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Messages - Menion

An update on Google Play has been confirmed and is available as a regular update, so update it  :).

And sorry ... as someone wrote to me on support: "Shit happens". Similar problems already happened over the last years, but I was usually able to fix it at night and an hour or two later was fixed version was available for download over Google Play, so not a big global problem. Now it took more than 24 hours till the fixed version was available and this was a problem!
sorry for this. Interesting is, that this method is in the app already for a few years. After a recent update, seems that the Kotlin compiler took the method from Android SDK and not the extension method I used before ... and here we are. No compile problem, but crashes at the start on devices with Android 14-.

Anyway more about it here: . I'm already desperately waiting on Google, till someone wakes up there and confirms the publishing of a fixed version  :'( .
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.26.+ ( 9/2024 )
October 11, 2024, 23:59:36
yes, missing cliffs, one-way symbols, and some others are new - a side effect of text rotation. This will be fixed in the next version.

@Andrew Heard
I'll have to rename the first search option to something different as it stops being "only" online search. Definitely not a dummy question ... check the screenshot, please. You may see our attempt to integrate multiple search systems into one.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.26.+ ( 9/2024 )
October 11, 2024, 13:27:10
- missing clifs and some other line symbols > it is starting to be complicated. Anyway will be fixed, thanks.
- problem with dy offset > it is important to me, if this started to happen now with the latest version or not. Do you know?

@Andrew Heard
- impossible to do, sorry. Both lists are based on completely different technology and it is now hard to merge them. Anyway, have you tried the online base search (in latest app version) and here write "backup"? :)
Offline map is in big preparation and will be for sure available in the first half of the next year.
Hello Manuel,
thanks for the video. I'm little confused from it. So few notes:

- in the first part, you have disabled LoPoints, so no active items are on the map. When you long click anywhere on the map, no matter if there is any LoPoint/point etc, the app creates a temporary point and sets its address. But it does not mean, it knows it is a valid place with something interesting.

- then you enabled LoPoints and saw them correctly on the map (suggest only online LoPoints for now if you have internet). But you still used long-click? Just quickly tap on the point and you should get the bottom panel with its correct name and icon! Then add it to the route with one of the bottom three buttons.

Does it help?
may you please describe your question in detail? Btw. are we talking about the Android Locus Map app?  :)
thanks for the logs. Unfortunately, inside, it is clearly visible that app has two problems.

One is the error "SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException: database disk image is malformed (code 11 SQLITE_CORRUPT)". This may be related to the database of points and tracks. Common solution is restoring your databases from backup (app settings >  Filesystem > Backup manager) if you are able to open this function or manually over a device connected to the PC.

The second problem is more complicated and unsolvable for me. It crashes in the core of the Android, probably because of drawing something on the map, but it seems to be more a problem in the device system than Locus Map.

You wrote, that it worked before. If you do not care about data, you may simply uninstall the app and install the older version (they are in the "Release download" link in the Archive in my signature). Otherwise, I suggest using PC and copy at least backup and maps directories from /Android/data/ directory. In the backup, should be automatic backups that you may use to restore after re-install.

Sorry, it is so complicated. I'm not aware of a more simple solution.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.26.+ ( 9/2024 )
October 10, 2024, 12:18:47
It is a release bug-fix, so check "LM 4 Release download".
sorry for the trouble.

I've just published a new version 4.26.2 with some fixes, so give it a try, please. It may take up to two days till the version will be available on Google Play.

It is possible to download and install the APK file manually from our Google Drive (link in my signature).
sorry for the trouble.

I've just published a new version 4.26.2 with some fixes, so give it a try, please. It may take up to two days till the version will be available on Google Play.

It is possible to download and install the APK file manually from our Google Drive (link in my signature).
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.26.+ ( 9/2024 )
October 10, 2024, 10:11:13
Version 4.26.2 was just published.

Do not know why, but the validation from Google now takes about 2 days (compared to an hour before)  :-[. Anyway, the version is on Google Drive if anyone is interested. Btw. the only "not fixed" issue I'm aware of should be three lines in the title of the point/track screen, that cause problems.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.26.+ ( 9/2024 )
October 07, 2024, 10:42:57
@Graf Geo
3 lines in the top panel of point & track > thanks, we will be looking at it.

last 100 logs > hmm, I'm writing it to "ideas for later".

alternative routes > thanks, good point. I have more ideas in my head, so this is something that will be updated soon.

may you please write to me your user ID? (visible in the app > About app > App info > User ID, thanks.
Hallo Michael
Komisches Problem. Ihre vorherige Version war von Google Play (oder unserem Google Drive) und das Gleiche gilt für die neue Version? Es sollte kein Problem bei der Neuinstallation geben, zumindest sind mir keine bekannt.

Schlagen Sie auf jeden Fall vor, die Liste der installierten Apps auf Ihrem Gerät zu überprüfen. Denn in Ihrem Fall sollte in der Liste immer noch eine grau hinterlegte Locus Map 4-Anwendung sichtbar sein, also überprüfen Sie sie bitte noch einmal.

EN original

Hello Michael,
weird problem. Your previous version was from Google Play (or our Google Drive) and the same is the new version? There should be no problem in re-installing, at least I'm not aware of any.

Anyway suggest checking the list of installed apps in your device. Because in your case, there should still be some grayed Locus Map 4 application visible in the list, so please double-check it.
Achich ... má GC Live mapu zapnutou už po nějaký čas, jen abych to testoval, a vámi zmíněný problém se mi prostě nedaří nasimulovat.

Zkusím tedy ještě simulování s POI alertem ...