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Messages - Graf Geo

Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 20, 2024, 14:15:45
I have now downgraded to (luckily I still had the apk saved). The route planner works now. And I need it almost every day.
So it's definitely due to the new version with the new setting options in the internal LoRouter profiles. It's funny that nobody else has had this problem so far.
Until this is fixed or help is provided, I'm forced to stick with the previous version.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 20, 2024, 13:43:58

4,50 is my setting in walking profile.
In bike profiles the brf file shows the double value of my setting (14).

Walking and hiking profiles show correct value in error message, all internal bike profiles the double value. Strange.

Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 20, 2024, 12:55:15
Unfortunately, I now have to report a major problem. Internal LoRouter profiles no longer work for me:

After the latest update ( I have massive problems with the route planner. The internal LoRouter profiles (offline) no longer work reliably for me. This affects all Internal profiles where the speed or power can be set, i.e. walking, hiking, touring, gravel, road and MTB, which are stored in the router/data/customised folder.
The orange-coloured error message always appears, stating that the value for speed/force is not known (unknown expression). See screenshots.
Internal profiles without this setting option (car fast, economical) and all external profiles work.
The joke is that sometimes it works again, but then it doesn't work again the next time I restart. I have already deleted all internal profiles in the data folder and all files in the customised folder, but the problem keeps recurring.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 20, 2024, 11:02:54
I agree, great update! Thank you very much!


Text rotation: excellent! But as @Tapio already wrote, the map jerks when rotating, in small fixed angle steps. Since I only use map rotation very rarely, I'm not quite sure if this was the case before. But I think the rotation was smooth before.

I also have the feeling that the rendering of the maps is somewhat slower than before. When moving the map, the labels (place names, mountain peaks etc.) appear first in the white areas and then the actual map. Could this be the case or is it just a subjective impression?

"Quick search results for functions and settings": Very good! I like the solution with the buttons ("x features", "y settings"). It would be even better if results were also offered in other local categories: "x results in tracks", "y results in points" etc.
The fact that you always have to select the category in the search before entering the search term is a bit annoying.
I created a profile with Tasker that automatically activates the location services (GPS) in the smartphone for certain apps. This includes Locus, of course.

What I can't do: If none of these apps are active (not even in the background), the location services should be switched off automatically. This means after actively closing/switching off the apps.

Unfortunately, location services are switched off immediately if none of these apps are running in the foreground. This is of course bad and fatal in the case of active track recording. 😎

Can this be fixed with Tasker? That location services are only switched off when I actively exit Locus (Do you really want to exit) and none of the other apps are active?

Thanks in advance and best regards.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 17, 2024, 06:32:50
Hello @Andrew Heard, settings in LM4. Item is called "Route warnings":

Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 14, 2024, 20:11:20
Two brief comments on the visual changes in the route planner menu:

New design of the slider for the average speed on flat terrain (screenshot 1): nice 🙂

New colour of the altitude chart symbol (pink, screenshot 2): a bit strong. Perhaps use a more subtle colour (Locus blue) or go back to black as before.

Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 14, 2024, 11:05:42
Thank you Menion! Now everything works as it should, including new features and bug fixes.

I hope your family will forgive you for working late into the night, I could have lived with the downgrade to until next week. 😉
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 13, 2024, 19:31:51
Yes. Crashes when GPS is on.  :'(
Ah, alles klar.
Na, jetzt weißt du ja, wie man die loswird.  :)
Mir ist nicht klar, was du mit "Wegepunkten" meinst und das geht aus deinen Screenshots auch nicht hervor.

Durch das Neuberechnen mit oder ohne Navigationsbefehlen wird an der Route selbst nichts geändert, es werden nur Navigationsanweisungen erzeugt oder eben nicht. Sofern du unter "Einstellungen" im Menü "Punkte und Tracks" die Option "Navigationsanweisungen auf der Karte anzeigen" aktiviert hast, werden diese als kleine blaue Punkte auf dem Track angezeigt. Solange du im Routenplaner bist, werden die sogar grundsätzlich angezeigt. In deinen Screenshots sehe ich keine. Nirgends. Weder vorher noch nachher.

Die grünen Dreiecke sind die shaping points (Planungspunkte), mit denen du oder der Routenersteller die Strecke per Klicks in die Karte erstellt hast. Wenn du die Route aus einer anderen Quelle importiert hast, werden ein paar shaping points entlang der Strecke automatisch erzeugt, damit du die Strecke bei Bedarf ändern kannst. Auch die werden durch eine Neuberechnung nicht geändert, solange du sie nicht selbst verschiebst oder entfernst.

Also was meinst du mit "Wegepunkten"?
Confirmation: Fixed in new Beta. Perfect, thanks.  :)
Under controlling > map screen, you can set whether and how panels and buttons should be displayed or hidden.

I have set all panels to auto-hide, hiding timeout is 7 seconds.

If the panels are hidden by double-clicking on the display or after 7 seconds, they remain hidden even when the display is switched off and on again or when switching to another app in the meantime. They are only shown by double-clicking on the display. That's how it should be.

However, as soon as I activate any dashboard, the top panel is shown every time I reactivate the display or switch back to Locus. The other panels (and the buttons set to auto-hide) remain hidden.

I would prefer the top bar to remain hidden like the other panels.
Sorry if I'm interfering here, I'm probably misunderstanding the problem.

If I plan a tour with Komoot and export it as gmx, I can navigate it in Locus without any problems. "Locus Map automatically generates navigation commands along the route in places of the most remarkable direction changes". Works perfectly.
When I activate LoPoints, a simple short click on the POI is enough to add it to the route. And it is also given the corresponding name.

With the normal POIs, the address is adopted if you have the corresponding LoMap with address database installed. The name of the POI is actually not, but that's what LoPoints are for. So I don't see such a great need.