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Messages - Graf Geo

Stay with 4.28 and don't update via Playstore.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 15, 2025, 21:06:26
I cannot confirm this. All the relevant tracks are found when I search for "2022-0", for example.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 13, 2025, 13:14:28
Quote from: Menion on February 12, 2025, 21:39:24@Graf Geo
thanks for the screenshots. This does not happen to me, but seems that the page is stuck on the selection of the folder. I'll improve it a little with the hope, it helps.

RC25: The problem still exists (not always, but often). But I have noticed that if I click on the destination folder three times in quick succession, I can select it. :)
Quote from: Andrew Heard on February 12, 2025, 22:22:12@Graf Geo - BTW are you part of the LM team, or just a keen tester/ user?

Just a normal user who likes to try out new developments. ;)
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 12, 2025, 16:13:24
SS 5 - 7 here:
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 12, 2025, 16:11:25

Copy Move - I give an example with 7 screenshots (SS 5-7 in next/second post) :

I have a folder called "Testfolder". In it I have three points (SS1).

Now I select the two items that I want to move to a folder called "Nice places" and click on "Move". (SS2)

The view changes to the root level (SS3). I click on the magnifying glass at the top right and type "Nic". The folder is found. (SS4)

Now I click on it. A blue tick appears on the right. (SS5) That's it. Further clicking does nothing, nor does the message "Select" appear.

Only when I delete the entry manually using the backspace key (then the "No results" page appears, SS6) and then end the search using the arrow at the top left does the "Select" window appear (SS7).
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 12, 2025, 14:14:38
Thanks for RC23, WebSync is finally possible. 🙂

Unfortunately, the manual folder sorting is not applied in the web app either, as here. Is this planned for the future? Otherwise the manual sorting is only half as useful if it is always different in other views.

"nothing here yet" - really also sub-folders?
You're right, subfolders are listed and with the changed text that's ok for me. 👍

Manual segments: seems to be fixed. 🙂

Furthermore, I have the big problem that copying/moving does not work properly if you want to select the destination folder via the folder search. See this post.
@Andrew Heard: In the new MyLib version RC23, the red badge is still there (you are right, the "setting" icon is not ideal), but the orange-coloured message no longer appears. As I have only just started testing the new version, I hope that this will be confirmed permanently.
I actually think the badge is superfluous. There is still a question mark in the centre of the button and the GPS icon is informative enough (white = off, yellow = on but no fix and green = on and fix). In addition, the lock symbol is not visible, although its function is retained.

@Menion: the dual centering button now leads back to the last known position when hardware GPS is off or there is no signal, right? (In MyLib RC23. See here.)
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 11, 2025, 17:24:40
And another thing: when I select the destination folder when copying/moving, an fullscreen info window "Nothing here yet" always appears. Even if there are already numerous points/tracks/subfolders in the destination folder. Which is usually the case.

This is at least irritating, but also illogical or incorrect.

Here, as with normal opening in the library, the existing content should be displayed or another text, e.g. "Select this folder".
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 11, 2025, 17:04:02
I have sorted my folders manually. But when I want to move a track/point/folder, the list of folders in the destination folder is sorted alphabetically again.

It would be clearer and better if the manual sorting was retained.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 10, 2025, 22:07:51
Just for your information: I just realised that you can't create as many (sub)folder levels as you like. :)

A maximum of 6 levels is possible (with root):
Root - tracks - subfolder level 1 - subfolder level 2 - subfolder level 3 - subfolder level 4

That is of course more than enough and otherwise it would become too confusing. But I was not aware of this until now.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 10, 2025, 21:24:58
I agree. Folders, Tracks and Points:  newest first = standard would be better.
But track length or elevation gain I prefer standard = longest/highest first.
I imagine most users want to see their best performance first.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 10, 2025, 13:01:18
Thanks for RC22 - just installed and checked a few things.

Manual sorting of folders - great!
Manual segments: issue still there, but the apk is probably older (08:13) as your post before (11:00).

Search option into ChooseFolderDialogue: Fine, but there is sometimes - not always - a problem: I want to move or copy a track or point. I click on "Folder" and then on the magnifying glass icon (search). I enter a search term. I get a list of suitable folders and select the one I want. Normally it is enough to click on the folder to complete the operation. But sometimes the folder gets a blue tick. Now I can't do anything, the view remains as it is. I first have to manually delete the search word at the top (using the backspace key) and then close the search, only then can I select the desired target folder. I have not yet been able to find out why this sometimes happens.
See screenshot.

Edit:I have now tried again, but unfortunately the problem is now permanent. When I try to move or copy a point or track and select the destination folder via the search, the blue tick always appears and I have to delete the search string and close the search. Weired...

Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 09, 2025, 19:34:22
See 2 posts above: Again problems with rerouting manual segments

Same issue with "normal" beta  :(