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Messages - Menion

Hi guys,

new Beta version before the weekend.
  - chg: major! update of various libraries and whole build system and tools. Anything un-usual is a bug
  - add: (SILVER) remaining up and down elevation during the navigation to dashboard
  - add: support for "Array" option for BRouter external profiles
  - chg: improved color for background and popup menus in the dark mode
  - chg: load/unload app data now available on A10 as well
  - fix: (SILVER) reconnection of BT devices when BT was disabled in the system
  - fix: correct hiding of street bar during navigation when route does not have street info
  - fix: refresh of the list of map/nav cursors and it's deleting
  - fix: (SILVER) restore of top panel when restoring app and dashboard is active

Two important notes:

Firstly, there is a HUGE number of changed libraries (mainly some base Google libs) in the background together with an updated minimal Android version (RIP Android 5, now min. Android 6) and more ... hope, it won't cause any problems anyway I'll leave previous available, just for sure (for downgrade is not needed un-install, all have identical 1142 version code).

Second, as I see, the new version of APK is a lot bigger. I do not know why yet, but it is some side-effect of changes in step 1. Anyway, I believe it won't cause any problems.
Thanks @Graf Geo , will be fixed in the next (Beta) version.
graph smooth values a little, compared to raw data visible in the detail of the trackpoint. But in this case, the difference is quite huge. If you share a track with me, I'll gladly look at the reason. But I expect, there is some high single peak that is simply smoother by the chart a lot ...
Hi guys,

@Graf Geo
visual problem in the track detail > fixed, thanks

search click > fixed, thanks

@Andrew Heard
Notify center > hmm. Also because of some Android changes in how the long-running processes should be done, we will have to recreate a big part of this notify center system. So I'm sure, this will be solved next year (and some new bugs will be created  :) )

Map cursors dialog > thanks. I've noticed that also deleting of cursors does not work, so fixed as well.
this is quite a complicated question that depends not just on the profile, but also on your preferences in certain situations.

In the case of BRouter available in the Locus Classic, you have to experiment or ask on the BRouter forum.

I may suggest trying some online routers, like the official BRouter web planner or our own planner that uses identical profiles as Locus Map 4. It may help to easier find ideal routing profiles for your tours.
in case, you need a more complex map and do not want to recalibrate it, the TAR format should still work, so feel free to use it.

You may use SQLite format used by the app, or an almost identical but documented MBT file format for raster data.
I would also like to read more about this  :)
Check please also this page for some tips:

The app itself usually has only info "optimized" yes/no, but how, when to change it etc, is sometimes not known.

- app excluded from battery optimization (confirmed that no warning info is visible in the side track recording panel)
- permission for Locus Map to use battery all the time
- the device itself not battery-optimized

   => it simply has to work!
Tasker / Re: Tasker task trigger in menubar
September 04, 2024, 12:33:30
on Android 11+, other apps are not visible until they satisfy any condition. For example registered as handler for "geo" intent or web browser. Not sure if this is doable in this tool. Otherwise as I personally do not use tasker, I have no other idea.

Maybe "Quick bookmarks" defined with some "tasker://my-app" syntax?

Zdravím, to mě mrzí. Potřeboval bych ale problém nasimulovat a to se mi nedaří. Nerozumím už vůbec, proč by nějaký reset nebo restart měl tady pomoci, divné.

Můžeš se podívat do adresáře aplikace "logs", jestli tam něco nebude? Poslední verze, by již mohla logovat problémy automaticky i sem. Děkuju
This is also not clear to me, but the fact you missed voice commands looks more like the Locus Map was sleeping and not navigating at all (usually > battery optimization). You may open the side track recording panel and see if there isn't any warning about existing battery optimization ...
Right, with auto-generated navigation commands, it should work.

I thought that Komoot GPX contains some commands that Locus Map ignores, but as I see, GPX contains only trackpoints.
stále platí, že tvoje zařízení je na Androidu 8.1 jak máš v popisu? Problémy s domovským adresářem začínají až na A11 a na A8 by dokonce mělo být stále možné umístit root aplikace do rootu interní paměti telefonu.

Nicméně od Androidu 13/14 už opravdu není možné šahat ani do Android/data. Má to dvě řešení. Lze se tam v pohodě dostat po připojení telefonu k PC, nebo Locus Map 4 nabízí možnost přesunu adresáře aplikace do Android/media, kam souborové prohlížeče mohou.
Zdravím Ondro,
s tímto nastavením vypnutým by to mělo fungovat.

Co se aktuálně děje s tím backupem? On proběhne a v info centru se objeví zpráva, že je wi-fi třeba? A tedy v okamžiku připojení se upload rozeběhne?

S tím náhledem trasy nevím přesně co myslíš, tam se sdílí jen obrázek a to už potom není pod kontrolou Locusu.
Hello GusGF,
hmm ... are you willing to first try navigation with a route computed internally by the app? Because more people tried to use GPX from Komoot in the Locus Map, but can't imagine how this should correctly work for navigation to be true ...

Anyway please give a try to app route planner, or just simply "Re-route" the imported GPX route and use the result for the navigation. Thanks.