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Messages - Tapio

Yes, and playgrounds bigger than NYC. The joys of V3 themes I guess.
For whatever reason it sometimes shows 0m track length and elevation gain. Which is wrong, see attachment. I did some track splits before.
In your goal to offer better user support as with download of brouter routing files, please also consider updating the geonames files. Currently I do it manually.
Definitely a hard terrain and a niche market.

What I see as a chance for offering something unique is the wide area of statistics.

I'm thinking eg. GPS Trackanalyse. net, which is discontinued. And there's no seriously good "everybodies darling" solution for this.

And is Locus a standard for the Geocaching people? I think it is not.

Practical stuff. Math. Find areas with lots of slope. Etc etc, there is a lot of useful things that could be done for the sports ppl. Well you may know (Helpdesk Suggestions 😁).

Poi need love. Overlays need love. Ah, whom do I tell...
Because I think it will waste your time too much. 2 branches.
My thoughts currently are, you cannot keep Pro more or less fresh, but also maintain the subscription version at the same time. I'd rather do one version, maybe a special offer for pro users, and for those who want it rock solid, declare sporadically some versions as solid and allow for download in case of emergency.
Also add the beta branch via Google Play mechanism. For sure you will have changes in the database in mind. Just my lose thoughts.

Do major version steps and meaningful enhancements as not free updates. Subscription for ease of use  (maps download, elev., gns files etc) but allow for manual implant just as we do now.
Woooo,it's difficult I guess.

QuoteAbonnements für Premium Funktionen
Abonnements sind seit langen die Grundlage der Software-Welt. Gleiches gilt für moderne mobile Anwendungen. Viewranger, Endomondo, Backcountry Navigator ... Selbst bei Locus sind fortschrittliche Funktionen wie Private Live Tracking und unbegrenzte Online-Live-Ortung von My Live Location bereits mittels einem Abonnement verfügbar. Außerdem können einige Karten abonniert werden, z. B. Freytag-Berdt oder French IGN. Neu wird sein das Sie ein ganzes Paket an Funktionen abonnieren können und sich dann um nichts weiter kümmern müssen. Datensynchronisierung, Live-Tracking, LoMap-Downloads und -Updates, unbegrenzte Anzahl von Routenaufzeichnungsprofilen, Offline-Navigation, Premium-Support ... Und das alles zum Preis eines tschechischen Bieres pro Monat. Natürlich können Sie erheblich sparen, wenn Sie sich für ein längerfristiges Abonnement entscheiden.

The problem is, after start of navigation the underlying track is not available at all. But hey, Menion very likely will add more coloring options to navigation tracks very soon 😉😉😉
Yes, this idea is what I'd love to see implemented and the lack of it was the reason I searched for a workaround 😊
I usually navigate a pre-made, existing track. It's colored with elevation information.

Now after I tap it and start the navigation, it is usually overlayed by a new navigation track. Which does unfortunately not have the useful elevation colors. Can only be unicolor.

So my solution was to make the navigation track transparent.

BUT here's my observation: Sometimes the underlying original track is shown and can be used by tapping on it, sometimes it is not available at all while routing. Not tappable, not visible.

Edit: It's a bug. Video follows. I. e., only after showing a points info, the original track will be shown.
Quote from: milan.cejnar on March 29, 2019, 13:11:23
@tapio Hello, I could not reproduce the error unfortunately :( If you will find the time to send the log I would really appreciate it and it would really help to solve the problem. Have a nice day.
Please point me to how this can be done, I think think there was some info here on the forums...
got it.
They hopefully have "as few data as possible in mind". @Andrew, well of course "bad experience" in terms of battery consumption, which a factor 2 is :D

I see you also have a friends/relatives usecase and I think it is a common one. I was thinking, Locus could become more state of the art as for emergency (or: phone lost)  warning/support. I had some lose ideas like:

- Send position to Live tracking Web server if user may be in need. E.g., after a user defined time of "no movement".
- User may get an audio warning, before position is sent and could turn the next send off with one tap
- Send position with SMS, also user defined timer
- A privacy mode which only sends in case of (assumed) emergency.

But well, should go to helpdesk.
Quote from: milan.cejnar on March 28, 2019, 08:11:03
Could you please send me a more detailed description how I could replicate the crash in LT password setting or send me an android error log via PM, help desk or
I check the password checkbox, enter the password twice, press confirm (or was it OK?) ... boom, crash. "Locus has stopped working" message box. German language: "Leider wurde Locus Pro beendet". Will send log later if I find the time..
Quote from: Andrew Heard on March 27, 2019, 23:05:51To minimize battery consumption I intend to block LT most of time; just enable each 30 minutes say. [...] or otherwise I need to incur a large battery hit.
So now your experience is this bad? I have not enough experience with it yet, but I was thinking, there's just some sort of sleep() loop which should not cost much and then a http connect, some data, boom... not much battery impact, I was thinking.
BTW, at least on my device, LTE/4G costs a lot of battery, I always turn it off when hiking.
Thanks for the update.

Changes to the new LT password settings make my Locus crash. On a Sony Z1. Also, I have seen no effect on the web interface. No password needed.