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Messages - Menion

Implemented / Re: Show POI Name On Hover
February 03, 2011, 14:10:32
very nice idea, implemented into actual market version 0.9.11! Thanks
  what are you doing for this behavior? Are you using external guiding screen? May you describe exact way to simulate this problem? Thanks ...
Oh, wtf, this is my problem ... my mistake of course! Fix as soon as possible! Thanks ... :)
I  know I know, few peaople already wrote me. It's bug in android on some platforms ... grr ...i'm working on it ...
Hmm spojení je trošku komplikovanější. Jsou to SQL databáze takže je potřeba nějaký soft co ti je spojí. Doporučuji do té větší dostáhnout znovu tu menší tím, že po výberu oblasti zvolíš typ mapy "Externí" a vybeřeš už tu jednu stáhnutou.

Vyzkoušej a dej vědět!

Jinak s češtinou není problém. Pokud nějaký roblém bude, klidně si otevři nové vlákno s dotazem, tak moc to tu neřeším ... zatím!
Troubles & Questions / Re: Záznam trasy
February 02, 2011, 10:55:16
můžeš mi zede jeden takový záznam vyexportovaný z locusu a i z jiného softu poslat ať vidím co tam kde je a není?

Díky, čím dříve tím lépe, ještě s tím kdyžtak něco udělám dnes a podvečer vydáme ...
Hmm, all my dreams come true ... My Maps now not work anymore ... achich ...
seems that My Maps still works ... so what's the difference? I thought that API should be completely disabled but seems that not ... maybe good news? :)
Information / Re: [POLL] - what to do in 2011!
February 01, 2011, 06:15:51
  seems that big part from this poll is already completed. Now, what is missing from this small plan:

directions (only online thanks to OSM!)
 - this is in plan, but OSM service return just array of points. Best is tu use direct link to Google Navigation

navigation along route (not voice, just azimuth and distance along points)
 - actually works but isn't best! I'll improve it ...

online POI searching (any world database suggestion?)

 - don't know about any online POI database

support for WMS
 - this absolutely have to be done. This is mainly mapping application!

stay tuned!
  very interesting that you're blocked to install non-market apps ...

about centering to My Maps data. This data are very complex ... OK it's no excuse! You're right, Map button is missing on My Maps. I'll look at it ...
Hi guys,
  version is on market. I hope all main problems are fixed. Feedback is welcome as usual ;)

  about tracks, it's on a longer discussion. Maybe we should open new topic ("Tracks handling"?) and discuss this a little. My quick opinion is that I don't want to do any categories like for points. Now you can set type of track (in track edit screen) and then filter this type. It's just one solution and I'm still open to another :)
Implemented / Re: Get coordinates from adress
January 31, 2011, 12:11:17
finally added in new version (0.9.7). You can now edit point coordinates on edit screen is same way, as you create new point (choose from various sources) ...
so finally, checkbox on every category is added into new version 0.9.8
I completely understand ...

but as I said before, I'll do more tweaks for tracks handling later ...

about improting from GPSies, I tried now one KML file and this works fine. KML import one point (at start) and track. Point containt some informations also.
Implemented / Re: New map data - Switzerland Map+
January 31, 2011, 09:10:57
hmm nice maps but seems to be little harder to add to Locus. I added it into my personal TODO list and I'll try it later ...