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Messages - Graf Geo

Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.26.+ ( 9/2024 )
September 28, 2024, 21:25:00
Small issue with the track info panel:

In the track info panel with a label with 3 lines, the line with the date and time and the arrow to open further track details is not displayed. Screenshot 1

I first have to move the lower area down and then up again for the line to appear.
Screenshot 2
I know, the easiest thing would be to always click precisely and focussed ;)

Perhaps you could completely deactivate the map rotation in the settings under "Map screen" -> "Simple multi-touch" so that no red arrow is displayed in this case.

In my opinion, this can also be deactivated in the dashboards. In those rare cases where I want the rotation, I can activate the setting.

But if it's too complicated, no problem. It would be a "nice to have" for me.
Thanks. I always use Locus Map as a service.

But this notification is always present as long as Locus is active in the foreground or background.

I don't know if Tasker can trigger a task if a certain notification is not present.

I'll have to have a look...
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.26.+ ( 9/2024 )
September 25, 2024, 13:04:23
Correct, I can confirm this issue.
Ok, in the new version 4.26.0 both issues are fixed. Thanks!

But: I now have several hundred LoPoint photos. When I scroll down to older photos in the thumbnail list and then open the detail view via the LoPoint icon, Locus crashes regularly.
Thanks, I already know that and use notifications to switch the flight mode on and then off again when jogging.

But there is no notification when I exit Locus. (Do you really want to exit - ok).
Troubles & Questions / Two issues with LoPoint photos
September 22, 2024, 11:05:07
Two issues with LoPoint photos:

I open My LoPoint photos and see a thumbnail list of my photos.
I click on any photo and see it at display width. The photo cannot be zoomed! And this is a new bug, on my old SG7 with beta the zoom works.

At the bottom left of the bottom panel, the name of the LoPoint and the icon to the left of it are displayed.
If I click on the icon, the detailed view of this LoPoint opens. A narrow map section with its position is displayed in the upper part. At the top right is the round icon with the point and the four arrows (see screenshot).
If I click on it, the map view should open full page with the position of the LoPoint in the centre. At least that was the case in earlier Locus versions and that would be the expected behaviour.

Now it just opens the photo again when I click on the icon, not the map. Only when I close "My LoPoint photos" completely, the map is displayed.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 21, 2024, 12:54:03
Ok, but the speed is set by the position of the slider, not by inserting a number with a dot or comma.
I use the dual centering button. The red arrow is hidden. But when you touch the button, the red arrow appears and the rotation is activated. Since a long click deactivates the "Hold map centre" function, I often activate the map rotation by mistake because I click too short.

When I deactivate the dual centring button, the red arrow is always there.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 21, 2024, 10:54:49
Quote from: Andrew Heard on September 21, 2024, 03:01:43... for what it's worth reporting, the rotation is all good for me...
Good for you, but not good for me. I would find a smooth and jerk-free rotation more pleasant.

Quote from: michaelbechtold on September 20, 2024, 23:40:58... My point was "," versus "." - does it make a difference?
I don't understand the question, but the problem has been solved with the updated beta anyway.
@freischneider: I know all that.
I would like to have the map centering button without the red arrow. Unfortunately, you can only hide both together.
Ein paar Verbesserungsvorschläge in den Locus Menüs (Stand

Planungsmodus, in den Profilen:

Statt "Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit auf ebenem Boden" wäre m. E. besser
"Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit in flachem Gelände".

Statt "nasse Verhältnisse" besser "bei Nässe" (entspricht auch deutschen Verkehrsschildern) oder "nasse Bedingungen"

Statt bei gravel "Kies" besser "Schotter".

Beim Profil MTB:
Statt "Geländeniveau" besser "Schwierigkeitsgrad" oder "Geländetyp",
die Einteilungstypen ("weich, rollend...) sind m. E. nicht ideal, hier fällt mir leider noch keine gute Lösung ein.

Wie gesagt, das sind nur Vorschläge.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 20, 2024, 16:39:32
Thanks for new beta and explications about up-/downgrade details. Will keep it in mind.

Route planning with LoRouter profiles and speed parameters now works fine. 🙂

Lagging/jerking map rotation: Yes, same. I also tried on my old device SG7 with, rotation jerkes too. So it's not a issue with the last beta.
I will test it next days on bicycle.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 20, 2024, 15:10:10
Thanks Menion.

As I said, I'm not sure about the map rendering speed. I'll keep an eye on it. Maybe it's just a subjective impression.
Only the jerking when rotating the map is a bit annoying. But since I rarely use it, it's not a big problem for me.

A general question: Can the installed versions always be downgraded without any problems if they don't come from the Playstore?
So if you take the (afa) apk from your Google Drive folders?
Until recently, I thought that installing an older version was only possible after uninstalling the app. By chance I realised that this is not necessary, at least for the beta version.
I use the map rotation function very rarely and in these few cases I activate the function with a preset.
So I don't really need the map rotation button (small red arrow next to the map centering button). It's more of a nuisance because I keep touching it accidentally and unintentionally activate the rotation.
Even as a dual centering button, this happens again and again and annoys me.

So it would be nice if you could disable the map rotation button completely.
(I often need the map centering button, however. Unfortunately, the two functions are linked. )