[APP] - version 3.21.x (21. 12. 2016+)

Started by Menion, December 21, 2016, 15:04:04

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21. 12. 2016 - Locus 3.21.0 - new version
- Blog post about major version: blog post
- Detailed list of news: list of news

26. 1. 2016 - Locus - new version
- BETA version
- news after app start

5. 1. 2016 - Locus - new version
- BETA version
- news after app start

10. 1. 2016 - Locus 3.21.1 - new version
- news after app start
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But new share screen is buggy. If I try to share coord.info link, the phone is asking how to open this... browser or locus itself.

Andrew Heard

Awesome release. Have a great Christmas and rest without thinking about Locus for a while. That new what3words system looks amazing. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


@Diddi: you share a cache with coord.info and you see Locus Map itself or an "Import cache to Locus Map", which is Geocaching4Locus application? And what exactly is a problem with it?

@Andrew Heard: thanks, glad it works mostly (except some remaining issues on 4.4 Android in 3D Skyplot > will probably have to display it for 4.x devices). Ahh rest is coming :). Nice Christmas to you too!
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote from: menion on December 22, 2016, 10:57:12
@Diddi: you share a cache with coord.info and you see Locus Map itself or an "Import cache to Locus Map", which is Geocaching4Locus application? And what exactly is a problem with it?

The problem is that I cannot forward this coord.info Link to a mail or Whatsapp contact. How to send somebody the link the a cache in new version?


Is it a bug or feature, that some of the maps from providers.xml are actively hidden since 3.21?


@Diddi: hmm understand, good point, thanks, I'll check it

@axelpix: in latest version is completely blocked access to Kompass.de servers as they do not offer any freely available access to their maps (and they are provided over Locus Map itself with cooperation of Kompass.de team) . More maps will probably come later .
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For me it works.
I think you should try this.
If you open the download link of the Freizeitkarte for Android click at the Locus symbol.


The symbols of the Freizeitkarte are very, very tiny.  :o
Regards J.


@Diddi: hmm good point with coords.info. Currently I made it that Locus Map share link as "url", so it offer open in browser or geocaching4locus. But in the end, it does not make sense. You already have this cache in Locus (because you share it from Locus), so there is no need to open web page or download cache again by this method. So improved and in next version it will be shared as "plain text" so hangout or any text messanger should appear as option to share, thanks.

Problem with greizeitkarte ... hmm "ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME" should appear also in case, you tap on "Download to Locus" button in desktop/PC web browser and not on Android device. If this happen in Android itself, what web browser you use?
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I'm using opera mini.. . Download to Locus was working fine in old version.

Andrew Heard

@menion (sorry I can't find original help topic although wasn't very long ago) you made changes so start of navigation was more reliable - yesterday I did "normal" ride, I used "Navigate To" function, but navigation never commenced, big question mark icon remained, even when I was cycling directly on-track for some time, until I tapped on Recalculate button.

start of navigation:

still guiding although direct over track for 30+ seconds:

gave up waiting so I tapped on Recalculate: GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


@Diddi: hmm opera mini is most data-friendly browser, but I'm worried it won't work correctly in this case. Please try some default stock browser for example, it should work correctly then

@Andrew Heard: Locus is not perfect :). Suggest to tap not on recalculate, but on next "nearest". This is reason why this button exists in navigation menu.
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on December 23, 2016, 08:08:57
@Andrew Heard: Locus is not perfect :). Suggest to tap not on recalculate, but on next "nearest". This is reason why this button exists in navigation menu.
@menion - sure - but you did make recent changes, so I'm just reporting that Locus is still not quite perfect. Once I begin navigation it would be good not to sometimes need another 2 taps (question>nearest) to get it properly working, especially when starting position is so close (< 100m) to the calculated route. I thought Locus should go into Guidance mode until the route is quite close then it automatically switch to Navigation mode? I figure Locus is already periodically performing background "nearest" function until navigation is operational because in one recent test the nav icon switches between question mark & turn-icon a few times until stable? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


I wasn't checking your screenshots precisely. Now seems that on second screenshot, Locus has enabled guidance to some point that is really far away. You see small blue arrows to north-east? So question to me is, why Locus Maps started navigation to such distant trackpoint. At start of navigation, Locus check all trackpoints and pick the closest. Later, due to battery/speed savings, only some around last active are checked, but in this case it looks like a problem with selecting first trackpoint.
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