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Messages - druki

Other features / Re: Online search
March 17, 2024, 13:47:34
Quote from: T-mo on March 12, 2024, 23:05:55I searched for
and get results at 8th position very far away, 1000s of km, france, congo, kenya..
With 'bier' 1st suggestion might be a category like pub, food&drink, Trinkhalle..something with some very basic logic.
#filterchain 8)

In my eyes the mixup of different searches in one new "online search" is maybe good for "getting any result", but it is hard as a user to understand that there are "different context of the results" (is it a category? or a POI found somewhere in the Locus World? or is it a result of a dedicated location search of a framework/Internetservice?). This mixup of context is for me one reason why it is so difficult as a user to explain how the current new online search can be improved (most users that complain probably just want it "better" - they don't want to think about context - but the new online search feels "be forced to provide only small junks of context information as a global result"). To make it short: I have trouble finding good results! I started using workarounds for having good results™ like...

1. using Locus Offline POI database navigation in categories with nearby list and map display (good for finding OSM maintained data like museum, toilet, pub - hey, distances to map center works here correctly! - you only have to learn your favourite categories),
2. switching to Wikipedia search in Locus (good for finding sightseeing locations, correct distances),
3. using offline address search in Locus (good for finding addresses in OSM data - exact spelling necessary, choosing north/south of a country is a try&error method),
4. search in google maps and open the location in Locus (good for finding the best results - handling is not the easiest solution because of the media break)

Ideas: If results should include a mixup of different sources, there could be a ranking algorithm that matches "the real needs of the users". If this is not possible or  additionally, it could be more easy to switch fast between the usecases like category search, name of POI search, address search (one that is working like a charm), sightseeing search by Wiki etc.). Single search usecases by those sources as usable symbols for the toolbars would be loveley.
Quote from: mictie on September 10, 2019, 13:46:41Thank you for your reply!
I tried a few themes, but the missing information never showed up.
Especially the missing buildings worry me...
Feel free to vote for to push topic of public transport in Locus forward.
Unfortunately there is no theme that displays bus lines as far as I found. There are external themes that can show some railway/tram/Underground lines like theme "Elements" content://
But there is no thema in Locus available that shows bus lines with the standard LoMaps. Maybe this could get some likes in an idea suggestion on  for locus, bit I couldn't find exactly this need there as a question/suggestion.
There are similar topics like a request for routing on public transport:
I have 35 LoMaps for Offline use (Version 4.19, Gold Abo). From time to time there are updates for the maps. At some maps, the button is labeled "update", at other maps, the button is labeled "download". What is the difference?
I assume, both buttons will cause the map manager to download the newest map from the Locus server and install it locally to replace the older existing map. But I would like to know why the labeling is different. Has it something to do woth also inclided OffliePOI or navigation data or something else?
@balloni55: thanks a lot, this "double menu" was unexpected from me
Please help: Where can I switch on/off the measurement of the surface (i.e. squaremeter) in the new Create-Route-UI?
Es ist mir ein bißchen unklar, was Du unter einem Link zu "c: geo" meinst (weil ich nicht mit c:geo arbeite), aber Links werden angezeigt, wenn sie vorhanden sind. Schau mal beim Bearbeiten eines Geocaches ganz unten unter "Links", klicke "Feld hinzufügen", trage eine gültige URL ein, speichere und Du wirst diese URL im Allgemein-Reiter unten als Link finden.

Der Grund, warum Du den Link auf dem Smartphone vermisst, ist evtl. Deine Arbeitsweise mit c:geo auf den Geräten.
but it's interesting that the gpx file has different kind of codings for the German Umlaute. It looks like the sourcedata of outdooractive is not very clean. Example:
<name>Landratsamt B&amp;amp;ouml;blingen - Landratsamt Böblingen</name>

The first "ö" is masked, and the second one is not (in UTF8 it's not necessary to mask an "ö"). This could be equalized/cleaned at outdooractive (in their import or export processes or maybe with a regex script in their database).
Ich denke, bei Outdooractive werden die eingehenden Daten von Usern einheitlich in einer Datenbank gespeichert werden. Ich vermute mal, bei der Erzeugung der gpx files wird bei Outdooractive etwas schief laufen, wenn das kml file stimmt.

Ah, ich seh grad, die Umlauterkennung wird auch in
Trotzdem ist das gpx nicht ganz "sauber".
Hallo, ich nutze seit über eineinhalb Jahren ein Sony Xperia V. Das ist zwar nicht das Schnellste und Neueste, dürfte aber recht günstig zu bekommen sein und erfüllt folgende Kriterien:
- Wasserdicht (im Regen ganz gut bedienbar)
- Wechselakku, Laufzeit mittelmäßig (habe immer 3 Ersatzakkus dabei)
- Gonass-Empfang, ziemlich genauer Empfang
- bei Sonne einigermaßen gut ablesbar (es gibt sicher bessere), hohe Auflösung
- durch 4,3 Zoll Display auch noch mit einer Hand sicher bedienbar ohne aus der Hand zu gleiten (was bei größeren Displays nicht mehr möglich ist)
- einigermaßen wenig Sony-Bloatware  (trotzdem ca. 100 eigene favorisierte Apps installiert, da ich etwas eigene Ansprüche habe an Musicplayer, Videoplayer, Bildbearbeitung, eMailclient, Businesscalender etc.).
Soweit meine 2 Cent ;-)
Tools / Re: Live Tracking by NeoCortex
December 06, 2014, 01:04:36
Hi, I have tested it: It's nice, I like it!
Some ideas:
- to keep roomname simple but unique, you could combine it with a field which holds a "password". Or use basic auth to make it safe and noone can guess a room name.
- show last known time of user on map (or at his name button)
- make (own?) POIs deletable
- make rooms deletable (see also first suggestion for safety)
- define an administrator user for a room (the user who created the room) to be able to delete users of own room/POIs of own room/own room

I would prefer to see my room in Locus via api, because of loading maptiles in Google and having no big dataflat (and it's easier without app switching to see buddies).

Thanks for sharing this service!
Hi, Du kannst Dir auch das "Auge" in die rechte Leiste legen um schnell aufräumen zu können.
Thanks Menion, I'm looking forward...
My feedback aboug new Point/Track lists: Needs more space so I see less entries. Could there be a selectable compact view?
And at geocaches list: I miss the containef size (this is more important for me than the creation date of the geocache).
How about selecting the details to show in the list?
Hast Du mal die Satellitenansicht aufgerufen? Mit Mobilfunknetz können die aktuellen Satellitenbahnen abgerufen werden und dann weiß man, welche Satelliten zumindest theoretisch sichtbar sein sollten. GPS Status & Tools (siehe im Locusmenü die empfohlenen Co-Apps) kann auf Wunsch die Daten verwerfen und neu laden.