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Messages - Andrew Heard

In the last major version it is now possible to define full style for track being recorded. That is what I was referring to but I now guess you are not referring to this feature - sorry. With Add new track & measurement I do not notice the magenta connector lines are thinner although I hardly use this method anymore now that BRouter is integrated nicely with Navigate To method.
Quote from: Bucky Kid on April 17, 2017, 21:39:34
Hello there, the new styles for planning a route I'm not too pleased with. Both straight line and computed route are too thin thus poorly visible on map. Especially the middle handle point is hardly localizable.
Could I have the old style back? Or possibility to control both styles/line weights by user preference. Thanks.
@Bucky Kid - check the new settings, lines are much improved in my experience. Can you be more specific how you are creating the track line - A) Navigate To B) Add New Route C) BRouter? I've tried to reproduce but all seems good.
Can't reproduce hardware compass jitter in 3.23.1 Pro.
Hi @menion - I've experienced this unfiltered rotation jitter in 3.22.0 Pro and 3.23.0 Pro. I will test with today & report back. I have just uploaded screen recording of 3.23.0 Pro rotation jitter from 28th March to I could not reproduce the issue just now while standing still. Maybe only occurs when auto mode switches from GPS back to hardware compass?
Quote from: menion on April 12, 2017, 07:29:19
I have really forget info about compass at into news. Therr is also a small issue in one moment of rotation, will be fixed.
@menion - I've noticed for quite a while that map rotation when in "auto" mode and speed is 0km/h is very "unfiltered" and often rotates wildly. When moving after setting speed, rotation with GPS is nice and smooth. Rotation with "GPS Status" app is also nice and smooth, so can't just be my phone. Is this "small issue" of compass rotation you refer to? I have a video I can upload to demonstrate problem if necessary.
Quote from: joeloc on April 11, 2017, 08:12:18
But never mind... there are far bigger issues with the whole view/edit separation mess. A little uppercasing really can't destroy much :).
maybe a help topic @joeloc? Microsoft Visual Studio tried All Caps font in menus a few years back, looked really ugly, and was later dropped. I do agree if I type a track name in mixed case, the window title should reflect my intention. All uppercase is ugly.
Other features / Re: New Presets feature
April 10, 2017, 22:25:12
Could all files for a theme be copied and some renamed to "create" a new theme with different settings as preset workaround?
Wow - very nice!! I have wanted more control over the line. Thanks.
@menion could the new feature #full style editor for track recording# listed in the release notes be explained please?
I have same bike/ charge system. For me it is sufficient to display battery % on dashboard. If you see this % going up slowly over time you surely know the phone is charging? I also use GSam app with custom alarm to make sound when battery % goes above threshold, eg 60%. Then I stop the charging until it goes back below 40%.
@menion - I wrote last week that 3.21 beta had issue with map rotating too fast. Now in 3.22.1 it is perfect again with no need for user setting. I didn't see mention of change in the release notes?
OK thanks @Michal. Does the icon only appear when default function panel buttons are visible?
The functions panel topic describes a "+" button
Does this button really exist? I've never seen it before.

Try it for a while before deciding. It's been in the beta for a long time now. I'm generally quick to complain if screen space is used for non-map items on a small screen. I'm always looking for ways to hide these items too. But it's very quick to dismiss & hide the button.