Android 11+, changes

Started by Menion, November 26, 2021, 12:13:57

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Quote from: Menion on November 26, 2021, 19:28:21
"Is it then possible to divide app and data over private directories in internal memory and SD card" - not yet. If there will be bigger interest, I may work on it and this is definitely a doable task.
1000% supported! I have very big non-vector maps (OruxMaps format) on extSd, which won't fit on intSd, but also don't want to take the performance hit to database operations on extSd.
I don't want to spend lifetime getting angry at Google for this change, we few people won't be able to change it. And I don't really care about the actual paths to data (I would care about inability to share this data, but I don't need that, so I'm fine). But if there's any way to make use of the data on int and ext SD at the same time, that would be a big improvement! I would probably wait with updating Locus if you now tell us, you'll tackle this... Thx for considering!


I also stumbled over one sentence in the docs (under "What if I refuse"):
"you can load the original data any time from the app main menu or from settings > miscellaneous > default directory"
I honestly don't understand that - what does "load" mean in this context? Do you mean I can start the copying of the old (original) data at a later time? However, the sentence more sounds like "you can start Locus without copying the data and then change the default directory at runtime and have access to the old data again".
Anyway, this should be worded more clearly.


I'll rather not promise that this feature will be implemented. A nice help desk topic with a huge amount of votes may convince me  ;). Because it will mean quite a lot of work to do it properly. The priority now is perfectly working migration to new app version & migration between Locus Map Pro and Locus Map 4. So currently there is no time for this kind of stuff.


Terminology united across the app, thanks. On all places will be used "storage".
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I am not sure you understand the risk Locus and Asamm are in.
Pointing to voting is denying intelligence. Why?
Take the max voted topic, and divide it by the number of users you have. How many zeroes behind the dot - before a non-zero digit appears?
In other words: your risk is the unknown, and the invisible. And pointing to a hence meaningless voting is slapping those unseen > 1000000 users in the face.
Now, let's employ some intelligence. Proposing people buy new phone with more capacity - even as a joke - is not. Do you agree?
Another fact is, that most Androids are NOT Pixels. But rather the majority employs external SD card support, to allow for cheaper storage extension. For mass storage eaters like maps, e.g.
Then take Michal's advise (no DBs on SD, please). Put everything together, and employ your own proven intellect.
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Quote from: michaelbechtold on November 29, 2021, 20:45:37
I really have to agree with Michael here. I have no problem to open a Help Desc topic, that's not the point. But this is too slow for this important topic. I have friends for whom I am the "Locus guru", but who would never take the time to log in on the help desk or whatever. And they all have big maps on extSd that they can't move to internal.
And I'm still not even sure from the Manual entry: Does Locus even offer to move all data to extSd instead of intSd on first start with new version? The manual is not explicit on this. I'm honestly not willing to try out Beta this time (even though I always do), because this is obviously a one way street. I would be ok if you say "Google forces my hand, for now you'll just have to do it, and you can move to extSd, but next I will implement way to divide big and small data between intSd and extSd". But making this dependent on a lengthy voting process is very disappointing - and potentially p***ing off many users. As Michael says, don't underestimate the amount of users with cheap phones with small internal SD, slapping a big MicroSD into the slot...


PS: plus over time the track DB alone gets HUGE. So you have quite some data for internal storage to keep performance alove.
Mine has crossed 1 GB last month. And there are people who are more active than I am.

Žajdlík Josef

I missed my bet for injury and stay in the hospital too. However, I agree that when you install a new version, it should be possible to determine whether the maps to EXTSD. For example, I will have LOCUS with And11 in Samsung A8 tablet. I am sure that all maps would not fit in the internal memory. It is also important that private folders are also accessible after installation for file manager such as Total Commander. Otherwise, you will not be able to record foreign sources.

CZ: Betu jsem kvůli úrazu a pobytu v nemocnici taky nevyzkoušel. Souhlasím ale s tím, že při instalaci nové verze by mělo být možné určit, zda mapy uložit na extSD. Já například budu mít Locus s AND11 v tabletu Samsung A8. Jsem si jist, že všechny mapy by se do interní paměti nevešly. Důležité taky je, aby soukromé složky byly po instalaci přístupné i pro správce souborů jako třeba Total Commander. Jinak do nich nebude možné nahrát mapy z cizích zdrojů.


we all are well aware this is the problem (Android 11+ limitations). On the second side, to be true, I'm still not convinced, this may be a major break in the app usability. I'm looking forward to next week when we finally find the correct answer.

Topic & voting: I've expected, it may be a task that should take quite a lot of time, that I currently do not have. So voting may help me better decide if this isn't the idea of just a few people here on the forum ...

Quote from: michaelbechtold on November 29, 2021, 20:45:37
Another fact is, that most Androids are NOT Pixels. But rather the majority employs external SD card support, to allow for cheaper storage extension.
This is based on known facts? We are talking about devices with Android 11. Most of the modern devices are created with bigger internal memory instead of support for external SD cards. Sure, SD cards are usually 4x time cheaper, I know. Also, I made just a quick benchmark, and LoMaps from the SD card (average class 10 card) is 9x slower than LoMaps from the internal storage. You are the one who fights for faster maps ...

Manual updated a lot, hope for good.

@Žajdlík Josef
Understand. To have fast maps, it will be necessary to limit number of maps on the device. As I wrote above, SD card, no matter what I do, will never be too fast.

New version MapGooglePlay_4.4.3.31 RC_1045 just published.

It should have mainly
- option to move mapsVector and SRTM directories to the private directory on the external storage (SD card)
- integrated links to manual pages

Let me please know mainly if this nighly update in custom directories will work correctly for all of you. Thanks
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Menion, I have tons of large maps on SD card, even on older devices. There is no performance problem using them in higher ZLs (although for sure you can MEASURE a significant difference).
A DATABASE on SD however, I would not even try, because the effect is obvious.


To be true, I expect the opposite. Working with points/tracks is usually one time ... a load of a bunch of points, save the single track, hide a few points etc. On the second side, maps are loading every time you work with the app ... anyway I fully support database data on the internal memory, mainly because of possible data loss due to malfunction of SD card.

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@Menion: you write so that it is important with the cards so that they are internal, because the internal memory is faster.  I also thought so and have them internally. I also have the database internally.
But now there is little space and I have the SRTM elevation data on the external SD card. Have there also much LIDAR (need more space).

Question: How important is the speed for the elevation data ?

Translated with (free version)
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


Hello menion
Quoteoption to move mapsVector and SRTM directories to the private directory on the external storage (SD card)
to check the function i moved my srtm data from the custom folder on the extSD to the private folder of the extSD with the locus filemanager.
There was no error message and the elevation data is also displayed on the map.
Unfortunately, none of my file managers show me the contents on the extSD/Android/data.
Downloading missing elevation data from another map area also works, but these are not displayed either.
So I have no way of managing these files.

Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


hi Wolfgang, I've tested many file managers and Solid explorer ans X-plore should tackle this. But on Xiaomi phones, none of the managers succeeded in transferring the files manually. Only connecting the phone to a PC managed to do the task via Total Commander.

Odesláno z mého M2101K6G pomocí Tapatalk

PR/support & UXW & copy, Locus team, Asamm Software, Prague


Hi Michal
i´m on Samsung Xcover4s with X-plore  ???
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


OMG, Total Commander dev. is struggling and fighting currently. I am currently unclear about how I could copy OAM maps to Ext/Android/Data/<locus>
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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