[APP] - version 3.21.x (21. 12. 2016+)

Started by Menion, December 21, 2016, 15:04:04

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Žajdlík Josef

Hi Menione, it would not do something like this? Amateurish attempt, I apologize.

CZ: Ahoj Menione, nešlo by to udělat nějak takto? Amatérský pokus, omlouvám se.



Quote from: menion on January 31, 2017, 17:09:11
And btw. did anyone tried to download for example OpenAndroMaps directly to Locus Map with latest version? Is it working correctly?

I have tested the download of OpenAndroMaps. It worked perfectly. The download progress was displayed on the new icon and after the termination, a message appeared in the new Notification Center.

I just do not know yet whether I like another icon on main screen.

Andrew Heard

Quote from: LocusUser#1 on February 01, 2017, 08:11:34
I just do not know yet whether I like another icon on main screen.
for me the main screen notification icon is hidden once all notifications are dismissed, so no problems GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


The new beta shows a (possibly intermittent but quite reproducible) rendering fault with dashed or dotted lines on vector map themes each time it is started. On opening the app, dashed lines have far too small spacing. Zooming in and out corrects the behaviour. The two screenshots show the effect. Note the pylon lines, though the same effect happens with any dotted or dashed line. I don't get the same effect with the non-beta version of the app.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Quote from: Andrew Heard on February 01, 2017, 01:22:18
@john_percy - a three position switch will only work with boolean setting values, eg themes & map magnification will need different mechanism, but what about suggestion that setting is initially default, and you simply decide whether to change or not?
You are quite right, of course. Which means that you have to select whether the preset will affect the value of a variable, and then if so, what the variable should be set to. The post from Žajdlík Josef shows the sort of thing.
Quote from: Andrew Heard on February 01, 2017, 01:22:18John what "provider" do a use for test of OAM maps? when I go Locus Store > By Provider > where is OpenAndroMaps?
What Menion is asking is to download directly from OpenAndroMaps website in your phone's browser and select "Install on Locus". English version: http://www.openandromaps.org/en/downloads/europe . I couldn't do it at all from Tapatalk and the browser download on my phone breaks in any case as the connection gets interrupted. However, I saw enough of what Menion has done to like the approach.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Quote from: john_percy on February 01, 2017, 10:06:16
The new beta shows a (possibly intermittent but quite reproducible) rendering fault with dashed or dotted lines on vector map themes each time it is started. On opening the app, dashed lines have far too small spacing. Zooming in and out corrects the behaviour. The two screenshots show the effect. Note the pylon lines, though the same effect happens with any dotted or dashed line. I don't get the same effect with the non-beta version of the app.

I can confirm, the same behavior here with my HiLo theme


Thank you guys, issue with dashed lines found and fixed.

@Žajdlík Josef , thank for idea. Yes, it is only possible solution in case, we will wants to have all on one screen. Instead of your "buttons", we may simply use checkboxes. Anyway discussion please with next version ... I'll try to hurry little bit next two days to finish some other tasks and this as well.

@john_percy: for you, downloading breaks during process without any reason? There should be at least some error message in this "Notification center", is it there?
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Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org

Andrew Heard

I know there is zero interest in adding even more settings to presets, but using both driving and cycling presets today I realize a useful additional setting is the navigation voice. With driving preset I use TTS but with cycling preset I use Morse. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


@john_percy: thanks for a screenshot. I'm trying to find out something more about this problem. Usually there is info about some issues on Android 4.4 and olders (not sure if this is your case). Anyway is it possible to connect your device to power supply and let Locus Map visible in foreground together with screen turned on for a whole time? If this helps .. thanks

@Andrew Heard: we will see. As first step, I just because of this made this simple poll. At first step, I should keep number of settings short, more may come later when there will be more global consensus between users ;).
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on February 02, 2017, 06:46:13
@Andrew Heard: we will see. As first step, I just because of this made this simple poll.
@menion - I've updated my previous poll answers based on preset experience. Already 0.5% vote for navigation voice! Quite long "tail" in poll results. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Žajdlík Josef

Yesterday I tried the first meet presets while driving and I must say it's a great thing. Quick change of the map theme, full screen, map rotation, activating dashboard. Great. Upon arrival, a single press of a return to the setting for hiking. Great, everything worked smoothly. I think this move Locus really a big step over the competition.

CZ: Včera jsem poprvné vyzkoušel presety při jízdě autem a musím říct, že je to skvělá věc. Rychlá změna mapového tématu, celá obrazovka, otáčení mapy, aktivace dashboardu. Paráda. Po příjezdu jediným stisknutím návrat k nastavení pro turistiku. Skvělé, vše fungovalo bez problémů. Myslím, že tohle posune Locus opravdu o velký kus oproti konkurenci.


Thanks Pepo, glad to hear it :).

I've just in night published new Beta version, where creating of presets is little bit simplified and also created some "faked" ... "active preset", just for testing if such selection will be more logical for you (users). I was also thinking about checkbox on left side, but I still have feeling in back of my head, that I later add few more useful settings here and I'm worried, that list may starts to be too long then.

One more question to all ... when you check new version, after you active preset, Locus will remember that you last clicked on certain preset and will highlight it. When you then change something, "Preset" screen offer update of last active preset. So far so good. But I can imagine, you expect click on active preset, to deactivate it. But here comes a problem in case, you meanwhile changed something. What you expect that happen after you deactivate this active preset (when something has changed meanwhile)?

Options I see:
- restore all values exactly as were defined before preset was set
- restore just values that does not changed
- do not allow restore at all, because "something has changed"
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Hi Menion, FC on both devices when trying to add a new preset. One device has three existing presets, the other had none.
Existing presets can be made active, even changed.

And some general remarks, too: if creating a preset is considered a SNAPSHOT of what setting you CURRENTLY have or select while creating or changing the preset, and activating a preset is simply imposing all associated settings on the Locus, then there is nothing like "deactivating" a preset and discussions about what to revert to simply go away.

Make it powerful and most complete (e.g. add overlays), but keep it simple. Better for your development efforts, and better for the users (you had particular concerns about those who are not gurus in Locus ...)
Just my 2c. Now back to business work ...


I agree with Michael's comments about snapshot analogy. Deactivating a preset doesn't make sense to me.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org