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Messages - balloni55

Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 17, 2025, 19:15:23
QuoteThis function is available in the current beta
thanks, now i got it ;D
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 17, 2025, 16:11:58
unfortunately i have not found an old screenshot
to show it I installed LM3 on Win11, but this function was also available in LM4 so far
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 13, 2025, 13:52:19
#184 Update geocache GC4L > IllegalStateExeption
Locus update caches work :)

#186, 187, 188
Quotebut how can the previously selected POIs track be displayed again with one click?
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 08, 2025, 19:42:01
Where the files are created and what they are used for
Quoteonly two duplicate empty folders in the root should appear ...
Exactly, I have deleted the two
sorry, I discovered the new version and didn't pay attention to V2, have a nice weekend
just installed

no Pois and tracks available in datapanel :-[

Backup Pois and tracks message > ok, but furthermore no Poi and track in list
Scrennshot > all visible/no in folder :-\

Weekend :o where can i download V
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 05, 2025, 16:11:50
when will cloud sync be available?
i get code:10602
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 05, 2025, 15:02:08
Quoteshow/hide all > "simply" LONG click on the "My library" brush icon in the Map-screen content panel
click on the brush icon hide all, ok
but how can the previously selected POIs track be displayed again with one click?
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 05, 2025, 12:37:47
QuoteShow/hide button under "My lib" long click > it is available in the side Map-screen content panel
that's not what i mean, if you clicked long on the data icon in the side panel  all visible tracks/POIs were temporarily hidden and 2 transparent red buttons appeared in the top right corner of the screen to reactivate them
Quote"in addition, it used to be possible to open the complete content of the POI/track folder with a long click on its icon with a maximum of one further click" > do not understand, sorry.
in front of a folder e.g. named "multi" there is a icon, a long click on this icon opened  a small window
- all, -last state, -first x, aso.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
February 03, 2025, 17:20:39
you previously used to be able to temporarily hide tracks and POIs with a long click on the icon in the sidebar, this is not working at the moment

in addition, it used to be possible to open the complete content of the POI/track folder with a long click on its icon with a maximum of one further click
as i have not been active lately i have only just realised ;)
Yes it is important for me, if I switch off GPS consciously I don't want it to be switched on unintentionally by any action
Hello menion
this weekend i'm making my first experiences with the new database... and I still need some time to internalise the process.

it takes 4 clicks to open a geocache folder and just as many to switch back to the map view.   :P 
If the number of poi is greater than 1000, there is a display problem, see SS

There are 2 problems when updating geocache folders, although I still don't understand the difference between the two options.
with the first option an error message appears
with the other, the update process is limited to 60 caches/h.
I can start the process again immediately after this message, but only the first 60 caches are ever updated

öffne den Link von Michael, drücke dann die F9 Taste, scrolle runter da findest du den DL
Wenn du die .gpx in locus importiert hast brauchst du für deinen Bereich nur die Segmente x14, x15, x16 und Y67, Y66, Y65 auf sichtbar stellen.
Das sind aber die Grenzen der MTB´s die Quadranten sind da nicht drin
Gruß Wolfgang
GPS off
When I move the map and then centre it again (to last known pos), GPS automatically switches on. ???

Where can I disable this?