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Messages - Graf Geo

Es erfolgt eine Ansage. So wie bei den Navigantionsanweisungen.

Ich kann es an deinen Screenshots nicht sicher erkennen. Es muss ein Zwischenziel (hellblaues Quadrat) auf der Route gesetzt werden und der Haken bei "Während der Navigation benachrichtigen" aktiviert sein.
In this topic I have already reported problems with the new My Lib database when icons assigned to points or folders are missing.

But there is another problem that affects Locus in general: The created audio coaches can be named individually and you can assign any icons to them.

If you delete or rename the corresponding icon zip folder(s) and then open the audio coach menu, Locus regularly crashes.

You then have no chance of replacing the icons that cannot be found with others. The only way out is to restore the removed/renamed zip folders (you should have backed them up beforehand), only then can you open the menu again and change the icons.
Web portal & sync / Re: Training diary
November 13, 2024, 15:11:06
You can post this as an idea/suggestion in the Helpdesk.
If enough users vote in favour, it may be implemented.
@Sauerländer: hast du die Anzeige auch in den generellen Einstellungen unter "Punkte und Tracks" aktiviert?

"Navigationsanweisungen auf der Karte anzeigen" muss dort angehakt sein.

Und im Routenplaner muss im gewählten Profil "Navigantionsanweisungen beifügen" aktiviert sein.

Dann sollten die kleinen Navigationspunkte auch im Pro/Classic erscheinen. Bei mir tun sie das jedenfalls.
"Es erscheint ein Dreieck mit einer Zahl."
Nein, bei mir erscheint ein "Ändern zu" Menü und ich kann wählen zwischen Formpunk = grünes Dreieck, Zwischenziel = hellblaues Quadrat und Navigationspfeil.

Hier mein übliches Vorgehen:

Ich klicke im Routenplaner auf die entsprechende Stelle im Track, es erscheint das "Teilstrecke planen" Menü und dort klicke ich das Info-Icon an. Im sich öffnenen Menü wähle ich unten rechts das Abbiegepfeil-Icon und wähle dann den gewünschten Navigationsbefehl.
Wenn ich einen Formpunk = grünes Dreieck anklicke, kommt gleich das Menü "Ändern zu" und ich kann den Navigationsbefehl wählen.

Edit: jetzt weiß ich, was du vermutlich meinst. Du willst bei der Planung schon den nächsten Punkt, wo du hin willst, gleich in eine Navigationsanweisung ändern. Also das letzte grüne Dreieck. Das geht tatsächlich nicht. Halte ich auch für wenig sinnvoll, da der weitere Verlauf der Route zu dem Zeitpunkt ja noch nicht definiert ist. Du könntest jetzt setzen: "Biege rechts ab" und dann führst du die Route so weiter, dass diese z. B. nach links führt und die Anweisung falsch ist. Vielleicht ist das Icon deshalb deaktiviert.

Setze deine zusätzliche Navigationsanweisung in einem bereits geplanten bzw zurücklegenden Teil der Strecke (wie ich es oben beschrieben habe), dann klappt es und die Navigationsanweisung wird auch richtig eingereiht.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
November 11, 2024, 17:58:34
@Gerhard57: Thanks for the clarification, you're right about the folder. On the map, however, the setting is applied.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
November 11, 2024, 13:00:02
@Gerhard57: I can't confirm this, the eye icon works for me.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
November 11, 2024, 09:48:44
Database problem with non-existent icon zip file

The icons that can be assigned to points and tracks are stored in zip files. If I delete or rename such a zip file, Locus indicates in an orange message that the zip file does not exist. The corresponding icons for folders (and points) are replaced by a standard icon or a placeholder.

In the normal Locus version 4.26... it is no problem to manually assign a different icon from any existing icon file to these folders.
In MyLib RC11, Locus crashes every time you try to edit such a folder.
(This only happens with folders. Icons can be assigned to points without any problems).

*** Translated with (free version) ***

Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
November 08, 2024, 13:24:18
I don't have a strong opinion on export. I actually only use export as an additional backup for important tracks and occasionally to be able to import individual tracks into another app or web application.

If I can export individual folders, then I would like to be able to optionally exclude subfolders.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
November 07, 2024, 09:54:01
@Leo Wood: LM3 and LM4 are different apps, LM 3 has nothing to do with the My library (Data manager), V2.

When you install it on your used device, your LM4 version will be updated and your LM4 database will be transferred to the new database with a new structure. Your tracks and points should then be displayed as before, only in the new structure. Cloud Sync will not be possible for the time being. Note Menion's info from #1 in this topic:

Method no 2 (only for skilled users)
- backup current data and keep this safe
- update the current public version
- start, the app will do a database conversion
- easy ... but the next public Locus Map 4 version won't see your data! So after the next update to the public version, you will have to restore old data (+ manually delete Locus/data/database/myLibrary.db!!) 

If you are unsure and have a second device, install it there first.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
November 06, 2024, 23:33:17
Subfolder icon in folders (full style):

The subfolder icon is displayed in every folder, even if there are no subfolders. Then there is the icon with the number zero.

Would it be possible for the subfolder icon to only appear if there is at least one subfolder? So never with zero? That would be clearer.

See screenshot:
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
November 06, 2024, 19:46:26
@freischneider, Basic vs Advanced

Thanks, now I can finally see the effect. But the option is useful. If you don't need the filter, sorting etc. functions that often and would rather have more space for the list, Basic is the better choice.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
November 06, 2024, 19:40:22
Quote from: freischneider on November 06, 2024, 19:18:44The Statistics selection field is available in the settings. As I see it, there are only the 2 numbers 0/15 at the top of the line for My library. In my opinion, this is superfluous and could always be there. It just makes it more complex and many will wonder what it does (helpdesk work).

Maybe I'm blind or a bit slow on the uptake. I don't see where or what the "Statistics" checkbox affects. I don't see any difference. Nowhere...
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
November 06, 2024, 19:29:40
Again @Tapio:

Filter works, at least what I have tried. If I filter by date range in a folder (e.g. 01.10.24 - 05.10.24), only the corresponding tracks are listed.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
November 06, 2024, 19:11:12
@Tapio: Then there would be problems with slightly longer folder names and/or smaller displays, and line breaks would occur more quickly. Which also requires space. So I would prefer to leave it as it is: