[APP] - version 3.21.x (21. 12. 2016+)

Started by Menion, December 21, 2016, 15:04:04

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Andrew Heard

Quote from: michaelbechtold on January 29, 2017, 08:00:48
And it should be possible to put individual presents to the upper or right button bar, displaying the number from the position in the list of presets. Or the first three letters from the present name.
@michaelbechtold - hopefully with events automatically triggering preset changes (sometime in future) there is less need for manual intervention. I can't afford space for buttons on main screen, but have suggested allowing similar additions to the Quick Settings panel. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on January 30, 2017, 18:36:29
It would be good if you could tell the preset that is used.

Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on January 30, 2017, 18:36:29
In addition, the profile could offer saving your changes later.
Why later? Why not just automatically save when form is closed? RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Žajdlík Josef

Quote from: Andrew Heard on January 30, 2017, 23:38:29
Why later? Why not just automatically save when form is closed?

I did not mean it that way. It should be a save menu changes after using preset. For example: I set the preset wheel, but you will find that I prefer a different dashboard. So I'll change it, preset will recognize it and give me your update.

CZ: Tak jsem to nemyslel. Mělo by jít o nabídku uložení změn po použití presetu. Například: Nastavím si předvolbu pro kolo, ale časem zjistím, že mi více vyhovuje jiný dashboard. Tak si ho změním, preset to pozná a nabídne mi svou aktualizaci.


Hi guys,
ok, forget on presets, seems that concept is wrong, and I need to find out some different method how to do it.

Mainly because there is nothing like "active preset", so there is nothing to deactivate ...  :'(
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Žajdlík Josef

Hi Menione, he would not abandon the whole concept. Instead of "active preset" could be used the term "last used". It would be enough then if the show preset menu to check whether the selection of the preset set match and offer a saving.
  But I agree with Andrew Heard, that it would be easier to just do one side options, and each option can have a switch with three options yes / not change / no. Certainly it would be clearer.

CZ: Ahoj Menione, nemusel by se celý koncept opustit. Místo "aktivní preset" by se dal použít výraz "naposledy použitý". Stačilo by pak v případě zobrazení menu preset zkontrolovat, zda volby použitého presetu odpovídají nastaveným a nabídnout uložení změn.
Souhlasím ale s Andrew Heard, že by bylo přehlednější udělat jen jednu stranu voleb a u každé volby mít přepínač se třemi možnostmi: ano/neměnit/no. Rozhodně by to bylo přehlednější.


Quote from: menion on January 31, 2017, 06:48:12
Hi guys,
ok, forget on presets, seems that concept is wrong, and I need to find out some different method how to do it.

Mainly because there is nothing like "active preset", so there is nothing to deactivate ...  :'(
You lost the battle not the war.
What about to create a predefined preset like "your default" which copies all actual settings before the creation of any user profile. So the user can go back easily.
You can, only for this special profile, create a button with an update function when the user basic settings change.

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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on January 31, 2017, 06:48:12
ok, forget on presets, seems that concept is wrong, and I need to find out some different method how to do it.
Mainly because there is nothing like "active preset", so there is nothing to deactivate ...  :'(
@menion - probably just "lost in language translation" but I think the concept is excellent. Given the constructive debate it's clear core forum users as passionate about the feature, and implementation. But the way it stands, I think an average user would be somewhat confused on operation, and decide to avoid use, or require lots of documentation to understand, or lots of ongoing support questions. Don't give up on the presets concept. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: Andrew Heard on January 30, 2017, 23:34:28
Quote from: michaelbechtold on January 29, 2017, 08:00:48
And it should be possible to put individual presents to the upper or right button bar, displaying the number from the position in the list of presets. Or the first three letters from the present name.
@michaelbechtold - hopefully with events automatically triggering preset changes (sometime in future) there is less need for manual intervention. I can't afford space for buttons on main screen, but have suggested allowing similar additions to the Quick Settings panel.

There are a number of functions that can appear in the Quick Settings, and in addition in the upper & right button bars. E.g., currently I have put the preset function on a button in the upper bar. By giving those options (and I agree Presets should be on both, but I would like INDIVIDUAL Presets, not only the Preset manager being available for such), nobody is forced to clutter map space. And the buttons, as well as the Quick Settings simply represent the choices of relevance to the particular user.


Yes, Andrew, 100% agree !

"Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater", "Schütte das Kind nicht mit dem Bade aus", are the English and German proverbs. And I trust there is a Czech equivalent, Menion :-)

Presets are the only sensible way to control the pain of the massive set of parameters that Locus thankfully has.

I'm thinking of concepts people may be used to from other gadget experiences. Cameras come to my mind first of all.
I am used to this scheme, which is trivial to understand: to play with ANY setting until you are satisfied, then simply assign that to one of the presets available (1 .. 3 in my current camera)

Obviously Locus is not a camera, so a few tweaks do help:
1) allow meaningful names instead of numbers: check, already there, easy to understand for everybody
2) leave/ignore switch for each preset (if the "snapshot" at the moment of Preset definition includes the current value or not is irrlevant (whatever is easier to imnplement), key is that when chosing/activating a Preset later, the particular value is NOT changed: there in principle, again easy to understand for everybody

In summary: where is the problem ?



Good evening guys,
thanks for a valuable feedback.

As I read my previous post, I think I wrote it with too sad mood. Don't understand me wrong .. I was not giving up of this idea, I was not throwing it away. I just wanted to say, that version which you have in your hands, is still too complicated and needs improvements. Petr is still pushing on me to throw away this "Preset" tool together with 75% of settings in Locus Map and your posts, where was feeling confusion how it works, only played to his cards. So I need to make it better :).

I think I have enough feedback for now, so please wait for next version, it will be a little better I believe.

And btw. did anyone tried to download for example OpenAndroMaps directly to Locus Map with latest version? Is it working correctly? Similar system (same "Notification center") is also used for download HGT files from Locus Store and in next version also to downloading maps from Locus Store, so I hope it will be a lot more usable for you, then previous dialog that blocked using Locus Map till all was downloaded.
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on January 31, 2017, 17:09:11
Petr is still pushing on me to throw away this "Preset" tool together with 75% of settings
@menion - in my three testing presets (cycling/ driving/ default) there is only ONE setting I don't currently use - Dynamic elevation. Every other setting is useful and changes between those presets, so when final implementation is available, it will be a great time saver for me.

I could suggest adding other settings rather than throwing away settings, but now is not the time.

Other thoughts on presets - when editing an existing preset have menu/ function to load current/ global settings into the preset; "restore defaults". And another thought on tri-state settings (on/ off/ no change) I have already mentioned, if a newly created preset is initialized with global setting values or "restore defaults", then this 3rd state (no change) becomes unnecessary - remove/ simplify. And no need for selection of which settings you want in your preset, just include them all.

Quote from: menion on January 31, 2017, 17:09:11
did anyone tried to download for example OpenAndroMaps directly to Locus Map with latest version?
when I go Locus Store > By Provider > where is OpenAndroMaps for testing? RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Understand, thanks. What about dashboard, you always wants to setup dashboard? In case, I'll add few more preferences, situation may start to be more complicated ... if all included is best idea. Three state switch is not possible, at least no such component exists in Android and write own, eh, no :). So it's about all without option to choose or with option to choose like now.

Anyway maybe we should start with "all included" solution and we will see, good idea.

And OpenAndromaps ... I was talking about page http://www.openandromaps.org/downloads/europa and special button "Install on Locus" that is available under every map. If you do not use OAM , don't waste a time with it. It is more question on people who use them and also download maps with this method.
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If not three position switch, then how about check box for "include" and two position switch for the setting (greyed out if box not checked).
As for downloading from OAM, what you have done looks like a good idea but I have never succeeded in downloading from OAM direct to Locus -- for me, the download always breaks.
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: john_percy on February 01, 2017, 00:22:36
If not three position switch, then how about check box for "include" and two position switch for the setting (greyed out if box not checked).
@john_percy - a three position switch will only work with boolean setting values, eg themes & map magnification will need different mechanism, but what about suggestion that setting is initially default, and you simply decide whether to change or not?

Quote from: john_percy on February 01, 2017, 00:22:36
As for downloading from OAM
John what "provider" do a use for test of OAM maps? when I go Locus Store > By Provider > where is OpenAndroMaps? RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on January 31, 2017, 23:08:18
Understand, thanks. What about dashboard, you always wants to setup dashboard?
@menion - absolutely - my uses: cycling preset:extensive dashboard, driving & default presets:no dashboard RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a