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no právě s tím naobtíž je to problém ... četl jsem a docela se s tím ztotožňuju (i když to tak nevypadá) že čím kvalitnější program, tím míň má nastavení. Locus je teda docela tragédie :))
[CZ&SK] - diskuze o Locusu / Re: Turistické mapy
February 24, 2012, 06:45:55
o žádném "kurvítku" :) nevím ... Locus nepozná zdroj map vyrobených v Mobacu takže žádné kurvítko ani být nemůže. To že to nefunguje je divné, zkus zkontrolovat jestli mapa je ve správném adresáři, případně vymazat cache adresář (což přinutí locus načíst mapy komplet znovu)
Troubles & Questions / Re: How to Stop Locus
February 23, 2012, 09:59:22
This will not help Gynta ...

during navigation, tap on top left big icon of next cross. There is main menu for navigation and also ability to stop navigation
thanks Matthias but don't do this PhoneGuy :D

thanks for second log on email. Problem in log is hopefully solved (almost few weeks ago) so wait till next release (probably today) and test it with new version. I did quite a lot of changes so we'll continue in fixing issue (if will still exist) with new market version ...
ah pravda, mapc2mapc umí rovnou SQlite nebo RMAP formát, takže pokud budeš používat tenhle program, tak oba dva formáty budou rychlejší než KMZ, nicméně i ten KMZ by měl od následující verze pracovat
 yes I know about this. To be true, I wasn't thinking a lot about it. Anyway you're right with think, that when you press STOP, recording should stop, because that's why you pressed this button. So fix is quite simple. When you press stop, I press in background pause button. When you cancel track storing, I press recording again ...

so issue fixed
pěkná mapka ...

tak bych zkusil program Mapc2mapc ... tady jsou nějaké postupy Pro tebe bych doporučil postup na vytvoření KMZ souboru "To create a Garmin Custom Map from a Libre Map Project Map". Od nové verze (release asi zítra) Locus načte i velké KMZ soubory takže tahle mapa bude fungovat. Je tam i nějaká demo verze takže na vyzkoušení určitě stačí

a ohledně GPS auto-off - doporučuju si dát do pravého panelu rychlý přepínač ;)
  o tomhle se uvažuje. Prozatím to ale možné v žádném případě není. Až bude (jestli bude) bude tahle informace rozhodně na očích :)
Wishlist / Re: Just an Idea
February 22, 2012, 10:03:48
Yes, I agree that this is not right task for Locus. This can do any other application that can handle SMS. Locus is not good for this task
Ahoj Davide,
  zkoušel jsi v locusu "onBoard map calibration funkci"? Otázka je jak velký soubr chceš kalibrovat. Nějakou menší velikost Locus zvládne. Větši budeš muset nakalibrovat. A to jak? To bude muset odpovědět někdo fundovanější
thanks PhoneGuy,
  there was one error on custom screen selection which is now fixed, anyway this will probably not fix issue with recording, so try it on normal screen and let me know.

when you start catlog, you have to wait for a while, till it stop loading new lines. So wait 5-10 secs and then save and email ...
Other features / Re: Locus Shop
February 21, 2012, 21:22:55
Hi Gynta, I know I know, thanks for offer, but I decided to risk it and publish during this week new version on market without public testing. Wish me luck :)
thanks Matthias. Email received but in your log is no info about locus and no info about some crash. Weird but really, no info ...
thanks for email. I'm looking at it. There is only one serious error that happen during some changes of custom screen.

Are you using custom screen during track record? Maybe this cause this issues. Did you tried recording just without this custom screen? If no, try it please. Log in case of crash is again, more then welcome
  sorry to hear this. Let's go and fix it. "Send report" button is not much useful for me. Best is using some other program like "CatLog" (free on market). So imediately after Locus crash, start catLog and from menu select SAVE and then SEND and this will send log with report (send it to locus(@) email maybe together with some small description why this issue happen)