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Messages - Graf Geo

Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 07, 2025, 09:39:49
Again problems with rerouting manual segments!

Last year in April, the option was created to retain manual segments during recalculation. See this topic.

In the current MyLib version RC20 this no longer works (although the setting is set). See ss. This happens when the route is first saved and then recalculated.

(Whether the normal beta is also affected, I cannot test at the moment).
Hallo Mattin,

bei mir läuft normalerweise LocusMap stets "als Service". Wenn ich Locus dann in den Hintergrund verfrachte (andere App öffnene oder Locus aus dem "App-Stapel" rauswische", wird es nicht komplett beendet und in der Android-Benachrichtigungsleiste verbleibt das Locus-Icon. ("Locus Map wird ausgeführt"). Darüber kann ich Locus jederzeit wieder schnell in den Vordergrund holen.

Doppelklick auf die Zurücktaste schließt (bzw. beendet) Locus. Dann ist kein Locus-Icon mehr in der Android-Benachrichtigungsleiste. Wenn ich dann auf Locus im App-Stapel klicke, wird es komplett neu gestartet.

Aber vermutlich willst du was anderes. Und ist ja auch egal, wenn es nun für dich passt. ;)

Edit: Sorry, @freischeider war schneller. ;)
@ Mattin: Zweimal den Zurück-Button klicken beendet Locus komplett.

In den Einstellungen kann man sich optional eine Bestätigung anzeigen lassen, dass man wirklich beenden will. (Expert settings, erster Eintrag.)
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 05, 2025, 10:45:04
Quote from: Menion on February 05, 2025, 09:49:48@Mick FU
search problem > this is interesting. I'm testing it quite a lot and can't simulate it  :-\

Hello Menion,

Since I can reproduce the problem reported by MickFU with the search, here is an explanation: It is about search strings within a word in the title. For example, a point with the title "Good morning point".  :)

If I now search for "orn" or "ood", the point is only found if "also search in description" is activated. See screenshots 1 - 3.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 04, 2025, 21:08:43
As far as I remember, Menion wants to enable manual sorting of folders in the future.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 04, 2025, 00:05:17
Quote from: CabrioTourer on February 03, 2025, 19:52:41I have
Inside root  I have folder 1, folder 2.
Insider folder 1 I have folder 1.1 and folder 1.2

I select folder 1.1/Tools/Move
The dialog which opens shows entries of root. folder 1 is greyed out. So I have no chance to select folder 1.2 as target.

Version 28.0.1 RC 20

Ok, now I understand the problem. You're right, it's probably a bug.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 03, 2025, 23:58:47
Quote from: CabrioTourer on February 03, 2025, 19:40:59I'm on 28.0.1 RC20.

Inside a folder the sort field at the bottom is greyed out. Looks like it only shows actual sort logic.

Hmm... Sort icon is greyed out if there are only subfolders in the folder.

As soon as I have at least one track or point in the folder, the sort icon is active.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 02, 2025, 19:28:39
Quote from: CabrioTourer on February 02, 2025, 17:58:45One Bug:   
under sort the toggle for inverse does nothing.

Can't confirm that. Sort inverse toggle works as it should for me. 
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 01, 2025, 17:16:42
@Mick FU: you're right, issue confirmed...
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
January 31, 2025, 16:16:17
Many thanks for the update! The search in points and tracks now works reliably and only looks at the titles and descriptions. Very good!

Of course you could think about adding an option to search in via points (not in shaping points!), as you can name them yourself and also in file names of attached files (photos/audios/videos). So of course not in the cryptic code as before.😉 But that would probably complicate the whole thing and in this respect it is good as it is now.

Regarding copy and move operations: I would actually just like to have a way to quickly and easily find the desired destination folder in a nested folder system. It doesn't really matter how this is done. In this post, I already suggested another option that would help here.

Maybe you'll find an easy-to-implement variant in the future.

The only thing missing now is cloud synchronisation with the web server, then the MyLib version is pretty much perfect! But that's coming soon. 🙂

Have a nice weekend!
I think your description of the situation in Germany with regard to restrictions in nature reserves and national parks is exaggerated and pure nonsense (sorry).

There are very few areas in Germany with strict restrictions or even bans on entering them. Sure, sometimes you have to stay on the paths and keep your dog on a lead and you're not allowed to light a fire, which I think makes perfect sense. In a densely populated country like Germany, there should be a few areas where nature is left in peace. But maybe you really want to go cross-country mountain biking, wild camping or quad biking everywhere. I just had to get that out there. 😉

I find that it's stricter in many countries, even in Europe. (Poland, Spain, Czech Republic...)

On the subject: Yes, if it's important to you, the borders could perhaps be emphasised more clearly. On the other hand, it can quickly become too conspicuous and spoil the visual impression of the map. I'm happy with the display as it is.

You can also try out other themes, some of which emphasise these areas more clearly. Or customise a theme according to your own wishes.
In the web planner, saved and displayed tracks are always shown in black.
(Then pink in planning mode).
Troubles & Questions / Re: Locus News in Status Bar
January 13, 2025, 13:28:09
The notification categories can be selected in the app notifications under App info. The news can also be switched off there.
Under Android 12: Settings -> Apps -> Locus Map -> Notifications -> Notification categories

Even more unwanted search results:

The search in descriptions also finds the addresses/street names that are automatically added to the shaping points (and via points) for planned routes.

I don't know whether this makes sense. These are not consciously entered and so you have no control over what is being searched for... Many planned tracks are found just because the search string is contained in some street name of some shaping point.

The search should be limited to the name of the point/track and (if the option is activated) your own description. Anything else will only lead to unwanted search results.

(Or offer another deactivatable checkbox: "Search also in shaping and via points".)
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
January 08, 2025, 19:11:36
Another suggestion for improving the new MyLib database functionality:

Breadcrumbs are perfect.

But when I select individual points or tracks in a folder and want to move them to another folder, the breadcrumbs are unfortunately not displayed and I have to click through the entire folder structure again to select the target folder.

This is annoying as I often want to move individual tracks/points to new subfolders of the current folder.

Couldn't the breadcrumbs also be displayed in selection mode?