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Messages - lor74cas

In New beta the two fingers measurement doesn't show altitude value.

Inviato dal mio SM-G800F utilizzando Tapatalk

Quote from: balloni55 on September 23, 2016, 20:16:39
long click measurement two fingers, nice feature :)
if this value is set to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 always elevation is displayed
i noticed that direction - + of elevation value depend on which finger of both hit first on display
I agree, great and simple to use feature.

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Information / Re: [TRANSLATION]
August 28, 2016, 17:06:08
at your service, registered with lor74cas for the translation from italian

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Information / Re: [TRANSLATION]
August 28, 2016, 12:02:08
I found something not translated in my case from Italian.
Here are the screenshots
Troubles & Questions / Re: Locus at boot
August 18, 2016, 14:25:10
Thank you

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No it is just my attempt to solve the issue but all things I tested confirm this.
To avoid the download from the play store I use titanium backup so I can solve also when there is no data connection with the stored backup of Google play services.

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Troubles & Questions / Locus at boot
August 17, 2016, 20:42:25
Is there a reason why locus is loaded at boot time?
Quote from: KnightAzul on August 12, 2016, 17:23:33

After starting the Locus app the last GPS fix field (on the GPS screen) is always empty. This is even after exiting out of the app with a successful GPS fix, just for a few seconds, and then opening it again. It would be better to remember the last GPS fix on exiting the app, and use this on starting the app again?

The result right now is that every time that I go into the Locus app and ask for a GPS fix (icon at the bottom left) it moves the map to the same position (no idea why that same position in particular - I don't remember ever setting this position as being something special - but I guess corresponds to an empty last GPS fix field), no where near where I am, until it gets a GPS fix.

I have the latest Pro version 3.18.6 from Google Play installed.

Thanks for any help!
If no app can have a gps fix not only locus I think we have the same issue.
IMHO it's due to the last update of Google play services, unistall it and update it you will have the fix.
But it is temporary, the issue will be back, I am waiting for an update of Google.

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Maps / Re: GML maps
July 30, 2016, 22:03:28
Quote from: balloni55 on July 21, 2016, 20:52:08i think unskilled users didnĀ“t know where to enable kml/kmz files
I agree.
I think in that menu we'd find all the elements and set up the transparency for each one.
Full transparency = disabled
I think that country border lines and hike paths have a colour too similar

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Quote from: menion on July 07, 2016, 10:02:01
@lor74cas: not a bug, rather a feature. I expected stronger offense against this button  (from more people), so result is quite positive to me :).

OK this the first offense.  I like a clear interface and not always more is better.

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Quote from: balloni55 on July 07, 2016, 08:12:20
QuoteI think that is not a new function but a little bug.
i think it should only apeare if user has minimum one icon visible on right side, below it
I do not use right panel and the cited icon is related to top menu. In pro version there is no icon only in this beta after the update.

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After the update to I noticed a an icon on the right at vertical center that gives access to the settings of function panel.

I think that is not a new function but a little bug.
I noticed 3 blue buttons with access to same content: