Re: [APP] - version 3.39.+ ( 25. 7. 2019 )

Started by Menion, July 25, 2019, 15:34:13

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I've just published new 3.39.4 version that is based on previous 3.39.3 with just minor fixes.

So if you want to keep current Beta (with improved MF4 texts, GPS Averaging, etc.), do not update the Free version.

And thanks for the precise description of "TTS Problem", I'll look at it.
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The truncated text issue is not *completely* solved. There's a village called Shillingford St George near Exeter that beats the system sometimes. But I can live with that.

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk

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@john_percy, @tapio
I think I've found a reason for TTS problem. "Czech" as first in the list is very good observation. In the next version, should be fixed. It will anyway need to pick TTS once again manually, thanks.

I made bigger changes in the background and it is possible that for very very old styles, it's settings will be lost. It was necessary to change, sorry. Anyway, I've just rewritten system how profiles are loaded so it should at least get default line style.

@Viajero Perdido
"Rockies": enjoy it and send us some photo from the field tests, so we have some kind of "nonworking" post here :)

I'll published new Beta during next few days ...
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The map preview of track style shows an incorrect width if "m" is chosen instead of "px", at least with a pattern style. The preview width is vastly too big and misleading.
Edit: after saving the track style it no longer is incorrect.
Voluntary and Velocity themes -


Quote from: menion on August 25, 2019, 21:51:53
I'll published new Beta during next few days ...
please asap ;)
new features can´t be tested anymore .....  :-[
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Oki, it's there ... new Beta ... hmm it's the incorrect name because it is already based on 3.39.4. Sorry, should be

One nice additional feature from yesterday > new settings in navigation. Enjoy it ;).
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Teaser alarm 😊
Hopefully it's in Play Store soon.
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It's here. I've defined to start a preset on walking. It does not switch to the preset. How does Locus know if it has to load the "walking" preset? However, good idea.
EDIT: it works. But will it only recognize Locus routing profiles?
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What about an exit preset after navigation?
I've set language to german, restarted Locus, still tts speaks czech.
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Quote from: tapio on August 27, 2019, 18:38:17
It's here. I've defined to start a preset on walking. It does not switch to the preset. How does Locus know if it has to load the "walking" preset? However, good idea.
EDIT: it works. But will it only recognize Locus routing profiles?
EDIT 2: IT WORKS wirh brouter profiles as well, you seem to detect the type of routing by those buttons with bike etc. symbol, which are used.
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Žajdlík Josef

Some panels look strange in the latest beta. Tablet, adroid 5.0.


FREE app icon on desktop disapearend after last update from BETA to FREE and once again today after update back to BETA. Perhaps the reason is the change BETA>FREE and vice versa.

Test "log online" > save
- each log takes about 25KB for connection to GS, that´s perfect
- upload draft, set favorite point  isn´t added to listing after draft is saved
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Now it works that right at the start of navigation, settings that are included in automatic preset are saved (made a backup) and at the moment you end navigation, old settings are restored.

@Žajdlík Josef
ah thanks, it seems to be small down-arrow that should be on the right side. I'll look at it.

it is possible (issue with the icon). Main start activity of Locus Map has changed in Beta so this switching cause this small mess.

Geocaching: 25kb looks still little hight to me, but as I wrote, maybe you have too much trackables in your inventory?
Favorite point ... I think that upload of draft and also offline logging does not support favorite points (on side). Hmm maybe I should add some note about this into app ... thanks.
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Žajdlík Josef

Note on Automatic preset in navigation settings.
Setting "Preferences" for sporting activity seems to me illogical. Personally, I think it would be better to assign a routing profile in the "preset" settings. I could create separate presets for mountain, trekking or road bike. Each preference would then include complete settings such as map type, map theme, dashboard, and routing profile.
I find the Automatic Preset offer confusing and I do not understand its use yet. If this is a way of simplifying, then it would be more logical to be able to display a flat screen with "Preferences" when you start Locus and then select what action I want to do with one press.

CZ: Poznámka k Automatic preset v nastavení navigace.
Nastavení "Předvolby" ke sportovní aktivitě mi přijde nelogické. Osobně si myslím, že by bylo správnější přiřadit routovací profil v nastavení "předvolby". Mohl bych si tak vytvořit samostatné předvolby pro horské, trekingové či silniční kolo. Každá předvolba by pak obsahovala kompletní nastavení jako typ mapy, mapové téma, dashboard a routovací profil.
Nabídka Automatic preset mi přijde jako matoucí a její využití zatím nechápu. Pokud má jít o způsob zjednodušení, pak by bylo logičtější mít možnost zobrazit po spuštění Locusu rovnou obrazovku s "Předvolbami" a jedním stiskem pak zvolit jakou činnost chci provozovat.