Re: [APP] - version 3.39.+ ( 25. 7. 2019 )

Started by Menion, July 25, 2019, 15:34:13

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Nothing regarding beta this time, but a general Locus behaviour.
After calculating a a nav route I wanted to delete unwanted advices, I remember there was a way to do it but the itinerary menu can do the job so I finally find the waypoint menu in the route details that do the job. Why don't you unify this menus in the second one?

P.s. I tried to find the navigation related info in knowledge base but the site from mobile did not have any answers it didn't work and is still frozen

Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk

Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on September 11, 2019, 08:16:40
@Andrew Heard
check please settings of TTS in Locus Map itself (settings > languages). Check if you have selected language you wants to use and not some other localization.
definitely I have English selected. I did have same experience of Czech as the default recently. As a workaround I have changed from the Google TTS (which speaks 2x speed in beta only) to Samsung TTS (which sounds ok). Note no problem with pro. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Žajdlík Josef

Quote from: menion on September 11, 2019, 08:16:40
@Žajdlík Josef
it is possible to enable "Route re-calculation" for your presets manually. App generates presets upon install, so good point, I'll consider adding this option as default.

Thank you, I missed this possibility. I think it is perfectly satisfactory in this embodiment.


interesting idea "Unite route itinerary and route waypoints tab". Will keep in mind next months when I start rework of track/route detail screen, thanks.

Manual: you are checking our help desk. Check the manual on this site:

@Andrew Heard
interesting, there should be no change in regards to the speed of speech.
Do you use TTS Engine: Google Text-to-speech and TTS language: English (United States)?

interesting issue with the long click on track preview. This issue has to be there since the beginning. If you put finger away in the moment, the overview is generated, it works correctly. If you hold it longer, it causes this problem. I know why this happens, but with this old system, I currently do not know how to solve it, sorry.
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@Žajdlík Josef
hmm I'm checking "Turn on-screen on notify about out-of-route" and it should already work. A quick check of app source code confirmed this. Are you sure that you have enabled notification on "out of route" and that app really notified? If so, I'll have to try it in the field as well ...
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Žajdlík Josef

Quote from: menion on September 11, 2019, 10:01:09
@Žajdlík Josef
hmm I'm checking "Turn on-screen on notify about out-of-route" and it should already work. A quick check of app source code confirmed this. Are you sure that you have enabled notification on "out of route" and that app really notified? If so, I'll have to try it in the field as well ...

The voice alert works but the screen does not light up. Indeed, sometimes it would not be desirable. Perhaps by bike it would be good, but in winter when I follow only the voice instructions in the headphones and the phone is in the jacket pocket, so the screen should not turn on. Now the screen does not light up when I leave the route, but only when recalculating. If I have set the warning to 50 m, but the conversion to 300 m, it lights up after 300 meters. I attach SCR settings. But maybe I am not looking for the lighting setting in the right place. Where should it turn on?

CZ: Hlasové upozornění funguje, ale obrazovka se nerozsvítí. Ostatně, někdy by to ani nebylo žádoucí. Třeba na kole by to bylo dobré, ale v zimě když jdu jen podle hlasových pokynů ve sluchátkách a telefon je v kapse bundy, tak by se obrazovka rozsvěcovat neměla. Nyní se mi obrazovka nerozsvítí při sjetí z trasy, ale až při přepočtu. Pokud mám tedy nastaveno Upozornění na 50 m, ale přepočet na 300 m, rozsvítí se mi až po 300 metrech. Přikládám SCR nastavení. Možná ale nehledám nastavení rozvěcování na správném místě. Kde by se to mělo zapínat?


Quote from: menion on September 11, 2019, 08:16:40
thanks for the video. Does this happen with latest Beta? If I pick any photo from the device or create a new, I always see overview. Any idea what you do differently?
it happen in PRO and Beta
my workflow:

today while uploading my 6 cache logs  i get this "whoops"

only one TB was logged  "visited" and it is the only one in my inventary

The "Eifel Track A" TB was dropped at 18.7.2018
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: menion on September 11, 2019, 09:41:27
interesting issue with the long click on track preview. This issue has to be there since the beginning. If you put finger away in the moment, the overview is generated, it works correctly. If you hold it longer, it causes this problem. I know why this happens, but with this old system, I currently do not know how to solve it, sorry.
I know I've also always been bothered by this: If you don't press long enough: Details - if you press too long: Regeneration plus Details. You have to time it just right. I think there was a time when the too-long-press didn't go into details, but I'm not 100% sure.
Anyway, there's more important things ;)

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on September 11, 2019, 09:41:27
@Andrew Heard
interesting, there should be no change in regards to the speed of speech.
Do you use TTS Engine: Google Text-to-speech and TTS language: English (United States)?
I was using Google English (UK). GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Bug report.
Center screen disabled but GPS on.
Move map to whatever point which is not the actual location. Call Points dialog. Add a point and leave via Back key.
Point is set to actual location (not the one selected) and map moved to actual location, too.

It's even in release Version but it's a newer bug. Don't know when it was introduced but not so long ago I guess.


@Žajdlík Josef
interesting. For me, it simply works and your settings look correct. May you please save and share with me your "Backup of settings"? This should help to simulate it on own device, thanks.

thanks for the video. I tried these steps also on the second device and on both it simply works for me. Rather let's wait on next Beta. Thanks a lot.

Trackable log: hmm it looks like almost two months old log that was not correctly sent, is it possible? From message is not clear, which log exactly made a problem. It should be possible to check from FieldNotes database (Locus/data/gcFieldNotes.db) in case, you did not pressed "Discard log".

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QuoteTrackable log: hmm it looks like almost two months old log that was not correctly sent, is it possible?
this TB was dropped off successfull 14 months ago from me, since this time i´ve logged (discovered, tock it, grabbed, dropped) more than 50 TB´s
QuoteIt should be possible to check from FieldNotes database (Locus/data/gcFieldNotes.db) in case, you did not pressed "Discard log".
I can't remember what action i´ve pressed.
I can't find any "gcFieldNotes.db" under the given path.
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: balloni55 on September 12, 2019, 13:11:06
I can't find any "gcFieldNotes.db" under the given path.

I found "gcFieldNotes.db" in '/Locus/data/config/'


Žajdlík Josef

Quote from: menion on September 11, 2019, 22:05:56
@Žajdlík Josef
interesting. For me, it simply works and your settings look correct. May you please save and share with me your "Backup of settings"? This should help to simulate it on own device, thanks.
Sorry, my English is not very good so I will describe the problem only in Czech.

Trochu jsi mě zviklal tím, že to u Tebe funguje a tak jsem dnes provedl nový test s nastavenými hodnotami, které budou průkaznější. Upozornění 80 m a přepočet 1500 m. Myslím, že už tuším v čem je rozdíl v testování u Tebe a mě. Sjetí z trasy totiž nastává ve dvou variantách. Pokud špatně odbočíš ve chvíli kdy Locus upozorňuje na odbočení, tak uporornění na sjetí funguje správně a obrazovka se rozsvítí na 80 m. Jestli ale sjedeš v místě kde Locus jen "projíždí" tak k upozornění na sjetí nedojde a Locus obrazovku rozsvítí až ve chvíli přepočtu trasy 1500 m. Což je právě situace, na kterou jsem upozorňoval prve. Někdy totiž Locus na odbočení neupozorňuje, asi proto že cesta má v mapě vyšší prioritu. Jenže v praxi se stává, že to není v mapových podkladech dobře zaznačeno (obě cesty mají stejnou kvalitu) a odbočíš špatně. Typické jsou právě takové ty "vidličky" Pro názornost jsem nakreslil schéma. Přesto, pokud bude třeba moje nastavení, tak odkaz je zde Testoval jsem to s presetem "Kolo výška senzor" a navigace na kolo pak využije preset "Navigace kolo".


Quotethanks for the video. I tried these steps also on the second device and on both it simply works for me. Rather let's wait on next Beta.
in the meantime i found old POIs with attached pictures in which the  thumbnails of image is displayed
Attached you´ll find an old POI "Markstein" and a new created POI "Bild"
maybe you will find a difference why the thumbnail is not displayed on the new one.

size is too big for attachement, so download link:
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4