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Messages - tramp20

Quote from: tramp20 on May 12, 2024, 14:00:02Kannst Du das bitte mal für mich genauer beschreiben?
Samsung S23 Ultra
Das eingebaute Dex im S23 will einen HDMI-Bildschirm angesteckt sehen :-(
Bei Samsung DEX gibt es 2 Anschluss Varianten.

Samsung Handy an einen Fernseher/Display. Hier kann der Fernseher/Display als 2. separates Display genutzt werden.
Dafür braucht man einen USB-C / HDMI Adapter.

Ich habe meinen von hier.
USB-C HDMI Adapter

Ach ja. Bei einem alten Fernseher kommt ein Fehlermeldung auf dem Fernseher. Es funktioniert trotzdem.

Wenn man vom PC direkt die Funktionen des Handys nutzen möchte, dann reicht das beiligende USB-C Kabel.
Für den PC muss man Samsung Dex für Windows runterladen.

Samsung Dex erreicht man über 2 Wege.

1. Top Bar runter ziehen und Dex aktivieren.

2. Einstellungen -> Verbundene Geräte -> Samsung Dex
Hier kann man Dex aktivieren und Einstellungen vornehmen.
The following users thanked this post: tramp20
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.21.+ ( 1/2024 )
February 17, 2024, 07:46:25
Wow, Locus root directory on Android/media!
That solves the Locus photo access, too, I suppose.
The following users thanked this post: tramp20
Da mich das auch immer sehr stört und ich wiederholt nachgefragt habe, hier die Antwort von Menion (sinngemäß):

Bis auf weiteres leider nicht möglich, da die Rad- und Wanderwege im Webplaner keine eigenen Layer sind, sondern fest in die Rasterkarten integriert sind. Daher müssten die Karten komplett mehrfach auf den Servern bereitgestellt werden, was zu viel Aufwand wäre.

Immerhin ist wohl geplant, das Kartenmaterial in Zukunft auf Vektorkarten umzustellen, dann ginge das. Wann genau ist aber noch nicht klar.
The following users thanked this post: tramp20
Auf der Logilink Hompepage steht :" Bluetooth Kopfhörer mit Mikrofon"

Im Datenblatt fehlt interessanterweise wieder A2DP.

Einen Klinken Eingang sehe ich auf den Bildern auch nicht. Es ist eben ein typisches Mono Headset zum Telefonieren. Mit den Besseren kann man trotzdem Musik hören.
The following users thanked this post: tramp20
Quote from: kodela on January 06, 2024, 23:50:25
Quote from: tramp20 on January 06, 2024, 15:00:46Offensichtlich kann mein BT-Hörer (LogiLink BT005) nur "Telefon": bei einem Anruf kann ich damit annehmen und telefonieren.

Das kann ich mir nicht so recht vorstellen. Warum soll Dein Hörer da einen Unterschied machen.
100%ig kenne ich die Profile nicht.

Ich glaube das aber schon. Das LogiLink BT005 hat nur die Profile Handsfree 1.5 sowie Headset 1.1.
Es fehlt m.M.n. so etwas A2DP oder ein ähnliches Audio Profil.
Das ist bei meinem Wagen genauso. Ich könnte zwar telefonieren aber die Profile für die Audio Übertragung wurden damals nicht implementiert.
The following users thanked this post: tramp20

I don't want to "steal" another's idea, so I'll just point you to the source:

a method that, (at least for Samsung devices) as far as I can tell, enables EVERY file manager to handle Android/data and Android/obb on Android 13, is described here:

Take a look at the post beginning "I bet you are having a really bad day" (or so.)

Additional infos;
-MT Manager can be sideloaded from a site mentioned a few posts further down (#46) (I didn't find it on apkmirror),
-"easily" in the first post means "navigate to Android/data, tap "Property/Modify" and tick the two missing options".
-If, in the Play Store, you have Automatic Updates activated, the app Files (which you can search for by that name in MT Manager in other System languages as well), will be re-updated quickly - don't know if that would create a problem.)
The following users thanked this post: tramp20
Thanks, Michael,

maybe I will try that next.

Right now I seem to have found a (slightly cludgy) solution:

...describes just that: basically, there is a hidden file manager in Android 13; you disable the visible file manager (Files, Eigene Dateien, whatever) and download an app "Files" from the Play Store (the one by "marc apps & software), which calls this hidden file manager from its hiding place.

With it you can access Android/data both internally and externally.

The cludge comes when you try to copy or move files; for that you will actually have to read the description from the above link and/or watch the video. [Actually, "doing" is easy, "finding out how" is non-trivial.]

The following users thanked this post: tramp20
Other features / Re: Android 11+, changes
April 23, 2022, 22:47:49
Hello, "Android/media/x" directories are automatically used for maps. So for example in the case of Locus Map 4, maps placed into "Android/media/" are automagically used ...
The following users thanked this post: tramp20
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.6.+ ( 02/2022 )
February 02, 2022, 14:20:29
I've today published a new version of the Locus Map 4 on Google Play. Today only for 25% of users, rest in next days. If anyone wants to test & play with it (or with the Locus Map Pro version), they are all already available on Google Drive!

Just for your info, why I do not communicate often as usual. Well, winter, some team planning, family require also some more time now, some illness and working on the system for one-time payments that consume most of my (not just) time. So nothing special and unusual, but just informing that app is still in progress   8)

Stay all healthy and don't be too much hidden at home like me, it does not worth it  ;)
The following users thanked this post: tramp20
also: since the update to 3.56.4 under android 11, locus map pro runs extremely slowly;
further problems when calling up/selecting themes: the app crashes or stops!
The following users thanked this post: tramp20
Quote from: tapio on December 20, 2021, 20:36:30
"_themes" is an ugly name, also having all user content beside each other (themes, vectormaps, srtm...) is good for external backup. Better order, easier to find...

Theme attached.
I agree. It's more complicated to set up automatic backups (e.g. with FolderSync) if data like this (that I want to backup) is in different base directories, together with other data like maps (that are too big for regular backups). Same applies for mapsOnline/custom directory. Why not put all this under "data", and only the actual maps under "maps*" ?
The following users thanked this post: tramp20
New version 4.5.5 is available on the Google Play.

Change in the A11+ file-system > check app settings > Misc > File manager and enjoy it ;). And please, do not forget to keep in mind (we will be writing it everywhere) > we have a temporary exception!! from the Google team. Temporary for how long? No one knows. So we have to prepare, it will end one day ...

Locus Map Pro is currently in the verification process ... we'll see how things go ...
The following users thanked this post: tramp20
Other features / Re: Android 11+, changes
November 30, 2021, 08:24:56
Quote from: michaelbechtold on November 29, 2021, 20:45:37
I really have to agree with Michael here. I have no problem to open a Help Desc topic, that's not the point. But this is too slow for this important topic. I have friends for whom I am the "Locus guru", but who would never take the time to log in on the help desk or whatever. And they all have big maps on extSd that they can't move to internal.
And I'm still not even sure from the Manual entry: Does Locus even offer to move all data to extSd instead of intSd on first start with new version? The manual is not explicit on this. I'm honestly not willing to try out Beta this time (even though I always do), because this is obviously a one way street. I would be ok if you say "Google forces my hand, for now you'll just have to do it, and you can move to extSd, but next I will implement way to divide big and small data between intSd and extSd". But making this dependent on a lengthy voting process is very disappointing - and potentially p***ing off many users. As Michael says, don't underestimate the amount of users with cheap phones with small internal SD, slapping a big MicroSD into the slot...
The following users thanked this post: tramp20
Troubles & Questions / Re: ANT+ manager
June 10, 2021, 10:00:25
Oki, fine.

More than one sensor is only doable by using "Speed" and "Speed & cadence" sensors (you may use "speed & cadence" with only "speed" sensor). Anyway the new "Sensors manager" is in preparation and this feature will be possible there.
The following users thanked this post: tramp20
Troubles & Questions / Re: ANT+ manager
May 31, 2021, 15:41:34
Hi Tramp,
under the tools button in the sensor panel in the ANT manager is a "Reset" button. This may help with silent connecting done by Locus Map, so give it a try.
The following users thanked this post: tramp20