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Topics - Menion

Locus Map / [APP] - version 4.8.+ ( 04/2022 )
March 30, 2022, 15:24:43
New Locus Map (4) version

Important links
- list of news of public versions
- Blog post (in preparation...)
- Public versions
- Beta versions

30. 3. 2022 - Locus 4.8.0
31. 3. 2022 - Locus 4.8.1
4. 4. 2022 - Locus 4.8.2
Locus Map / [APP] - version 4.7.+ ( 03/2022 )
March 16, 2022, 16:25:34
New Locus Map (4) version

Important links
- short list of news of public versions
- Blog post (in preparation...)
- Public versions
- Beta versions

16. 3. 2022 - Locus 4.7.0
Locus Map / [APP] - version 4.6.+ ( 02/2022 )
February 02, 2022, 14:16:18
New Locus Map (4) version

Important links
- short list of news of public versions
- Blog post (in preparation...)
- Public versions
- Beta versions

2. 2. 2022 - Locus 4.6.0
Locus Map / [APP] - version 4.5.+ ( 1. 12. 2021+ )
December 01, 2021, 21:06:00
New Locus Map (4) version

Important links
- short list of news of public versions
- Blog post (in preparation...)
- Public versions
- Beta versions

1. 12. 2021 - Locus 4.5.0
6. 12. 2021 - Locus 4.5.1
... uff
10. 12. 2021 - Locus 4.5.4
17. 12. 2021 - Locus 4.5.5
23. 12. 2021 - Locus 4.5.6
Other features / Android 11+, changes
November 26, 2021, 12:13:57
Hi guys,

there were not too many changes in the Android itself during last years, that affect Locus Map. The big one was of course battery optimizations  :o.

And now, tadá, we have another one as most of you know.

A11+ devices bring a limitation in access to the device file system. Task, which firstly was not looking so complicated, in the end, took more than a month of work for me and half of the Locus team.

I started this topic so I may answer and discuss any changes that the next update brings independently on the main app version topic(s).


- app can no longer access the root of the internal memory directly, only over very limited so-called "Scoped storage" access. This brings some limitations. Mainly fact that the neesd to move its main directory to the private storage (/android/data/...). Also no support for the custom "srtm" and "mapsVector" directory, no support for custom "geo tagged photos" directory, and no support for "external maps" defined over the app.

- app can't directly detect installed apps, so the content of the function panel may be limited


Michal is already writing a bigger blog post & manual for a better understanding of these changes and how to solve the most common use-cases.
You may watch the creation process of the main manual page in progress here.

Feel free to ask here, I'll gladly answer.

I'll also today finally publish the new Beta version where all these changes will be presented.
Locus Map / [APP] - version 4.4.+ ( 23. 9. 2021+ )
September 23, 2021, 10:13:25
New Locus Map (4) version

Important links
- list of news of public versions
- Blog post (in preparation...)
- Public versions
- Beta versions

23. 9. 2021 - Locus 4.4.0
28. 9. 2021 - Locus 4.4.1
New Locus Map (4) version

Important links
- list of news of public versions
- Beta versions

28. 7. 2021 - Locus 4.3.0
30. 7. 2021 - Locus 4.3.1
31. 7. 2021 - Locus 4.3.2
11. 8. 2021 - Locus 4.3.3
New Locus Map (4) version

Important links
- list of news of public versions
- Beta versions

15. 6. 2021 - Locus 4.2.0
18. 6. 2021 - Locus 4.2.1
New Locus Map (4) version

Important links
- list of news of public versions
- Beta versions

4. 5. 2021 - Locus 4.1.0
6. 5. 2021 - Locus 4.1.1
New Locus Map (4) version

Important links
- blog post
- list of news of public versions
- Beta versions

30. 3. 2021 - Locus 4.0.0
8. 4. 2021 - Locus 4.0.1

New Locus Map Pro version

The list of news always directly in the app.

17. 3. 2021 - Locus 3.51.0

The final phase in creating Locus Map, version 4.

Today/tomorrow will be published a final version of LM4 into the public Beta channel on Google Play of Locus Map (Free) app. All systems are now up and ready.

Because I've not yet decided how Beta versions will be published, for now, this will be a regular public version that requires an active subscription. So no features will be unlocked like it was till now.

Final status
Locus Map Free > will be renamed to Locus Map (version 4+)
Locus Map Pro > name remains for now as is (for a month or two) till we will be 100% sure, LM4 is stable and perfectly working. Then it will be rename to Locus Classic. Version continue in 3.5+ row.

Final prices and comparison of functionality if you are interested: here. Silver tier is close to the current Locus Map Pro, but gives few bonuses, so something like the "Pro+" version.

Pro users
Locus Map 4 = Locus Map Free - so it remains like before, you may have both apps installed at once (Locus Map, Locus Classic). If data are stored in the root of the internal memory, data will be shared without any worry (for now, in September 2021 things starts to be more complicated, thanks to Google)

Pro users anyway receive one year of the Silver for free or Gold with a 50% discount, which both compensate the price of the Pro version.


How to use Beta versions
- how to. The text is old but the bottom part with "What to do to become a tester" is perfectly valid.
- latest version wins, so a new regular update will update your Beta version and opposite
- settings, data, subscription, all remain untouched no matter which version you use!

Discount on the purchase as Pro user
- essential is, to use the Pro version logged into Locus Store with the same account you will use in the LM4
- steps: open in Locus Map Pro > menu > Locus Store. Check in the side panel account
- start Locus Map 4 > menu > Locus Store and check, the account is the same
- if you do not see the "Exclusive" offer, immediately send me PM with your email, I'll check it

Web portal & sync / Web planner / portal
February 12, 2021, 20:32:44
Hi guys,
I would like to finally introduce the website we worked on the whole last year. Finally ...

Web planner / portal:

Core features
Without login or for the users without the Premium subscription

  • web planner with features close to the mobile app, with the ability to export the result into GPX file
  • online LoPoints with fast full-text search
For users with the Premium subscription (same as for free +...)

  • of course same as for free accounts +
  • your synced database of tracks, ready to basic analyze & (metadata) edit
  • automatic sync of changes to your device(s) within few seconds
  • and probably many more but who wants to read all this bla bla  :P

What (we are aware) is currently missing

  • web pages linked in the top toolbar
  • option to register new account directly over web
  • charts! (probably not ready till first public version)
  • ... you tell us

Onřej (@janaton), the guy behind this nice tool, is looking forward to some useful feedback. Use it please together with the new 'MapGooglePlay_4.0.0 - Beta 6_988_beta' version, otherwise sync won't work auto-magically.

Well, that's all ... let's play  ;)
Important links
- list of news of public versions

7. 1. 2021 - Locus 3.50.0

Another big separate topic in Locus Map 4 we work on, is the routing system.

Implemented since: Locus Map (file: MapGooglePlay_3.50.0.1_981_beta.apk)

After a long discussion, the app now fully integrates BRouter based solution.

Online routing service
- in the app sources available as BRouter Online

Offline routing service
- in the app sources available as BRouter (inner)

Both services use identical routing profiles, so you should get identical results. Internal solutions offer few parameters in every profile. Should be anyway little slower, mainly on low-powered devices.

What do we want to do for now? Fine-tune current existing quite "general" profiles before we step forward in creating more

Responsibility in our team: big routing fan Radim (@Radim V)
The new base topic for discussion about soon coming to Locus Map (version 4).

The realistic release date is in February 2021.

How to help?
Best to use it like the regular version and report possible problems & spread praise ;)

Latest version for download

Sub-feature topics:
- Online LoMaps & Online LoPoints: here
- online/offline BRouter routing: here

What changes?
Locus Map Free > will be changed to Locus Map and actively developed. Changes in this topic will be included mainly in this version.
The system will be similar ... functionality for free will be +- equal to the current Locus Map Free. With an active subscription, current "Pro" features will be activated + a bunch of new features we work on last two years.

Locus Map Pro > will be changed to Locus Classic and will be in permanent maintenance mode. What does it mean? Still updated together with Locus Map with fixes and minor improvements to keep it fully working & stable. Ideal for users who like the current solution and don't like changes or planned subscription model. I believe, more than a fair offer ;).

To be fully fair, I rather do not want to say "forever". I personally set a minimal maintenance mode for five years. Work on both versions will bring the need for some extra time investment, so it depends on how much... But 5+ years is the minimum. And who knows what will be after five years ...

Reference to the older topic related to alpha testing.

Important links
- list of news of public versions
- blog post

15. 10. 2020 - Locus 3.49.0
10. 11. 2020 - Locus 3.49.1

Web portal & sync / Locus Map - cloud/sync server
September 08, 2020, 13:06:05
It's almost 9 months since we started the work on a cloud/sync solution (since Jan 2020).

And today, we are in a moment that all internal tests were successful and the first public test is possible. Locus Map team currently consists of seven people, but still, a lot of corner cases may not be covered. Because of this, any public tests are more than welcome.

Important: use on own risk!

Important: make a full backup of your database!! This version modifies the database upon start and also may cause a data loss in case of any serious problem in client-server communication.

Version: Google Drive

Privacy: we do not yet have complete "privacy policy" document. Anyway, be aware that based on GDPR regulations, we are trying to work with data as securely as possible. We never share, re-sell etc. any data, never. It's against our deep conviction (I personally guarantee). Once Locus Map 4 will be officially published, all uploaded data on the server (not on your device!) will be deleted.

- by default, sync (synchronization between client-server) is disabled
- the best start-point is currently over Data Manager -> in the toolbar is the "Sync" button (will be improved later)
- after the first full sync is done, automatic-sync is enabled. After any change in the database, the sync will be done automatically (with 30 seconds delay). This may be disabled in sync-settings (to work fully manually if needed).

Reporting problems
As usually, best is reproduction of problem on my own device. This means:
- a sharing your original database backup + steps to reproduce problem
- or precise description that may lead to this problem
- or if the app crash, creating a bug report by well-known method here

Known missing functionality & bugs
- automatic notification on other users devices to download new changes

Web route planner & manager of own points/tracks is in preparation (the second part of sync-system). ETA for the Beta test of this part is currently 2-3 months. For now, this tool is mainly about "cloud data backup" and "syncing between own devices".

Looking forward to some feedback ;)
Important links
- list of news of public versions

28. 8. 2020 - Locus 3.48.0
10. 9. 2020 - Locus 3.48.1

Important links
- list of news of public versions

7. 7. 2020 - Locus 3.47.0
14. 7. 2020 - Locus 3.47.1