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Messages - lor74cas

Quote from: luce on April 09, 2022, 18:20:00
I can't find this PiP button although I have the most recent app version ( What am I doing wrong?
Download it again from testing folder I think there is a new one with the same name

Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk

Quote from: tapio on April 09, 2022, 10:03:49
Works now. Bug with increasing its size per tap. Last step makes it fullscreen just for a moment, then window disappears.
Confirmed now it works. But take a look at the blue bottom banner in the attachment.
I'm not the best tester for this type of function, I prefer small devices so I always use full screen.
Locus always on top  8)
I played with wms in the attachments on the left 4.8.2 on the right
with the same configuration I was unable to display the same level on both.
I also think that a filter is needed for the levels in the case of this service they are really many and you have to scroll through the list to find the one you want.

On the page for selecting the wms services already available, a filter based on the current position would be required. Services not available for your area are useless.
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
March 31, 2022, 14:39:07
Quote from: janaton on March 31, 2022, 12:42:14
Thank you for your feedback :). Your idea with possibility of overlay layer with opacity makes sense. We do not have it on our road map for next months. I would recommend / ask you for a favor to create idea on the help desk so others can vote for it and watch progress ;).
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
March 30, 2022, 12:10:13
I saw the new implementation of the satellite map. It would be useful to be able to select both maps by defining one as a base and the other as a layer, also defining its transparency. The same thing that happens in the app.

Good job, every step counts
while recording a track, especially when I use locus for testing, it happens that I want to exit without saving.
Then I press the back button twice and the warning appears that there is a track being recorded.
If I touch the trash, the confirmation message appears, but once the ok is given Locus does not close, but returns to the map. So again back back to close Locus.
I think after confirmation of the cancellation it should close.

Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk

Quote from: tapio on March 28, 2022, 09:39:25
Maybe what I wrote is useless, because I do not make us of 'action_after: "[audio,photo,video]"'
It was not useless, on the contrary I understood where I was wrong with auto_save which I confirm works, thanks.
Unfortunately audio + auto_save does not produce any recording, as I believe it creates the waypoint and immediately saves it without recording any audio file. In any case, a variable would be needed to establish the number of seconds of recording to be made, it would also be nice to insert a beep at the start and end of recording (but this is feasible with tasker).
Quote from: 11elevenths on March 27, 2022, 20:46:00
wow this is like watching rocket scientists at have lost me but I am watching.

how about a set duration then save without the save action.  ie...I press a button on my remote (not android phone) and it triggers a waypoint in my track I'm recording and begins and audio recording and ends in 10 seconds and saves by itself.  That would work great for me.
Pressing the button the point is created, a beep warns the start of the audio recording another beep the end of the recording without the need for any other user intervention and without even having to look at the display.
I tried to verify the use of the intent for registering a waypoint.
Apart from the fact that you must already have a track recording in progress and this would not be a big obstacle as you should already have one running if you want to record a point, or you could at least start the recording directly by pressing the same button for saving the waypoint itself if it is not active.
The waipoint registration intent works and is precisely the one suggested by tapio, but it has a problem, I can't get the auto save option to work with the direct creation of the intent with tasker's "send intent" and not even using the Falcosc plugin.
So it is always necessary to give the ok to save.
I also saw that it is possible to start the audio recording after the generation of the waypoint inside the locus, but in this case you have to give the input to stop the recording and a new input to save the waypoint.
@menion are there any intent parameters that I can use to prompt locus to record the waipoint, start an audio recording of X seconds and then save automatically?
With the Falcosc plugin, for the name to pass to the waypoint (I use date and time as name) and the start of the audio recording there is no problem.
However, you need the active autosave and the ability to pass the value of X to end the audio recording.
Hardware / Re: Locus running on Ticwris Max?
March 26, 2022, 09:01:57
I also agree "No need to excuse yourself Adam" mine was a general thought not referring to your specific case, mine is professional deformation due to 20 years of work in the waste sector.

For my experience to limit battery drain with locus or other navigation app I use airplane mode. If your device does not need any radio connection consider this option to limit battery drain. But if you need to pair it with an external Bluetooth dongle you have no more this option.

Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk

Hardware / Re: Locus running on Ticwris Max?
March 21, 2022, 11:31:29
I do not want to accuse anyone, but only to make a consideration:
I am perplexed when I see devices of this type when almost all of us have an old smartphone in some drawer that no longer use and could be used for these experiments. We can make our contribution to the environment by reusing what we no longer use instead of buying objects that tomorrow will be technological waste to be disposed of.
The toy seems to me too big to be used on the wrist, too small (in my opinion) to be used as a navigator.
Put the Sd into a card reader of a pc and connect the phone with the usb cable.
Than transfer the maps file from the Sd to the phone.
No card reader? Use 2 usb cable for the new and old phone.

Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk

Quote from: Andrew Heard on March 20, 2022, 01:36:09
The new LoSatMaps are brilliant in our area - thank you Locus!
Today i will hike with the alpine club, I'm sure if i show them the satellite view you will have several downloads.
Great improvement

Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk

Quote from: tapio on February 26, 2022, 10:31:47
Nice, but I wish Satmap was downloadable...  :)
Interesting Satmap, what is it? Does not seem to be Google/Bing/Esri - EDIT ah, HERE maps
In the description I found "Map Tiles @2022 Here, Maxar, EuroGeographics"

Is it possible to know the date of the aerial shot?
I am using them as a locus map overlay on my very old test cell phone and they work beautifully.
As Tapio said, it would not hurt to have the ability to download satellite images locally for limited areas of interest such as lidar files, although I understand that the data to be exchanged in this case is very consistent.
Having the images locally, on our mobile phones, would lighten the data exchange and benefit your servers.
Did you use stop or pause? With pause I have no issue with the connection with my Garmin FR235 for heart rate monitor.
Paused locus,
paused or stopped (both tested) the garmin
restart of the garmin
restart of locus, the heart rate is still there.
But in my case I use the ant connection.