[APP] - version 3.21.x (21. 12. 2016+)

Started by Menion, December 21, 2016, 15:04:04

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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on February 03, 2017, 10:38:59
when you change preset, then "center" map is probably enabled. It should simulate tap on bottom left "center button" on map screen. It probably work exactly same, right?
@menion - ahh - I see, and I therefore think there is a bug, or at least improvement can be made - I don't have a valid GPS position, phone has been inside for days, so when I tap "center button" valid message is displayed "unable to obtain valid location" and position is not changed...but when I activate preset with "center button" enabled, the map position is still moved to old/ invalid position.

> it probably don't work as expected only when GPS is turned off right?
exactly - difference in behavior (as explained above) phone locked up after making changes to preset then selecting preset bug: tap + to add new Preset > tap Cancel > keyboard remains on screen RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


how can i close locus without hideing a dashboard which is visible by a active preset?
i activate a preset and  dashboard is visble :)
after my tour i want to close locus, so normaly i click back button two times. But now after the first click dashboard disapeares  :-[ and i click back button twice  to close locus.
On next start of locus last active preset is furthermore active but without visible dashboard. I understand, locus open "last state"

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Žajdlík Josef

Experience of practical use for day hiking in
Functionality on my phone without problems, and create preset switching seamlessly.
When using different presets I ran into a small problem. Example: The first time I created several presets for hiking, ski and bike. The "recalculate the route," but I do not need it because even for one do not use, so I had they not been activated. For several days I created a preset "auto" and it has set a "route recalculation" priority route. Preset I tried, and then switch back to the preset "tourism". But the preset to "tourism" has been active route recalculation, and it remained settings from "auto". Navigation is therefore behaved somewhat unexpectedly. The higher amount of presets could this could happen, because nobody will remember what those older activated. The solution offers two. Either create a "basic preset" all options are active in some form of universal and apply the first and only after expre other changes in any preset, be sure to activate all functions. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.

CZ: Zkušenosti z praktického použití na celodenní turistice V
Funkčnost na mém telefonu bez problémů, přepínání i vytváření preset bez problémů.
Při používání různých presetů jsem narazil na drobnou potíž. Příklad: Napoprvé jsem vytvořil několik presetů pro turistiku, lyže a kolo. Funkci "přepočet trasy" ale nepotřebuji protože ji ani u jednoho nepoužívám, proto jsem ji u nich neaktivoval. Za několik dnů jsem vytvořil preset "auto" a v něm nastavil "přepočet trasy" s prioritou na trasu. Preset jsem vyzkoušel a pak se přepnul zpět do presetu "turistika". Jenže v presetu na "turistika" nebyl přepočet trasy aktivní a tak tam zůstalo nastavení z profilu "auto". Navigace se tudíž chovala poněkud nečekaně. Při větším množství presetů by se tohle mohlo stávat, protože si nikdo nebude pamatovat co v těch starších aktivoval. Řešení se nabízí dvě. Buď si vytvořit "základní preset" se všemi volbami aktivními v nějaké univerzální podobě, aplikovat napřed ten a teprve po něm jiný se změnami třeba pro turistiku, nebo v každém presetu pro jistotu aktivovat všechny funkce. Každá varianta má své výhody i nevýhody.

Andrew Heard

Quote from: balloni55 on February 04, 2017, 13:46:12
how can i close locus without hideing a dashboard which is visible by a active preset?
i activate a preset and  dashboard is visble :)
after my tour i want to close locus, so normaly i click back button two times. But now after the first click dashboard disapeares  :-[ and i click back button twice  to close locus.
On next start of locus last active preset is furthermore active but without visible dashboard. I understand, locus open "last state"
@balloni55 - I just checked my all is OK: only click back button two times to exit, still dashboard visible on 1st back button, then on restart dashboard state restored (visible or not). Selected each of 3 presets, restarted Locus, each preset correctly restored.

@menion - appears preset settings are not backed up, or not restored? RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on February 04, 2017, 18:01:14
Experience of practical use for day hiking in
Functionality on my phone without problems, and create preset switching seamlessly.
When using different presets I ran into a small problem. Example: The first time I created several presets for hiking, ski and bike. The "recalculate the route," but I do not need it because even for one do not use, so I had they not been activated. For several days I created a preset "auto" and it has set a "route recalculation" priority route. Preset I tried, and then switch back to the preset "tourism". But the preset to "tourism" has been active route recalculation, and it remained settings from "auto". Navigation is therefore behaved somewhat unexpectedly. The higher amount of presets could this could happen, because nobody will remember what those older activated. The solution offers two. Either create a "basic preset" all options are active in some form of universal and apply the first and only after expre other changes in any preset, be sure to activate all functions. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.
@Žajdlík Josef - I now just include every setting in every present. I think it avoids your experience. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

I have just been reading about Presets in the Garmin eTrex 10/20/30 user manual static.garmincdn.com/pumac/eTrex_10-20-30_OM_EN.pdf - page 29. Garmin calls Presets Profiles!


  • Preset > Add - adds new preset using existing settings
  • Preset > T:Edit meta - call this "Rename"
  • Preset > Delete - no change
  • Preset > T:Edit content - no longer needed (see next point)
  • The exact list of settings is not visible to the user. No long/ complex screens of settings  - would make Petr happy and considerably reduce programming/ translations.
  • There is zero or one active preset. As settings are changed they are automatically saved to this active preset.
  • I think it would therefore be useful to again display "active" or preset name in red, for the active preset.
  • This model has radically simpler interface but I think offers same functionality, and faster/ more efficient to use. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


@balloni55: every dashboard has it's own settings that say, if dashboard should be closed by "back" button or not. You use probably dashboard that has this enabled (close by back button) and Andrew opposite.

@Andrew Heard: yep, presets are not added to backup. And thanks for tips from garmin world ... I'll look at it.

- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote from: Andrew Heard on February 05, 2017, 03:21:13
I have just been reading about Presets in the Garmin eTrex 10/20/30 user manual static.garmincdn.com/pumac/eTrex_10-20-30_OM_EN.pdf - page 29. Garmin calls Presets Profiles!


  • Preset > Add - adds new preset using existing settings
  • Preset > T:Edit meta - call this "Rename"
  • Preset > Delete - no change
  • Preset > T:Edit content - no longer needed (see next point)
  • The exact list of settings is not visible to the user. No long/ complex screens of settings  - would make Petr happy and considerably reduce programming/ translations.
  • There is zero or one active preset. As settings are changed they are automatically saved to this active preset.
  • I think it would therefore be useful to again display "active" or preset name in red, for the active preset.
  • This model has radically simpler interface but I think offers same functionality, and faster/ more efficient to use.
So Garmin take a copy of current state of settings and gives it a preset name, good idea. Simple to create basic state to go back and to copy the settings of every special use.

Inviato dal mio SM-G800F utilizzando Tapatalk

Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


Quote from: menion on February 05, 2017, 08:55:25
@Andrew Heard: yep, presets are not added to backup. And thanks for tips from garmin world ... I'll look at it.

@Menion: but they should, obviously ! Once the broader user community gets used to the new feature, they invest thought and time, so it is worth preserving in the backup set ...


Michael, sure it should. But not when they are not yet ready. Why should I backup something, that is not yet ready for massive usage. Later, no worry.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


QuoteYou use probably dashboard that has this enabled (close by back button) and Andrew opposite.
exactly, sorry my fault :P
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Žajdlík Josef

Today discovered two flaws. The presets can not activate the option "dynamic heights." Although I tick, so will not appear in the panel off / on. The second bug is covering three dots to edit the item at the lowest preset - see scr. It's not her then edit.

CZ: Dnes objeveny dvě chybičky. V presetech nejde aktivovat volba "dynamické výšky". I když ji zatrhnu, tak se neobjeví v panelu off/on. Druhá chybka je v zakrývání tří teček k editaci u nejnižší položky presetu - viz scr. Nejde ji pak editovat.



@balloni55: no problem :)

@Žajdlík Josef : thanks both issues fixed. I've removed "Dynamic elevations" from possible options, but remained in list. I've also prepared probably final version of "Presets", for now.

System used in Garmin is nice, but is not technically and practically possible to use complete! save/restore of all settings in Locus Map. Some of you use this already over backup manager, but it always needs a restart, so not the best solution.

So for now, let's start with list of options, that cannot be modified.
Content: fullscreen, shift map center, map resolution, map autozoom, auto-recalculate, map centering, map rotation, vector themes and dashboard.

When there will be need for another settings, we may discuss if list has still usable size or if we need introduce "advanced edit mode", that allows edit content of presets.

- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


"Share with" Locus Maps from apps such as Google maps or GPSies seems just to share the title of a point or track with the search dialogue in Locus rather than pass on the actual point or track, which would be much more useful. I've not done an exhaustive trial but these two apps are indicative.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Quote from: menion on February 06, 2017, 15:49:37
@balloni55: no problem :)

@Žajdlík Josef : thanks both issues fixed. I've removed "Dynamic elevations" from possible options, but remained in list. I've also prepared probably final version of "Presets", for now.

System used in Garmin is nice, but is not technically and practically possible to use complete! save/restore of all settings in Locus Map. Some of you use this already over backup manager, but it always needs a restart, so not the best solution.

So for now, let's start with list of options, that cannot be modified.
Content: fullscreen, shift map center, map resolution, map autozoom, auto-recalculate, map centering, map rotation, vector themes and dashboard.

When there will be need for another settings, we may discuss if list has still usable size or if we need introduce "advanced edit mode", that allows edit content of presets.

But you can use the Garmin method only for the settings you put in your preset.
You can write this settings in a different colour in the menu we are used to find them, then you save their state in a preset, change them and save for another preset, in this way it's easy also to store basic profile and you have not to replicate all settings for each profile and every setting is always at its place.

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