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Messages - Menion

Implemented / Re: Show POI Name On Hover
February 08, 2011, 08:36:20
hmm next improvement in next release (0.9.15), what you think? ...

(will be on market during day)
Troubles & Questions / Re: Deleting Points
February 08, 2011, 08:35:35
What a shame ... added of course. Thanks :)
  is this doing only locus to you or all track recording softwares? Locus normally do not stop track record when screen go off. Seems like problem in your custom HD2 rom ...

I have to check today out, to be sure!
  pause button isn't problem, but i still don't know how to work with track time. Same problem when I add function to continue with recording on already recorded track. I have to find any solution but pause button will be added, I promise :)
Hi sebyz,
  I hope that phone restart is not due to Locus :). Anyway, why that restart?

you download map as "Separate mode" or shared? If as separate and you have map in Locus/maps directory, it have to be there. Is here any possibility to send me this map file through rapidshare, dropbox or something like this?
Implemented / Re: Edit waypoints
February 06, 2011, 11:07:04
orpaveno, snad. bude v další verzi! nemůžu najít wpt na kterém bych to zkusil zda to funguje, tak až vyjde nová verze tak mi dej vědět zda je vše OK, dík
Hi Laitad,
  simple solution! Locus is for a period of time not able to run on Android 1.5! For your phone is available update for never system, isn't it? You need at least 1.6! Try to find something about it.
Troubles & Questions / Re: Deleting Points
February 05, 2011, 21:11:49
ah, you're right. I always forgot to add this question on delete item. Thanks, I'm adding it right now ...
Implemented / Re: Feedback for tracks on
February 05, 2011, 21:10:40
Hi TIm,
  did you tried latest version on market? Seems that is really very very old one :) In new, when you click on one of points of route, you'll see popup with informations as you need (btw. I'm just working on some graphics improvements of info screen) ...
Wishlist / Re: Icons for tasks and zones
February 05, 2011, 10:36:42
I'm not sure if this is problem on OpenWIG, but probrably it's on WhereYouGo side. May you send me link to any cartridge that surely contain icons on places you talk about? I'll try to do something with this ...
Troubles & Questions / Re: Import same file twice
February 05, 2011, 10:30:36
  try latest version. import is improved now.

about refreshing. I don't think that this is usable too much and it should also bring some list handling complications.
Implemented / Re: zobrazeni uslych kilometru
February 05, 2011, 10:29:10
  tyhle základní informace by měly být vidět v notifikační liště!

ale nějaká základní obrazovka s informacemi by možná časem neškodila, pravda ...
hehe dobrý :D díky ...
Troubles & Questions / Re: Co znamena zoom?
February 04, 2011, 09:52:10
  no tohle číslování co říkáš je sice správné ale korektnější je když si všechna čísla zvětšíš o 8, tzn zoom 0 je u mě 8 atd. Je to sice pravda že je jedna kachlička tzn 1 x 1 ale rozměr je 256 x 256 tedy 2^8 x 2^8 ;)

  jinak ty čísla jsou stejně jen informativní protože prioritní je mapka vedle která ti ukazuje co a jak ...
grr, I did some variable name refractoring and eclipse switched all lat and lon as well as in text!!

sorry for that, hope that this is last problem with import/export!
