even imagine using locus.
@Žajdlík Josef - LM4 5M+ downloads, LM3 probably even more, but just a few regular beta users in this forum. I agree with you Presets are a great power-user feature but it would be interesting to see how many out of 10M+ Locus users are aware of & use this feature. I'm just trying to say with limited developer resources there are possibly more important areas to develop that would give more bang-for-your-buck for more users.

In this review of 6 best navigation apps for bicycle touring sadly IMHO Locus is not mentioned. I have experimented with all other 6 apps (long time ago) and settled on LM as the best. I would suggest every LM user who reads the review, adds a comment to promote LM and provide wider exposure.

All cyclists and tourists I know want a simple application of free do not want to think about the settings and options that Locus applications offer. I think that the Locus team knows it and does not compete directly with them. or Google have big teams of people.
I agree with Menion that the presets will have to be modified, but it takes more discussion on this topic.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Quote from: Andrew Heard on July 27, 2022, 00:55:08
you probably find only 0.01% of users use Presets, so far bigger fish to fry; maybe there are analytics behind the scenes to justify development in certain areas

Andrew Why do you think so? I think Locus Presets needs. Without them I can not even imagine using locus.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
using 4.11 as of today

I suggest to pause latest brainstorming on presets for some releases and updated features, until new calls possible, probably Menion and team save existing links, ideas and comments to some MS OneNote or alike. BR
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
right, currently regex "search" works only for points & tracks filter

hmm, the problem with Dropbox > app should refresh the required access token automatically, but when this does not happen, please try to logout and login again (top three-dot menu in toolbar), thanks

thanks for the log. I see that the app tries incorrectly read RTCM messages, so I've for now disabled some "message analysis". It should work in next version, thanks.

Because of optimizations, the compass should be disabled when the screen is off. Anyway good point, I'll look at it. In the worst case, I should at least disable rotation animation, so it should happen instantly.

--- TASKER ---

I'm also not skilled too much with tasks, so maybe it should be interesting to discuss this in a separate topic(s)? Feel free to create any ... and I've created a board for this here.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
- cannot really see a change
- do the buttons have a 1px border of different color? Looks a bit strange, some visual effect
- compass needle - this way ok to me
- blue color of lock-symbol for centering-lock is still of low contrast and super ugly
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
No one has commented on the change of Zoom button color in I like it - consistent with other buttons & better contrast, but being such a big visual change I'm hoping there isn't a user backlash & reversion to original color scheme :D
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Co jednoduchý přepínač na bod/trasa? Viz scr.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Hi guys, thanks for this discussion, all noted.  ;) We are for sure aware of benefits of making all changes in the POIs easier.  We are planning to analyse our further steps related to this topic in upcoming months as there are several possible paths for the future.

For now and in this thread, we are focusing to properly beta-test "LoMedia" attachments to LoPoints. Now mainly technical side and "intuitiveness" of the process as other updates related to user's motivation to upload their photo are on the way.  :) Feel free to use last beta of Locus Map to upload photos which will already be shown to others in public version. They already goes to final DB, so you can be one of the first to provide such media content on our platform. ;)

The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on June 22, 2022, 08:31:08
The OSM GO app is great, thanks.
But it's not a simple solution for ordinary users. If the database of points is to be useful, it must be easily edited. For example: opening hours, changing the name of the shop, etc. This is a big and difficult task for the Locus team.
Some data are bad and others are completely missing even though they are in OSM data. As an example, I mention the "orchestra" in the chateau park. It is a big historic building, but it is not in points.
Are you really suggesting that Locus users create a perfect poi dB for use in locus only? I prefer optimizing OSM because it is worldwide.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn moto g82 5G met Tapatalk

The following users thanked this post: freischneider
I was thinking about editing. Perhaps it would be enough to add a small button with a direct link to editing text via the eight or Wiki website. Depending on where the text is taken from.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Quote from: Mips on June 13, 2022, 15:44:47
Die Antworten auf die einfache Frage des Thread-Initiators,
"Wie bekomme ich die BRouter Daten am einfachsten aus Handy",
sind mittlerweile meilenweit weg vom eigentlichen Anliegen.
Du hast natürlich Recht. Das ursprüngliche Thema wurde sehr stark ausgedehnt.

Du magst es anders sehen aber ich finde, dass wir im Wesentlichen noch am Thema sind.

Am Anfang wurden 3 Methoden zum einfachen Download diskutiert. Somit war die Frage beantwortet.
Danach kamen weitere Methoden hinzu. Ich nenne es mal Bonus, weil es immer noch um den Download der Routingdaten geht. Was spricht dagegen, wenn ein beantwortetes Thema nach Abschluss noch erweitert wird ? Es gab ja keinen Diskussionfaden mehr, der zerstört werden konnte.

Neue Leser bekommen m.M.n. auch keine Probleme mit dem Diskussionsfaden.
Du magst es vielleicht anders sehen aber wenn ein Thread 2-3 Seiten hat, dann fange ich meistens bei Seite 1 an. Sonst geht schnell der Zusammenhang verloren.

Bei einem Thread mit 30-40 Seiten sieht es schon anders aus. Aber das ist hier wohl nicht zu befürchten.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider