[APP] - version 3.30.+ ( 15. 3. 2018 )

Started by Menion, March 15, 2018, 12:35:05

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Žajdlík Josef

One big mistake left Menione uncorrected. There seems to be misunderstanding as a result of my bad English, I will describe it below in Czech. The same mistake was made by Andrew Heard, and it is a non-switching of the dashboard.
Czech description:
Pokud mám přednastavení 1) bez dashboardu a přepnu na přednastavení 2) obsahující dash, je vše v pořádku, dash se zobrazí. Jestli ale mám v přednastavení 1) zobrazený dash A) a přepnu na přednastavení 2) obsahující dash B), zůstane zobrazený dash A). Mohu pak jedině kliknout ručně na tlačítko skrýt/zobrazit dash, a zobrazí se správně dash B).


BETA 3.30.3 RC
QuoteCache details> click top right button > "Notes" > "Locus Map" wurde beendet
solved :)
Quotethe Beta didn´t use the "order of tabs" from config.cfg
solved :)
one behavior is furthermore different to PRO:
if config.cfg > Geocaching > when opening Geocache screen first open > is empty
-with Pro "Basic Info" is opened,
-with Beta RC always first tab of order list is opened, in my case 14=Logs
Quotemy setting: keep 10 logs
if i run "load logs" in log tab, they are downloaded but not displayed (temporary) as in PRO
no improvement
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


QuoteAnd "5+" ... small quizz :). I've improved it little bit so you may guess in next version once more
sorry, can´t solve your quizz, difficulty for me D5 :P
behavior i observed: cache listings from  PQ (not updated) display e.g.  ...+1 - ...+60
if i update caches which display ....+6 or more, after update value is always ....+5 ????

Release Notes "visible cache types also for a found cache"
i use  another icon pack for geocaches and didn´t see the cache type icon beside the found smiley???
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


During navigation, the purple line of the route flashes. It will disturb it.

During automatic route change,  map rotation does not work. One does not know where the direction is. It is very important in this situation.

The accuracy of the position is better but not as accurate as in 3.29.

Subjectively, it seems to me that CPU usage is greater and even higher temperature.

Thank you for the type of cache.


QuoteThank you for the type of cache.
@ Condor
please share a screenshot example
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4




@Žajdlík Josef
do you really have latest Beta version from Google Play? I had to publish two today ...

- finally understand with difference between versions ... improved, thanks
- anyway logs: I've tried once on my device and wasn't able to simulate it. I'll give it a try one more time during weekend ...
- and value +10 etc. ... if you see there 5 icons and value +10, then in "logs" tab should be 15 logs.

interesting that you have some new problems with navigation that 1) no other user report, 2) I'm quite sure that nothing changes around navigation. Will check it tomorrow.
Accuracy have to be exactly same as before 3.30 now.
Higher CPU usage, hmm, maybe it may be correct, I'll check it also during weekend, thanks!
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


@Menion OK, As soon as I have time to make a video. Aaachhh....



Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on April 13, 2018, 18:22:48
*** BETA 3.30.3 RC ***
yes, exactly as you marked on your screenshot. I may only hide this top small symbol, nothing more.
@menion - now I understand the purpose I don't think it necessary to hide but either way minor detail for most users

Quote from: menion on April 13, 2018, 22:19:42
Higher CPU usage, hmm, maybe it may be correct, I'll check it also during weekend, thanks!
@menion - I have extensive power consumption tests for long list of previous versions, unfortunately moving towards winter here & not doing long rides, so no chance for my normal battery % tests sorry. % battery for 1hr walk shows no unusual/ additional drain from previous versions.

30.30.3 RC - confirmed: dashboard text is correctly refreshed when linked preset is changed GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Mi menion,
before the release I should write two problems on my smartphone:

1. since ~4-5 days the free beta does no longer make auto backups, neither in the cloud to dropbox nor in the backup\auto folder. The date of the next auto backup is always updated.
I tried to get a auto backup many times.

2. If I start Locus pro I see in my task manager the pro icon (~100 MB). It disappears shortly after closing pro.
If I start free beta then ofc the free icon appears (with ~100 MB) *and* the pro icon (~25 MB).
After closing the beta this pro icon (=task) does never disappear, I can kill this unwanted task during the running beta without any problem (and later also).
I cannot believe that this is intended.

I stumbled over this behavior because in this week my phone shut down two times because of empty battery during recording a track with the beta.
My battery is good, after 6-7 hours of track recording it has ~ 60 %.

Edit: I did a new installation of Locus free but this behavior remains.
Sony Xperia Z1c     Android 11 LOS 18.1
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14

User ID acc406201

Žajdlík Josef

You were right. I managed to download the first of two versions yesterday. At the newer, switching the dashboard is fine. Thanks.


uh, this is unexpected. Never saw this weird refreshing ... will be watching this over the weekend.

1. auto-backup: ah you are right, same problem here, thanks
2. not sure what happen here. You say that when you start a Beta version, Pro version starts immediately as well?

Higher battery consumption is also unexpected :/. I'll be watching it more carefully this week, thanks.

EDIT: oki, one more version published
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote from: menion on April 14, 2018, 07:43:43
2. not sure what happen here. You say that when you start a Beta version, Pro version starts immediately as well?

Yes, but only ~25 MB big instead of ~100 MB. this happens every time I start free/beta.

Edit: I attached a catlog.
Sony Xperia Z1c     Android 11 LOS 18.1
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14

User ID acc406201


Thanks for a log, I think it helped. Because BETA versions work almost similar as Locus Map Pro, it also call "refresh" on widgets. And this call seems to wake up Locus Map Pro on your device, because you have widget for track recording added to desktop. If you remove it, it should help anyway it should not happen once Beta change into regular Free version.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote from: menion on April 14, 2018, 17:11:48
Thanks for a log, I think it helped. Because BETA versions work almost similar as Locus Map Pro, it also call "refresh" on widgets. And this call seems to wake up Locus Map Pro on your device, because you have widget for track recording added to desktop. If you remove it, it should help anyway it should not happen once Beta change into regular Free version.
Thank you, but I do not have a Locus widget on my screen.
Sony Xperia Z1c     Android 11 LOS 18.1
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14

User ID acc406201