Re: [APP] - version 3.39.+ ( 25. 7. 2019 )

Started by Menion, July 25, 2019, 15:34:13

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Thanks for the feedback.
Your solution has a problem we try to solve. Your solution requires to open "Presets" screen, activate preset and then start navigation (which is already possible now).

What I tried to simplify with this system is to completely automatically activate a bunch of settings (preset) when you start a certain type of activity. And also, automatically reverse settings back to the state before navigation, once navigation is terminated.

Practical solution: at home, I do not want centering, rotation and map shift, but I want this during navigation. So I create a preset with these settings. With old version, I always had to manually enable preset and then start navigation. Now, this may be done automatically. Also in the previous version I had to create one more preset with default settings which I've activated after navigation stops. This is also no longer needed as this task is made auto-magically.

Does it make sense?
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Žajdlík Josef

I guess now I understand.
I have an idea for two variations, but maybe it would like to think through them.
Option 1:
Add option to select routing profile to "Preferences". On the "Navigate to" screen, then add a new "Preferences" tab. This would offer the option of selecting a preset preset instead of a routing profile. Pressing the preset button would then simultaneously select the routing profile and reset Locus to the required form.
Or Option 2:
Create separate customizable "temporary preferences" for the scheduling screen only. These would only be applied in the route planner and would have a limited validity only during the planning period. After completing the scheduling, the settings would revert back to their original form.

Version 2 would probably be more logical for new users.

Nyní už to asi chápu.
Měl bych nápad na dvě varianty, ale možná by to chtělo je pořadně promyslet.
Varianta 1:
Přidat možnost výběru routovacího profilu do "Předvolby". Na obrazovce "Navigovat do" pak přidat novou kartu "Výběr Předvolby". Ta by nabídla možnost výběru přednastavené předvoby místo routovacího profilu. Stiskem tlačítka předvolby by se pak vybral současně routovací profil a přenastavil Locus do potřebné podoby.
Nebo varianta 2:
Vytvořit samostatné nastavitelné "dočasné Předvolby" jen pro plánovací obrazovku. Ty by se aplikovaly až v plánovači trasy a měly by omezenou platnost jen po dobu plánování. Po ukončení plánování by se nastavení vrátilo nazpět do původní podoby.

Verze 2 by byla asi logičtější i pro nové uživatele.

Žajdlík Josef

Hi Menione,
I was wondering what to try to assign Preferences directly to routing profiles - see picture. If the profile had a Preset assigned, it would reset Locus. If not, nothing would change. I assume that for every activity such as bike, road bike, hiking or running, it uses each separate routing profile.

Ahoj Menione,
ještě ma napadlo, co zkusit Předvolby přiřadit přímo routovacím profilům - viz obrázek. Pokud by profil měl Předvolbu přiřazenou, pak by přenastavil Locus. Pokud ne, nic by se neměnilo. Předpokládánám, že pro každou činnost jako bike, silniční kolo, turistika nebo běh používá každý samostatný routovací profil.


Just want to say that applying presets to routing preferences, and resetting afterwards, is a stroke of genius. It's suddenly made presets really useful. Well done.

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes -

Andrew Heard

In the latest beta the first line of each of my dashboards is displayed over the top of the top panel buttons. In pro the first line is displayed below the top panel. I don't know whether to add a blank line to each dashboard. Is this an intended change? RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Quote from: john_percy on August 29, 2019, 12:58:07
Just want to say that applying presets to routing preferences, and resetting afterwards, is a stroke of genius. It's suddenly made presets really useful. Well done.

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk

I just wish it was possible to choose map in presets and not only the theme ........


@Žajdlík Josef
Variations for Presets
1. I would really like to stay with the current car/bike/walk selection and not the selection from presets. Sounds more logical.
2. Do you want to apply temporarily preset in Route planner? Why, what is benefit from this?
3. Preset per routing type: we were thinking about it, but in the end, simplicity won.

thanks :)

@Andrew Heard
whole "main screen" gets huge background redesign. It should be faster (not all notice this) and as a bonus, it brings some new bugs. I'll look at it, thanks.
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Andrew Heard

Understood @menion. It's a beta. No worries. Also notice that navigation voice is 2x faster than in Pro, and during navigation any track being recorded is not displayed. Pro is fine. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


An hour into a walk, Locus beta screen went blank (white) with OAM Great Britain MF4 map, while Lomap England displayed OK. Restarting the phone did not help but cycling through different themes solved it later. Not reproduceable of course

Voluntary and Velocity themes -

Andrew Heard

An update to my last post- any track being recorded is not displayed, whether or not navigation is enabled. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


An update to my last post, too.
Starting the latest beta with OAM MF4 Great Britain and Voluntary MF theme gave me a pure white map. After cycling through themes it displayed correctly.

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes -


Quote from: Andrew Heard on September 04, 2019, 16:52:50
An update to my last post- any track being recorded is not displayed, whether or not navigation is enabled.
Hello Andrew
please verify each of your recording profiles/Style on map >Track recording line style
i had identically problem #73, reason: no line style was set to some profiles
but according to menion's answer #79, the problem should be solved in the meantime.
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hello, I've published version with many less or more smaller fixes.

Mentioned two problems anyway most probably still be there.

@Andrew Heard or @balloni55 , does anyone of you have a backup of settings with these incorrectly defined styles for old profiles? Thanks

it should be repeatable on my phone, I'll try it, thanks
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Viajero Perdido

Quote from: menion on August 25, 2019, 21:51:53
@Viajero Perdido
"Rockies": enjoy it and send us some photo from the field tests, so we have some kind of "nonworking" post here :)

Since you asked, how can I resist?  :)

I never knew grizzly bears came in white!  Shot from the porch of the Stanley Mitchell Hut in Yoho National Park, at close range.  This bear and its normal-colored sibling came around twice during the day.  Amazing to see.

There are a few more pictures in my geocache log here.

Sorry, I have no field test results.  I only carry Pro in the field, after some confusion in the past with G4L getting confused between two Locus versions (Beta/Pro).  But I eagerly await the next Pro version with the labels fix, thanks again.

Žajdlík Josef

I tested the preset for navigation and I have to admit that it works well. I have only one comment. If I leave the route and Locus has to recalculate the route, there will always be a green rectangle with a text stating that the preset has been set. The rectangle overlaps the map, so it's quite annoying. Can't remove it after recalculating the route?

CZ: Testoval jsem přednastavení pro navigaci a musím uznat, že funguje dobře. Měl bych jen jednu připomínku. Pokud sjedu z trasy a Locus musí cestu přepočítat, tak se vždy objeví zelený obdélník s textem o tom, že přednastavení bylo nastaveno. Ten obdélník překrývá mapu, takže je docela nepříjemný. Nešel by po přepočtu trasy odstranit?