[APP] - version 4.5.+ ( 1. 12. 2021+ )

Started by Menion, December 01, 2021, 21:06:00

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"_themes" is an ugly name, also having all user content beside each other (themes, vectormaps, srtm...) is good for external backup. Better order, easier to find...

Theme attached.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Andrew Heard

@menion testing:
1) Confirmed fix for selection of custom Backup directory. When I selected the same directory (screen cap attached) I got 2 somewhat confusing messages (not attached), but I wasn't quick enough to capture screen or details. And after completion there are now two files in that Backup directory - ...sync.temp (92MB) & ...sync.zip (132MB) (screen cap attached). Can they be deleted/ why are they even there?

2) Regards new ZIP themes - I copied 4 theme ZIP files to default Locus/mapsVector/_themes folder. I selected latest OAM map. When I tap themes button I get green warning msg that "No map with themes is active" (screen cap attached). In a prior experiment I had 2 theme ZIP files but only 1 theme was displayed when tapping "Map themes". Maybe there is some issue with my ZIP filename not matching the first directory within the ZIP file?

@tapio, @luce - maybe I experience the same issue as you - you thought theme ZIP was in wrong folder as not working, but my experience is similar. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

luce Self-made theme not working any more; neither zipped nor not zipped. What do I have to change to make it work again?


QuoteThere should be the previous and the new path, hmm ...
Exactly, but the reality is different
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: tapio on December 20, 2021, 20:36:30
"_themes" is an ugly name, also having all user content beside each other (themes, vectormaps, srtm...) is good for external backup. Better order, easier to find...

Theme attached.
I agree. It's more complicated to set up automatic backups (e.g. with FolderSync) if data like this (that I want to backup) is in different base directories, together with other data like maps (that are too big for regular backups). Same applies for mapsOnline/custom directory. Why not put all this under "data", and only the actual maps under "maps*" ?
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[deleted that post about not being able to re-set custom directory - I overlooked the new beta that's supposed to fix this. sorry]


Quote from: luce on December 06, 2021, 08:42:07
After using Locus to navigate anywhere, the Android screen off time stays at 15s – I have to change it back to 60s manually in the android settings.

Issue with the screen off time not yet solved in the latest beta Stays at 15s after navigation instead of changing back to the 60s set before in the android settings.

Best, Lucas


Quote from: Andrew Heard on December 20, 2021, 22:46:37
@menion testing:
1) Confirmed fix for selection of custom Backup directory. When I selected the same directory (screen cap attached) I got 2 somewhat confusing messages (not attached), but I wasn't quick enough to capture screen or details. And after completion there are now two files in that Backup directory - ...sync.temp (92MB) & ...sync.zip (132MB) (screen cap attached). Can they be deleted/ why are they even there?

2) Regards new ZIP themes - I copied 4 theme ZIP files to default Locus/mapsVector/_themes folder. I selected latest OAM map. When I tap themes button I get green warning msg that "No map with themes is active" (screen cap attached). In a prior experiment I had 2 theme ZIP files but only 1 theme was displayed when tapping "Map themes". Maybe there is some issue with my ZIP filename not matching the first directory within the ZIP file?

@tapio, @luce - maybe I experience the same issue as you - you thought theme ZIP was in wrong folder as not working, but my experience is similar.
some themes doesn't work anymore with the new v5 OAM maps


I see a problem with zipped themes, thanks. Should be fixed now so I'm going to prepare the version.

@luce, @bezel
sorry, this is quite a useless report. Which existing themes do not work? How should I simulate this problem?

really interesting because in the code, it is ok. It happen to you as well?

Change of "_themes" is not so easy guys. More than 1 mil. of users already use this system, 3rd party web pages that allows downloading map & themes directly relly on this. There will be also a problem with these zipped themes => how to correctly update non-zipped. We may discuss this later, but I do not think it is important to change it, sorry.
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Quotereally interesting because in the code, it is ok. It happen to you as well?
yes, exactly like in both threads visible
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


I do agree that a disruptive change of the themes approach can create problems for the installed base.
But there is more than one way to introduce change without damage:
1) let the old and new system co-exist, i.e.
- all new installs shall use the new system
- at start, Locus looks for the new location first
- and searches the traditional location(s) if above fails
- telling the user (s)he has an old setup that should be "renovated" by their theme provider
This way the old system will die out silently, without harm to anybody.
The real harm around themes happend if current mapsVector is on private ext SD. And if that setup can be avoided, the pressure is gone.
I have not tried the ZIP way on private ext SD, though.

Anyone has measured the behaviour?

2) a more aggressive is enforced normalizing:
- whenever Locus finds traditional setups, it converts them to the new approach at startup
- telling the user what needed to be done /and has been done) and asking the user to inform the source of the theme to adapt to the new scheme
This would root out the old setups pretty quickly.

Anyway, I agree this is not the most burning topic ... :-)



@Menion: your latest beta also fixed the logging enabling; now I'm able to deliver: a jpg showing the sub-folder setu, with /Locus on int SD as base folder
And you'll find two log files that document the 4 minute startup time.
I found some file paths that do not exist on that device. No idea where they comes from and persist ...
TXs and cheers


How is the zipped theme meant to be organised? Is it just the same as the zipped folder that I used to supply for download which would unzip to a folder to sit in _themes?
So would the appropriate Locus action on the *same* zip file now upload it as _themes/voluntary.zip but not unzip it to _themes/Voluntary/etc ?
And more than one theme can be zipped in a folder in the file?

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


... this one doesn't work any more with LM4 but still works with LM3.

Best, Lucas
    The following users thanked this post: Menion


Quote from: Menion on December 13, 2021, 19:41:14
Beta version: MapGooglePlay_4.5.4.1_1053_beta
- app now automatically create & scan "X/Android/media/menion.android.locus/maps(Vector)" directories for a maps. Give it a try and let me know ...
I moved my LoMaps I had on the extSd to that folder (on extSd). Maps are found fine, but they were old, and when I went to the store and did "Check for Updates", Locus didn't offer to update those maps. When I look for them manually in the store, they're not shown as installed, and downloading them - expectedly - saves them on the intSd.
I think if LoMaps are stored in any of those default directories, Locus should find them and update them in place.