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Messages - Tapio

Quote from: Andrew Heard on March 08, 2023, 20:46:43I know very unlikely but a 3D map view would be awesome
a can of worms. SCNR.

Have you tried 3D apps for terrain on a smartphone already? I did, after all wasn't fun to use. I doubt it's worth putting it into Locus.

Andrew raises a good point, being able to better judge the terrains elevation could be improved. The simple grey hill shading isn't helpful enough.

Currently the best way IMO is using colored elevation.


a) This is too hidden in Locus
b) People won't have the necessary cpt files for data/interpolators. Too complicated.
c) It is in need of a better overlay algorithm. We discussed it. See screenshot.

Really useful for planning. I've attached files for 300-900m elevation, if anyone is interested.

I think, Locus could do much more here. The information that is in the cpt files is easy, can be algorithmically generated. It could all be done by Locus internally on the fly, so that on UI side it just offers an easy way to set the currently needed elevation. Like with a slider.
Or what if Locus had a quick toggle for 2-finger pinching? In one mode, zoom map, in the other mode, change base elevation in the colored elevation... Just ideas. Maybe I'm a bit optimistic, but if colored elevation is made easy and well promoted it could be a killer feature and all of you @ Asamm millionaires. Almost.
The following users thanked this post: michaelbechtold
Quote from: Menion on March 08, 2023, 13:38:21Anything else serious?
The Lopoints system of temporary points. Awkward handling, allow predefine sets of categories etc.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
@Andrew, I guess Menion messed something up last time. Yes we discussed it, Menion added stuff I suggested (brouter profiles) to the full backup, but accidentally? removed from the config only backup.
How check? Look into the backup zip in <see path in screenshot, Android 10>. Screenshot: data folder inside of zip.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, freischneider
Quote from: Borger83 on March 04, 2023, 15:59:09Okay, also mehrere Kategorien funktioniert nicht. :-)
Doch, Du fügst aus einer Kategorie hinzu, bist dann ja aus dem Dialog raus, dann gehst Du wieder rein, usw.
The following users thanked this post: Borger83
@Menion - Presets aren't part of the "config only" backup - I was shocked and surprised! They absolutely should be in. The config backup is pretty bare-bones. IMO also Brouter profiles should be in. And dashboards. And interpolators.

It's all settings, it's all result of our time investment, it's all small. I think it already was in.
The following users thanked this post: luce
Sorry, habe nicht soviel Zeit. Nein, nicht nur Einstellungen, sondern das Preset-System. Damit kann man eine beliebige Anzahl an Einstellungen mit einem Klick treffen. Also, halte Ausschau nach der Doku zu Presets. EDIT:
Insgesamt würde ich dazu raten, umfangreiche Presets für umfassendere Situationen zu erstellen ("Planung", "Wandern", "MTB"...)

Zur Inspiration ein paar Screenshots.

Das Anwenden von Presets kann dann auch via Tasker geschehen, womit vieles möglich wird (automatisieren, vom Homescreen aus steuern etc.). Nur falls Du Tasker kennst.
The following users thanked this post: kodela
Solved  :D
In my relevant presets I had "Always screen on=Disabled"
The following users thanked this post: Menion
The following users thanked this post: kodela
I noticed the online/offline Lopoints are really small. If things are too small, maybe the elderly amongst us forgot their glasses, we can use Zoom Lock.

Shouldn't the Lopoint vector overlays scale according to the zoom lock? In my screenshot, the zoomlock zoom is at 300%.

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The following users thanked this post: lor74cas
Other features / Re: LoMaps + MapsForge V4
March 01, 2023, 15:29:57
I have general questions:

a) Any difference to the available OAM Mapsforge V5 maps?
b) When will they be in the store?
c) Are they still exclusively used for e. g. retrieving the city name (for track naming)?

I noticed having more *.db of the same area (one is from asamm, the other from OAM) is not ideal. When I display Lopints Offline via the "Map-screen content" it displays many points twice because of the two databases.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Troubles & Questions / Pay LM4 with LoCoins
February 27, 2023, 09:07:29

by the end of March I will need a new subscription and my LoCoins stack up. I know "Payment via Locoins" has been worked on, but I do not find anything related in the software. So, will it be possible? How?

The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Troubles & Questions / Re: Sort results
February 13, 2023, 15:44:12
May I remind you guys kindly about OPs question? 😁

"Is it possible to sort search results of tracks by length and not by distance?"

I think it would be great if we could sort search results, by everything that makes sense. (Length of track, Name, Creation time, Distance from map center etc etc)

I was a bit unclear. Results of course were sorted, but user cannot apply another kind of sorting.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, freischneider
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.14.+ ( 1/2023 )
February 12, 2023, 13:16:57
I've read criticism about Locus not supporting rotating text on the map for better readability. Probably a bigger thing, something that has implications on performance. @Menion, are you planning to work on this? I'd love if it would rotate text 180 (unnoticeable) - if necessary. Screenshot.
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The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, freischneider
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.14.+ ( 1/2023 )
February 05, 2023, 13:16:19
New beta, great. Map source in presets, bottom panel working again, thank you.
The following users thanked this post: Menion
Thanks for your dedication. As for bulk unzipping directly on Android, bulk unzipping to same folder worked for me with ZArchiver.
And for bulk downloading with GDrive app one has to go to the real files ("Speicherort anzeigen" - initially there's a list of shortcuts only as for Germany 1").
So, it was a bit tricky.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider