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Messages - freischneider

Ich persönlich finde ( zumindest ist es in der Region in der ich lebe, so) das auf Komoot viele User ihre Feierabendspaziergänge auf dem 8 Meter breiten und geschotterten Waldweg mit ihrem Dackel online stellen. Das entspricht eigentlich genau dem schon vorher gelesenem, es führt zu einer erheblichen Unübersichtlichkeit aufgrund der schieren Fülle und stinklangweilig sind solche Touren allemal. Was ist eigentlich so schwieriges dran, sich eine topographische Karte anzuschauen und sich selbst eine Tour zusammenzustellen? Ich verstehe es wirklich nur schwer.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
During my recent vacation, I again noticed some inconsistencies in the track navigation. Specifically, it concerns the recalculation in the event of a deviation from the planned route. It is not entirely clear to me which parameters are used for this.

As soon as I deviate from the planned route (beyond the set value, in my case 100 m), the route is recalculated. The entire route is then given a new name consisting of the date and time of the recalculation (see screenshot 1). In one case, a new track name was even generated, which was completely cryptic and contained the name "brouter" (see screenshot 2), although I created all routes offline with the LoRouter.

Unfortunately, after the recalculation I sometimes got the wrong ETA or time to target again, even if we only made a small detour.

After doing a few tests yesterday, I have the impression that the recalculation is not done with the parameters I used to create the route. Instead, it uses the last set parameters. For example, if I later created a different route with a different average speed.

I first created a test route with an average speed of 2 km/h (slider). Then I created a second route with an average speed of 10 km/h. I then navigated along the first route and deliberately deviated further and further from it. The route was then recalculated every approx. 100 m, which is correct. However, the time to target was calculated shorter and shorter and at some point corresponded to 5, then 7, then 10 km/h. Obviously, the recalculated additional distance is calculated using the last set average speed and not the one that was set when the route was planned. is that right?

In my opinion, it would be better if the recalculation was always based on the speed of the planned route.
As I said, this is my assumption based on my experience and tests. Hence my question, what parameters are used for recalculation during track navigation? I just want to understand how it works.

Translated with (free version)
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.26.+ ( 9/2024 )
October 10, 2024, 23:54:12
Regards search in functions & settings: as mentioned previously, main menu > All features > Search: "backup" - does not show any result?! It's not intuitive in my opinion that "Backup manager" is found from Settings. Backup manager is as much (more) a function, than a "setting".
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How about any search shows all results from both "functions" & "settings" in one list?
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Information / Re: forum - helpdesk
September 27, 2024, 11:36:47
Hehe nice confusion  :D

Oki, so let's keep this forum for a while  ;)
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Information / Re: forum - helpdesk
September 26, 2024, 21:16:29
I think there is a good reason to have both. Help desk typically is for the official app users, while the forum folks walk on the bleeding edge. Different audience, different topics.
And if the forum virtual team (incl. Menion and team of course) do well, the official app will not be bleeding re. the topics already ironed out in betas or re. specific use cases.
Just my 2c.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
I use the dual centering button. The red arrow is hidden. But when you touch the button, the red arrow appears and the rotation is activated. Since a long click deactivates the "Hold map centre" function, I often activate the map rotation by mistake because I click too short.

When I deactivate the dual centring button, the red arrow is always there.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Ein paar Verbesserungsvorschläge in den Locus Menüs (Stand

Planungsmodus, in den Profilen:

Statt "Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit auf ebenem Boden" wäre m. E. besser
"Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit in flachem Gelände".

Statt "nasse Verhältnisse" besser "bei Nässe" (entspricht auch deutschen Verkehrsschildern) oder "nasse Bedingungen"

Statt bei gravel "Kies" besser "Schotter".

Beim Profil MTB:
Statt "Geländeniveau" besser "Schwierigkeitsgrad" oder "Geländetyp",
die Einteilungstypen ("weich, rollend...) sind m. E. nicht ideal, hier fällt mir leider noch keine gute Lösung ein.

Wie gesagt, das sind nur Vorschläge.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 20, 2024, 15:00:41
@Graf Geo
ah, how I've missed it? Thanks, fixed

Text rotation slowdown > not sure what happens on your device. I'll have to test it on some older phones. Anyway, there should be almost no performance negative effect.

Quick search > yes, more options are planned. This is the first testing option of how to integrate various search results into one screen ...

@Andrew Heard
web planner does not fill elevation to imported data. We do not have a fast online "Fill elevation" tool (yet). So original data should be preserved. Anyway, the difference in the slope may be in how Locus Map optimizes chart data. But to confirm precisely, shared track that causes this difference is welcome, thanks.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 20, 2024, 11:02:54
I agree, great update! Thank you very much!


Text rotation: excellent! But as @Tapio already wrote, the map jerks when rotating, in small fixed angle steps. Since I only use map rotation very rarely, I'm not quite sure if this was the case before. But I think the rotation was smooth before.

I also have the feeling that the rendering of the maps is somewhat slower than before. When moving the map, the labels (place names, mountain peaks etc.) appear first in the white areas and then the actual map. Could this be the case or is it just a subjective impression?

"Quick search results for functions and settings": Very good! I like the solution with the buttons ("x features", "y settings"). It would be even better if results were also offered in other local categories: "x results in tracks", "y results in points" etc.
The fact that you always have to select the category in the search before entering the search term is a bit annoying.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 19, 2024, 23:34:01
Quote from: Menion on September 19, 2024, 15:53:30version before the weekend. Let's call it "Beta, Release Candidate".
wow - huge release!!
very nice on the touring routing profile speed; default 20km/h was much too fast
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 19, 2024, 15:53:30
Hi guys,
I'll try to answer all questions during next day or week. Anyway for now, one very interesting Beta version before the weekend. Let's call it "Beta, Release Candidate".

And the news? Enjoy it

   - add: text rotation for vector (MapsForge V4) maps
   - add: quick search results for features and settings in the base search
   - chg: improved loading of custom icons from external files
   - chg: updated top panel items dividers
   - chg: improved request to enable location when disabled in the system
   - chg: updated default function panels actions
   - chg: customizable speed for MTB, Gravel and Touring bikes in LoRouter
   - chg: removed (optional) caching of vector tiles
   - fix: incorrectly working hiding of bottom panel
   - fix: not working cache for WMTS maps
   - fix: min zoom limit for overlays
   - chg: many smaller tweaks and fixes
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 14, 2024, 20:11:20
Two brief comments on the visual changes in the route planner menu:

New design of the slider for the average speed on flat terrain (screenshot 1): nice 🙂

New colour of the altitude chart symbol (pink, screenshot 2): a bit strong. Perhaps use a more subtle colour (Locus blue) or go back to black as before.

The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
August 24, 2024, 00:28:52
Quote from: Menion on August 23, 2024, 19:50:56Check app settings > Navigation > LoRouter offline settings ... here are two new options. Alternative routes is a new feature beta - alternate routes or routers? I would think the former?
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In full screen mode there, the title bar "Route Planner" needs to move up 1 "row" so right at the top?
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Alternative routes - I have enabled, I tried with car & touring bike profiles, but don't see an alternative generated. Would these 2 new settings be better located in the Route Planner main menu rather than the Settings > Navigation menu? I would think sometimes you want them on, sometimes off, and that decision is when in the planner.

Sorting track recording profiles by name - thanks!
The following users thanked this post: freischneider

As I explained here :
I just purchased an Orbea Rise eMTB using a Shimano motor which has a BLE connection.
But this is using a proprietary protocol.

Would an add-on able to manage that proprietary connection and push sensor data to Locus Map in order to
- record those sensor in the track and get those data in the exported GPX
- make the data available to dashboard display

The type of data I'm would like to record are both standard ones like speed and cadence, but also not so standard such as the assistance mode (eco, trail, boost), the assistance level (%), the battery level, ...

I can already record those in a separated application (STride), but it would be nicer to use only 1 app and to be able to have also a single dashboard with both the map and some technical data (battery !!!)

The following users thanked this post: freischneider
So looks like the protocol used by Shimano is proprietary

Here some guys were working in 2022 to make an device to convert Shimano's proprietary protocol to ANT+ standard.

I will see if I can find enough info to consider working on a Locus add-on
The following users thanked this post: freischneider