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Messages - Tapio

Quote from: tapio on July 03, 2022, 10:07:47
Dashboards in presets broken for me as well.
Still broken in recent beta. Presets only turn dashboards on or off. But they don't change which one is used.
The following users thanked this post: Žajdlík Josef
Genau, Locus arbeitet zur Laufzeit mit einer Datenbank, die wird auch beim Backup gesichert. Ob man dann manuell oder automatisiert noch zusätzlich irgendwelche Zielformate wie GPX erzeugt, ist eine individuelle Sache.
The following users thanked this post: kodela
@JackRussel, I was referring to <screenshot>, the action is called "Custom Setting", maybe there is something useful for analysis.
The following users thanked this post: JackRussel
Quote from: Menion on June 23, 2022, 21:59:11It is possible. I did some performance optimizations where this may be a side effect. If you find any steps to simulate it, it should helps a lot, thanks!
Seems like it may have been related to something else: I changed the line width of tracks on a folder basis, folder has 120 tracks which are visible. Locus applys it instantly, but displaying, zooming, dragging, map rendering stays very stuttering until I go to track manager, hide all, go to map view, go back in track manager, show all from folder again. Then it runs smooth again.
The following users thanked this post: michaelbechtold
I searched for it for a few minutes. Didn't find. So my question would be: WHERE IS IT? I don't even know what to look for. Eg., I display geotagged photos, but there's no functionality to upload them.

EDIT: Aha I see now - Tap an online LoPoint and extend it with a photo.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
As for terminology, what Viajero says, same preference by me. Imo the track editor isn't just fine-tuning. Fine-tune to my ears sounds less like a serious tool but more like "fiddling around", but I'm not a native EN speaker.

Btw any plans to allow undo/cancel save in track fine tune editor 😉? Changes there are instantly applied.

Screenshot and GPX attached. In the GPX, every TP has "<ele>10.00</ele>" - which Locus seems to misinterpret. I think not so serious, totally flat tracks are rather rare.
The following users thanked this post: Viajero Perdido
I always thought - what do you think - it's hard to spot what's an upper level, what is collapsed, what's expanded?
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, lor74cas, freischneider
Quote from: Andrew Heard on April 29, 2022, 01:26:46
Totally agree converting/ promoting an ordinary track point to a Shaping or Via point is unnecessarily tedious at present. It's a very common use case. But we've had this discussion before right ;-(
Did we? Probably without Menion, because I feel he'd instantly agree 😁
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Route Planner. I think the most common thing is inserting shaping points somewhere into a track- and this is a bit too hidden. First we have to go to the three dot submenu, pick "Trackpoint XY", then convert it.

I understand there's the same logic here as on tracks. You toggle between track segment and trackpoint.

The toggling to trackpoint should be bettom left, just like in normal track window. See screenshot - there could be a button "Trackpoint XY". That's my idea. Would follow the same logic as the track window.

Not following the logic, but ultra super mega convenient would be, if all three trackpoint commands ("Change to") were already visible in the orange screenshot area. Because why not - after toggling, the trackpoint screen additionally includes only Help and Streetview. Both are also available in the "Route segment" view. So you could unify and simplify it.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, freischneider
Quotechg: improved system of generating shaping points for recorded/imported tracks loaded to route planner

What's the use case of this, how can this be useful? Just curious... I'd never try route planner on a recorded track. So now I did and it created shaping point #1 somewhere in the middle and some other shaping points somewhere.
So if Locus could algorithmically recreate a route from a recorded track (like BRouter web can do in "Load track as route"), that would make sense... but I don't see that on the horizon.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Works now. Bug with increasing its size per tap. Last step makes it fullscreen just for a moment, then window disappears.
The following users thanked this post: balloni55
Maybe because you aren't used to? He uses the bold text system already IIRC in the recording presets and audio trainers. Also systems where there's just one item active.
Hmm but I can see, it's a rather unusual ui. Maybe a "Use" entry in the "..." menu helps so people find something in any case.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Quote from: Menion on March 31, 2022, 08:27:04
"Dashboard manager" screen is the ideal solution, but I'm open to improvements of course.
I start dashboard manager from main menu only. No button in toolbar.

Case1: A dashboard was active. Then this dashboard will just be disabled. Manager does not appear.
Case2: No dashboard was active. Manager appears.

This is unexpected UI behaviour. Not good. Atm the command is 50% a toggle, 50% a call for dashboard manager.

I would prefer, if case1 was extended: disable dashboard and call manager.

Just like the GPS manager/gps on/off, the toggling of dashboard should be behind longtap. That would be consistent ui imo.

You may also make the  dashboard entries toggles (bold text if enabled). With maybe the manager not closing when tapping a dashboard entry.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Maybe what I wrote is useless, because I do not make us of 'action_after: "[audio,photo,video]"'
The following users thanked this post: lor74cas
Quote from: Menion on March 28, 2022, 08:57:04
Basic "add_wpt" with "auto_save" parameter does not work? Hmm, I see no problem in the code, so should I check it more precisely?

Audio recording automatically stopped after a few secs: heh interesting idea. It is technically doable, but it needs a little bit bigger modification in my code. Well ...

No, autosaving works, I use it always. All options work. Will post a task.


Have a look Lorcas, line 38. It's part of my auto recording logic. Package name ( is in a var here.

EDIT2: AH you need to auto save wp, not track. Also works. Here's the relevant command:

Here you can see I make use of the new "Description" property of add_wp.

I have no experience with audio/photo wp, I'd probably use a standard wp and do the media part outside of Locus.
The following users thanked this post: Menion