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Messages - Tapio

Livetracking web page should be attractive. In most cases, I guess, it is used between outdoor enthusiasts and friends and relatives (at home). The enthusiast buys LT as for closed group, the web page visitors have at least heard about Locus. I don't think they buy Locus just for watching other peoples LT.

Non mobile Web page: I'd prefer a layout with stuff to the left, because of aspect ratios like 16:9 or thinner.
As in
Thanks Milan. Agree highly with Andrew, wasted space on web interface. The top bar makes it look like an advert page. Like: "this page is not the real deal".
Web interface:
In order to refresh the info box to the right, we need to click the LT icon on the map. But it changes zoom level which I do not like because I find myself always fighting against the web interfaces wish for zoom out.

- Support more maps and OSM-themes.
- Also, topplus maps are great, I think free to use.
Quote from: Andrew Heard on March 25, 2019, 22:34:31
Quote from: tapio on March 25, 2019, 07:02:17@tapio - the GPS button has a long tap menu --> Turn on/ Turn off. Good enough?
Ah, I tested it before, but overlooked the menu entry. Just thought there is the normal context menu. Thx yes, good enough.
-LT: I use Locus LT, I tested, you are right, it works.
-Start- and Stop behaviour is perfect, you are right.
- I was under the impression it always searches poi only at map center, which I'd prefer. Ok, it's different. I need to turn off gps at times. I wish Locus had a simple on/off toggle (with no intermediate gps window)[1].

LT web interface not working on existing private group:
- I have a private group setup, LT is running, LM shows the sent position via icon. But the web interface does not show my position. Just the map. It does not seem to work currently. It only shows the correct group name.
LT notification bar says it has sent 30 positions.

[1] I see, you have declined the idea 5 years ago, but I thing GPS on/off is much more needed than the full GPS window. An additional button is needed :-)
LT: user defined ringtone sound on failed position send does not work. After select of sound it seems to forget it. Play button does not play sound.
Same happens with POI search. First I added 100 Poi from map centre, then re-entered the poi window and it showed poi from the gps centre, not map centre.
Track manager. Sort by distance to start point, weird behavior? Sometimes sorts by distance from map center, sometimes from GPS position. Will observe.
Troubles & Questions / Weird compass behavior
March 22, 2019, 17:36:03
Anyone having an idea why this is happening to me and my Sony Z1? The yellow arrow is useless...
In the video, I did a 360 turn in 11 seconds.
Not necessarily a Locus thing, but I think it tends to happen when track recording. Not sure...
Used LT a bit when walking with my dog.

Changes to an actively running livetracking profile should instantly apply. I added a beep notification, but it only worked after restart of the LT profile.

Also. I am not sure. Maybe stop of recording should not necessarily stop LT.
GPS tracking ideas:

Allow optional download of gpx. Allow time control on how long positions and GPX are revealed.
Allow to add POI on both sides, so people can show poi, give hints...
Can you allow maps to be part of presets, just like themes?
Livetracking: Chat from Locus to web is not possible? It should. I have already seen it in another LT-Solution.
Usefulness and my acceptance of the locus livetracking would be bigger, if there wasn't wasted space on the target website. I can understand you need to sell Locus client, but still, enthusiasm may not arise from bad websites. As much map space as possible, please! A floating hamburger menu and "buy locus" only inside the menu please.
Also that center/right info extender is too huge.
I'm obviously talking about the smartphone interface.

You must make something really good, because otherwise the Whatsapp+Google maps livetracking is the preferred solutuin for people.
Last note: It improved, I have seen it. But needs to be better.
I'm too stupid to find changes at all... Where are the options for GPS filtering? I was not quite sure if the GPS filtering were in "GPS and sensors" before.

- I like the new track sort menu.
- Elevation gain per km would be more useful, we already discussed it
- mf4 themes still not in presets