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Topics - Menion

Important links
- blog post about major version
- list of news of public versions

20. 12. 2017 - Locus 3.28.0
23. 12. 2017 - Locus 3.28.1
13. 1. 2017 - Locus
17. 1. 2017 - Locus
26. 1. 2017 - Locus
Important links
- blog post about major version
- list of news of public versions

8. 11. 2017 - Locus 3.27.0
12. 11. 2017 - Locus 3.27.1
21. 11. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
26. 11. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
28. 11. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
4. 12. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
8. 12. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
15. 12. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
Important links
- blog post about major version
- list of news of public versions

30. 10. 2017 - Locus
26. 10. 2017 - Locus
16. 10. 2017 - Locus 3.26.2
12. 10. 2017 - Locus 3.26.1
11. 10. 2017 - Locus 3.26.0
Other features / Revision of Locus Map texts
October 05, 2017, 17:46:27
Copy of my global email to all people who helps with app translation:

Good evening dear friends,
hope you all have a great time. If Locus app still follows you in your life, even better.

Among other things I still change and modify ( some of you maybe noticed completely new Route planner and Track editor screen that will probably come out next week ), I've also decided that after all these years, texts in app should be polished, united, simplified, etc.

So, we are currently making few steps to accomplish this task. All who wants to continue in amazing translation work, please check our "Translation manual" page here with few tips and tricks, how text should sound and look like.

We are also changing quite a lot of texts in app, but in slow step-by-step process, where every change is well tested and confirmed. So no worry, there won't be "translate all again" action, but it will all take maybe half a year ( expect ).
Important links
- blog post about major version
- list of news of public versions

7. 9. 2017 - Locus - beta
5. 9. 2017 - Locus 3.25.4/5 - bug-fix
31. 8. 2017 - Locus 3.25.3 - bug-fix
28. 8. 2017 - Locus - beta
25. 8. 2017 - Locus - beta
21. 8. 2017 - Locus 3.25.2 - bug-fix
15. 8. 2017 - Locus - beta
12. 8. 2017 - Locus - beta
11. 8. 2017 - Locus - beta
10. 8. 2017 - Locus 3.25.1 - bug-fix
9. 8. 2017 - Locus 3.25.0
2. 8. 2017 - Locus RC - Beta version
- Release candidate version
- news after app starts

14. 7. 2017 - Locus - Beta version
- news after app starts

9. 7. 2017 - Locus - Beta version
- news after app starts

28. 6. 2017 - Locus 3.24.3 - new version
- news after app starts

20. 6. 2017 - Locus 3.24.2 - new version
- news after app starts

8. 6. 2017 - Locus - Beta version
- news after app starts

2. 6. 2017 - Locus - Beta version
- news after app starts

1. 6. 2017 - Locus 3.24.1 - new version
- news after app starts

31. 5. 2017 - Locus 3.24.0 - new version
- Blog post about major version: blog post
- list of news: list of news
22. 5. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
- news after app starts

13. 5. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
- news after app starts

5. 5. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
- news after app starts

1. 5. 2017 - Locus 3.23.2 - new version
- list of news: list of news

28. 4. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
- news after app starts

27. 4. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
- news after app starts

25. 4. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
- news after app starts

18. 4. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
- news after app starts

13. 4. 2017 - Locus 3.23.1 - new version
- list of news: list of news

10. 4. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
- news after app starts

3. 4. 2017 - Locus 3.23.0 - new version
- Blog post about major version: blog post
- list of news: list of news
7. 3. 2017 - Locus 3.22.0 - new version
- Blog post about major version: blog post
- Detailed list of news: list of news

9. 3. 2017 - Locus 3.22.1 - bug-fix version

16. 3. 2017 - Locus 3.22.2 - bug-fix version

24. 3. 2017 - Locus - Beta version
21. 12. 2016 - Locus 3.21.0 - new version
- Blog post about major version: blog post
- Detailed list of news: list of news

26. 1. 2016 - Locus - new version
- BETA version
- news after app start

5. 1. 2016 - Locus - new version
- BETA version
- news after app start

10. 1. 2016 - Locus 3.21.1 - new version
- news after app start
Information / Forum rules
December 19, 2016, 10:49:44

General rules

  • Read these rules and guidelines before posting for the first time.
  • Search the other posts to see if your topic is already covered.
  • Use a meaningful title for your thread, not just "Problem" or "It doesn't work".
  • Please do not use this forum to promote your product, service or business, we're not an advertising agency.
  • Stay on topic.
  • Do not double post (post the same message twice in one thread) or cross post (place the same message across several forums). We won't react twice as well.
  • Do not post new problems on someone else's thread and interrupt a topic of discussion - as we've said - stay on topic.

Locus specific rules:

  • Do not promote or suggest problem solving through warez, cracks or illegal downloading of software. Always go clear and clean as we do.
  • Do not post any content that violates a copyright. You never know who might be our partner some time. Any post of this character will be immediately removed and the violator will be warned. Only once.
  • Try to find the answer to your query in the Locus Manual or on Locus website first. You'll be successful in 90%.
  • Please try to  insert your queries in English or Czech. Topics in other languages are tackled with a little help of uncle Google and we can't secure his flawless grammar.
  • There's one exception - German threads are moderated by German power users (but nobody from Locus team).


Obecná pravidla

  • Ještě než vložíte první příspěvek, přečtěte si, prosíme, tato pravidla.
  • Nejprve také prohledejte ostatní příspěvky, je možné, že váš problém už se probírá jinde.
  • Svoje téma pokud možno smysluplně pojmenujte, téma s názvem "Problém" nebo "To nefunguje" nikomu nepomůže.
  • Prosíme, nevyužívejte toto fórum k propagaci svých produktů, služeb nebo firmy. Moc vám to nepomůže a nám také ne, nejsme reklamka.
  • Držte se tématu.
  • Nezdvojujte příspěvky (nevkládejte je dvakrát do stejného tématu) ani je nekřižte (neumisťujte je do více různých vláken naráz). My také nebudeme reagovat víckrát..
  • Nevkládejte nová témata do vlákna někoho jiného a nepřerušujte již probíhající diskusi. Jak jsme tady již psali, držte se tématu.

Pravidla týkající se Locusu

  • Nepropagujte ani nenavrhujte řešení problému pomocí různých warez, cracků nebo nelegálního stahování softwaru. Vždy postupujte jasnou a čistou cestou, no prostě jako my.
  • Nevkládejte sem žádný obsah, který by mohl jakkoli porušovat autorská práva. Nikdy nevíte, kdo je (nebo se může někdy stát) naším partnerem. Příspěvky tohoto charakteru budou okamžitě mazány a dotyčný uživatel bude varován. Ale jen jednou.
  • Než začnete hledat na fóru nebo zakládat nové vlákno, pokuste se najít odpověď na svou otázku v Manuálu Locusu nebo na Budete mít úspěch z 90%.


Allgemeine Regeln

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  • Verwenden Sie einen sinnvollen Titel für Ihr Foren-Thema, nicht nur "Problem" oder "Es funktioniert nicht".

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  • Werfen Sie keine neuen Probleme in bereits bestehenden Themen anderer Nutzer auf. Sie unterbrechen damit nur die laufende Diskussion. Wie bereits gesagt - bleiben Sie beim Thema.

Locus spezifische Regeln

  • Schlagen Sie keinerlei Problemlösungen auf Basis von Raubkopien, Cracks oder illegalen Downloads vor bzw. bewerben/verlinken Sie solche nicht. Bleiben Sie immer sauber - wir machen das auch so.
  • Veröffentlichen Sie keine Inhalte, die gegen Urheberrecht verstoßen. Man weiß nie, wer einst unser Partner werden könnte. Jeder Beitrag bzw. jedes Thema dieser Art wird sofort entfernt und derjenige der diese Regelverletzung begangen hat wird verwarnt. Genau einmal.
  • Versuchen Sie zuerst, die Antwort auf Ihre Anfrage im Locus Handbuch oder auf der Locus-Website zu finden. Sie werden in 90% der Fälle erfolgreich sein.
  • Bitte versuchen Sie, Ihre Fragen in Englisch oder Tschechisch zu stellen. Themen in anderen Sprachen werden mit Hilfe von Google Translate angegangen womit wir für fehlerlose Grammatik nicht garantieren können.

  • Es gibt auch eine Ausnahme - deutsche Themen werden von erfahrenen deutschen Nutzern moderiert (Nicht aber vom Locus-Team).
31.10.2016 - Locus 3.20.0 - new version
- Blog post about major version: blog post
- Detailed list of news: list of news

01.11.2016 - Locus 3.20.1 - bug-fix version
- news after app start

09.11.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start

18.11.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start

25.11.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start

03.12.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start

08.12.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start

12.12.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start

14.12.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start

12.10.2016 - Locus 3.19.0 - new version
- Blog post about major version: blog post
- Detailed list of news: list of news

27.10.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start.
Hello @poutnikl,
special topic for You from my experience last days.
As you know, we went on small vacation and there is no day without Locus. We are in city Pula in Crotia and we ride two days over 800km just with BRouter and your "Car-Fast" profile. Well ... it definitely needs improvements :).

Examples, try to compute:
N48.98271, E014.47151 > N48.97780, E014.46648 .. terrible shortcut over tiny streets
N45.57770, E013.91192 > N45,40608, E013.96209 ... this one was really bad, we ended somewhere in middle in tiny village and had to go almost back to start and take road 409 and 208.

There were a more problems, but these two are most obvious. I think that your profile really needs an higher preferences for a main road compare to tiny local roads, which are in some cases (like in Croatia) almost unusable for tiny family cars like our Fiesta :).

Is it possible to make some improvements so I may test it after 10 days when we will ride back? Bike & foot profiles works fine till now!
27.06.2016 - Locus 3.18.0/3.18.1 - new version
- Blog post about major version: blog post
- Detailed list of news: list of news

30.06.2016 - Locus 3.18.2 - bug-fix version
- news after app start.

04.07.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start.

12.07.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start.

15.07.2016 - Locus 3.18.3 - more new version then bug-fix, but numbered as bug-fix
- news after app start.

16.07.2016 - Locus 3.18.4 - more new version then bug-fix, but numbered as bug-fix
- news after app start, as usually

22.07.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start.

28.07.2016 - Locus 3.18.5 - new version minor/bug-fix
- news after app start, as usually

03.08.2016 - Locus 3.18.6 - new version minor/bug-fix
- news after app start.

11.08.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start.

18.08.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start.

19.08.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start.

25.08.2016 - Locus 3.18.7 - new version minor/bug-fix
- news after app start.

26.08.2016 - Locus - unofficially beta version

27.08.2016 - Locus - unofficially beta version

29.08.2016 - Locus 3.18.9 - new version minor/bug-fix
- news after app start.

01.09.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start.

03.09.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start.

23.09.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start.

30.09.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start.

04.10.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start.

08.10.2016 - Locus - beta version
- news after app start.
16.05.2016 - Locus 3.17.0 - new version
- Blog post about major version: blog post
- Detailed list of news: list of news

17.05.2016 - Locus - unofficial beta version
- ...

20.05.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

22.05.2016 - Locus 3.17.1 - new version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

22.05.2016 - Locus 3.17.2 - new version
- ...

01.06.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

10.06.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

18.06.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

24.06.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...
Hi guys,

has anyone quite old MapsForge V2 map for download for some testing? It's so old, that I cannot find any, thanks :).
14.03.2016 - Locus 3.16.0 - new version
- Blog post about major version: blog post
- Detailed list of news: list of news

18.03.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

22.03.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

27.03.2016 - Locus 3.16.1 - bugfix version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

01.04.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

06.04.2016 - Locus 3.16.2 - bugfix version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

20.04.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

21.04.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

29.04.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

03.05.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

05.05.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

11.05.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...
Live tracking / Live tracking service - let's start
February 11, 2016, 17:46:31
Hello guys,

we have finally moved a little bit and today, I've just released version of Locus with enabled really simple version of Live tracking feature.

Current features (Locus
- sharing current location in defined refresh interval. Ability to define icon, name and message
- display of other active users on a map as long, as you actively report own location

Features planned (in chronological order):
- ability to select from pre-defined "rooms" (public), where you location may be visible
- ability to create own rooms (private) and define who may enter
- some really simple web page with map and active users
- permanent storing of your report locations, something like track recording stored on server
- ability to see your history of already "recorded" tracks

For now, we do not need feedback with requests of a new features. Own plans are already defined. When feature became working as we wants, then we may discuss about another improvements. For now, just try it if you wants and enjoy ;). We wants to use such testing also to check stability and performance of our server-side solution. Bug reports are anyway welcome of course.
27.01.2016 - Locus 3.15.0 - new version
Blog post about major version: blog post
Detailed list of news: list of news
01.02.2016 - Locus 3.15.1 - bug fix version
03.02.2016 - Locus 3.15.2 - bug fix version
11.02.2016 - Locus 3.15.3 - bug fix version
11.02.2016 - Locus - beta version (test for live tracking)
24.02.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...
04.03.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...
08.03.2016 - Locus - beta version RC
- Changes: read news after app starts...
Blog post about major version: blog post
Detailed list of news: list of news

17.12.2015 - Locus 3.14.0 - new version

22.12.2015 - Locus 3.14.1 - bugfix version

05.01.2016 - Locus 3.14.2 - bugfix version

14.01.2016 - Locus - Beta version

21.01.2016 - Locus - Beta version, Release candidate