Re: [APP] - version 3.39.+ ( 25. 7. 2019 )

Started by Menion, July 25, 2019, 15:34:13

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I have noticed in the latest beta that it escapes the route planner if I leave the application and then return back. I have to open the planner again.

This does not happen for the release version. I return back to the route planner there.

Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 via Tapatalk

Andrew Heard

I have GPS & track recording auto start. Often I will turn them both off when I start Locus. I notice in the latest beta that even when I disable them both, that a few seconds later my actions are ignored, and they are both reenabled. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Hello menion
in the beta as well as in the pro, no thumbnails are displayed as icons for images that have been added to  geocache/attachement

if no hight info is available, position of "download button" conceale "3-dot button"
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Žajdlík Josef

While testing a new Preset Navigation feature, I encountered the following problem with bike navigation. To save power, both the screen and the voice of the navigation have been turned off (no sound for cars anyway). The screen turns on only when navigating. Unfortunately, navigation does not report some turns, I suppose because the selected route has a higher priority on the map than turns. But in reality the roads are of equal quality and so it happens that I make a wrong turn. Although I have set a voice warning to go down after 50 m, but in traffic cars can not hear it at all. It would therefore be appropriate to add the option to turn on the screen for warning messages (loss of GPS, leaving the route, etc.)

CZ: Při testování nové funkce aplikující Preset při navigaci jsem narazil na následující problém s navigací na kole. Kvůli úspoře energie mám vypnutou obrazovku i hlas navigace (stejně není kvůli autům slyšet). Obrazovka se zapíná jen při pokynech z navigace. Bohužel navigace některá odbočení nehlásí, předpokládám kvůli tomu, že zvolená cesta má v mapě vyšší prioritu než odbočky. Jenže v reálu jsou cesty stejně kvalitní a tak se stane, že špatně odbočím. Mám sice nastaveno hlasové upozornění na sjetí po 50 m, ale v provozu aut to není vůbec slyšet. Bylo by tedy vhodné doplnit možnost zapnutí obrazovky pro varovná hlášení (ztráta GPS, sjetí z trasy atp.)


Hello memion
when zooming and changing maps multiple times, village names are displayed irregularly and sometimes incompletely.
I use Lomaps as of 5.8.2019
- start locus with map germany south, GPS off, map center N 48°53.596 E 8° 52.683, ZL 13
- restart locus
- zoom to ZL 17 and back again to ZL13
- change map to Baden-Wuerttemberg
- zoome to ZL 17 and back again to ZL13
- change map to Germany south
- zoom to ZL 17 and back again to ZL13

repeat this procedure several times
in the table the zoomlevels are entered in which the name of the village "Serres" is displayed.  If the zoomlevels are marked in red, the name is displayed incompletely, see screenshot.

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@Viajero Perdido
- a nice example of blindness (coordinates in GPS averaging) :).
- "averaged" altitude not used in point: good point, improved
- name of this feature & icon: something I've not yet think about too much.

I firstly wanted to add this feature as a replacement for good old GPS averaging. Now we are thinking if this should be Locus Map Free or Pro or even Locus Map (4) feature ... hmm, don't like this kind of decision making. Anyway, warning (sorry to not decide and mention earlier, my mistake): it is possible (not sure) that this feature will be available in public version later in LM4.

yes, it is what you see. Among that, I've united background system so add-ons and internal location sources are in one big grid. It is also possible to enable/disable all available sources under same place. Sorting is possible with drag&drop.

@Andrew Heard
I was able to simulate this "wrong click" once after a few minutes of playing, but never again :/. Anyway, quick scroll slider is not new, it was in app for a long time. Anyway as I see, it disappears even when you drag it, after a moment. I found a way to fix it and also to improve toggling visibility if this scroller is visible ... co next version, thanks!

Autostarts: ah nice, fixed thanks.

describe it please little more. When I open route planner, then hide the app by "home" button and then again over hope button display list of apps and choose Locus Map, I'm back in route planner. Same does not happen to you?

I've created a new point, saved, then added an attachment and after return back to the map and click on the point, I see label also with photo. This does not work for you?

"Download elevation" button in layout ... ah thanks!

Labels in LoMaps ... well you know there are problems with labels .. and in V3, they are really hard for me to solve. I'll try to reproduce your steps but cannot say I'll be able to do something with it.

@Josef Žajdlík
good point with the screen on in case of a navigation problem. I'm thinking if such a feature should be made automatically or not ... I'll think about it, thanks.
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Minor: Track manager in beta. When I long tap the map preview icon, it refreshes the map image as expected. But when I raise the finger, it also opens the track detail window.

Dark mode: Can you also offer a dark grey one? Plain black to my eyes does not look good.
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You have found the hidden dark mode ;). Sorry, no grey dark mode.

Long click on the preview ... I'll check it thanks.
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Quote from: menion on September 10, 2019, 10:03:16@poutnikl
describe it please little more. When I open route planner, then hide the app by "home" button and then again over hope button display list of apps and choose Locus Map, I'm back in route planner. Same does not happen to you?

Prerequisite: Having the Beta Locus icon on the Home screen.

Actions to reproduce the issue:
Launch Locus Beta
Open the Route planner ( in my case from the poping up side bar )
Press the Home button
Press the Locus Beta icon again
The route planner is gone.

I confirm if I do it your way, bringing back from the task list, it works OK, i.e the Route planner has stayed open.

Perhaps pressing icon of already launched application makes some initialization. But, it works OK for the Locus Release.

Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 via Tapatalk


Quoteno thumbnails are displayed as icons for images that have been added to  geocache/attachement
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: poutnikl on September 10, 2019, 12:28:45Press the Home button
Press the Locus Beta icon again
The route planner is gone.
Same here.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on September 10, 2019, 10:03:16
@menion - no acknowledgement from you of double speed TTS voice during navigation. Only in beta. This voice drives me nuts. But i don't want to adjust at Android setting level as temp workaround because I also use TTS elsewhere. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Žajdlík Josef

One last lesson from testing the use of Preset in navigation. Try to consider assigning different distances to each of the activities (walking / cycling / car) at the same time to recalculate when going off the route. While walking distance is about 50 m, cycling is more than 150 m and car is about 300 m. It is quite difficult to find some universal distance for all activities due to the large differences in movement speed. Of course, it is a matter of whether to set these values for each activity firmly or leave the option of customization.

CZ: Ještě poslední poznatek z testování použití Preset při navigaci. Zkuste uvažovat nad možností, přiřadit ke každé z aktivit (chůze/cyklistika/auto) současně i rozdílné vzdálenosti pro přepočet při sjetí z trasy. Zatímco pro chůzi je vhodná vzdálenost asi 50 m, u cyklistiky je to spíše 150 m a u auta přibližně 300 m. Je docela obtížné najít nějakou univerzální vzdálenost pro všechny aktivity s ohledem na velké rozdíly v rychlosti pohybu. Samozřejmě je na zvážení, zda tyto hodnoty pro jednotlivé aktivity nastavit napevno nebo přenechat možnost uživatelského nastavení.


Quote from: menion on September 10, 2019, 10:03:16
yes, it is what you see. Among that, I've united background system so add-ons and internal location sources are in one big grid. It is also possible to enable/disable all available sources under same place. Sorting is possible with drag&drop.
Well, I tried to D&D in the Edit-List, which doesn't work - have to do it on the screen itself. There are other lists in Locus where you can D&D directly, that's what got me confused.


interesting problem with restoring app after a click on launcher icon. Well ... fixed, thanks for the description.

thanks for the video. Does this happen with latest Beta? If I pick any photo from the device or create a new, I always see overview. Any idea what you do differently?

@Andrew Heard
check please settings of TTS in Locus Map itself (settings > languages). Check if you have selected language you wants to use and not some other localization.

@Žajdlík Josef
it is possible to enable "Route re-calculation" for your presets manually. App generates presets upon install, so good point, I'll consider adding this option as default.

should be same as in "Quick settings" and probably also some other screens with visible items as a grid.
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