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Messages - Menion

  how big is map you're trying to add? Is it bigger then 2GB?? If not, is every start Locus initializing map which unfortunately still not appear in Custom maps?
[CZ&SK] - diskuze o Locusu / Re: Změna barvy trasy
January 16, 2011, 18:36:51
no ten problém tam je pořád protože by se měla defaultně nějak pojmenovat aby tam nebylo bílé místo. zítra na to juknu jinak není zač :)
  I don't think that this is needed (I'm planning another solution to work with more points in same category) ... may you send me to email your downloaded KML file? Downloading for me do not work due to some mistake on server ... hmm
[CZ&SK] - diskuze o Locusu / Re: Změna barvy trasy
January 16, 2011, 14:35:05
vyzkoušej poslední verzi


klikni na levou část řádky s tratí a vyber edit ... možno? ;)
Implemented / Re: Please add features...
January 16, 2011, 14:34:33
  one part is completed, try here with latest version viewtopic.php?f=21&t=129 and let me know ...

  second part: I don't have Garmin (first problem) and I don't see any usefulness in this. I'll this request open. Maybe sometime ...
  seems that you're not the only one with this problem (by the comments on market :( ) ...

firstly - you have GPS enabled in system and in other probrams GPS works?
then - if you enable GPS in Locus (by the long click on top gps button or on GPS screen) what happen? Did you see message "GPS enabled" and after a while green circle? (position from wi-fi or cell-id). Try bottom left button to center to GPS position also!

just please try to little experiment and let me know. I have currently no idea what is the problem ...

I have one solution in mind ... wait with deleting maps for a while. it will not be as easy to create for basic users, but I think, it should work ... ;)
  I have discusses this problem on google group here ... ac881a6f15
  and no one know any nice solution. Problem is that I need to know which zooms are available but this cannot be done automatically. Only think that is possible is to set this manually. But I'm not sure if this will not be more confusing.

  but! If you want to use map bigger then 2GB, try to set this map as online storage into 'mapsOnline' folder with correct name. Maybe this should works well.
Implemented / Re: New map data - Switzerland Map+
January 15, 2011, 16:53:23
Hi balnebar,
  swiss map providers added into testing version. May you try it if all works fine? For me yes ...

Troubles & Questions / Re: an "action" related bug
January 15, 2011, 14:34:56
send this in"> mail please. You're probably right, that possible place of problem. I'm fully focused on Locus so I cannot promise I'll fix this immediately, but I'll try as soon as possible :)
hmm now I understand. You're right ... here's the problem :) Thanks, I'll do something with it ...
Information / Re: [POLL] - what to do in 2011!
January 15, 2011, 14:31:20
Hi dibrial,
  hmm navDroid looks fine. Seems that they use vector data so they can compute routing on these data. I'm using typical images, bitmap data, so I have to compute routing data on any server online. If you want to ask if I don't want to use vector data - no. Actually not. Whole system is currently bitmap only!

 about routing (directions) itself. It will just work ... you define one (+ actual gps) - four points and send them on OSM server. Computed route comes back. Offline mode will be, that you can save returned data for later use. You have to count, that Locus is primary map viewer. I'm not and I'll not try to create some navigation software.

did I answered you?
  wait for a while, this works for me well!

do you have in settings enabled Global -> Highlight still enabled -> System settings?

this do things around standby mode of phone!

if you enable gps in Locus and then pres Home (and you're not navigating on any point), gps should turn of! Is this doing to you?
Troubles & Questions / Re: an "action" related bug
January 15, 2011, 13:27:23
  hmm nice bug isn't it? :)

 can you please send me any simple cartridge with this problem that work on OpenWIG and not in WhereYouGo? thanks
Many of you use Locus for Offline geocaching. It's not primary purpose of this app but it could be useful for this ...

Importing main files
so, importing of Pocket Query is quite straightforward. Just go to Data screen, press bottom import and choose category you want to store data in. Correct icons will be added to data automatically!

Importing waypoints
you have two choices
  • Import with the same way as main file. But this create big data pack of points with same icons and without any information to which cache point belong!
  • Leave file name with *-wpts.gpx name and Locus will take care of it. If you import main file and Locus find waypoint file, it will automatically import and attach correct waypoints to geocaches. When you then show screen of geocache, bottom center button allow you to show all waypoints attached to geocache!