[APP] - version 3.30.+ ( 15. 3. 2018 )

Started by Menion, March 15, 2018, 12:35:05

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Q: sorry can´t find out what this info means :-[
first i thought, it´s the count of additional "found logs", but in this example there are quite more than 5

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


it looks more like a problem with your settings. You have disabled settings > navigation > advanced > strict route following (first settings in advanced section).

@Andrew Heard
perfect, thanks for testing!
Issue with satellites.Do you see tiny icon with satellite at top? Here is hidden rest of sats. System report to Locus map some parameters that are used to draw them on correct place. Anyway sometimes sats does not report to Locus correct values, so they cannot be drawn. Nothing I may do here, sorry.
Not refreshing dahboards: I'll look at it, thanks
And popup when disabled location providers ... I've noticed this yesterday as well .. will be improved, thanks.

@Žajdík Josef
thanks, perfect!

crash when click on "Notes" will be fixed. And error is made by system, so it's language is based on your system language.
And "5+" ... small quizz :). I've improved it little bit so you may guess in next version once more ;)
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"You have disabled settings> navigation> advanced> strict route following"

This option has been disabled for many years.
Reason: After getting out of the car and walking to the cache I need my position and not the arrow on the road.
All previous versions worked correctly. I have never used the navigation otherwise.



Thanks for trying ;-)
I know these features and I have been actively using for many years. The picture is a preview for Menion why I do not use this setting.

This is enough for the show. Real use is for example 400 km of route and 100 points. It would mean 100 times to off the navigation and turn on again, which is about 2-3 hours of unnecessary work per day on the road.


I'm little lost now.
Based on your screenshots and settings, all seems to work as expected.
With disabled "Strict route following", app just display your real location as you know.
For your use case should make more sense to use common settings with enabled "Strict..." and just disable auto-recalculation. Then, when you move out of route for more than defined "Maximum allowed deviation", navigation just switch to guidance and you will see your real location as well.

Anyway, I do not fully understand what now works differently compared to the previous version. Will have to try tomorrow in the field.

Unfortunately you and kyle here, are only two who reports some remaining problem with GPS in this new version so we have to solve it fast to release a new version as soon as possible ;).
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I'll watch the navigation screen for 3 years and know when it works. I know how to estimate 3s before Eliška starts talking.
But OK. The current solution for my real use is, unfortunately, going back to the functional version 3.29

I'm attaching a functional navigation screen from the old version.
With identical settings.

Viajero Perdido

GPS management seems good with beta

I went for a walk and recorded a track, and the track corresponds very well with earlier tracks and the OSM map.  I noticed estimated accuracy as good as 3m; in a recent version a few days ago I never saw <10m, as others have mentioned.

And it now seems to turn off GPS reliably when Locus isn't using it and isn't focussed.  Earlier I had issues with that.

I'm using Android 6 and have GPS set to Device Only.


I'm just looking at my backup program that my beta has overwritten my Locus Pro backups so I've lost 3 latest versions of the app! They have the same name Locus map.
So I have no functional version!
:-\ :( >:(


I'm stupid ... I talk about "route following" settings, but what you need is simply disable "snap to route" settings below. Sorry! Give it a try ...

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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Žajdlík Josef

Testing the BETA version on Android 7 runs smoothly. I did not find any trouble in the other three records.
I've only tested Android 4.2 once. The recording went smoothly. But I was having trouble turning off GPS satellites after recording. The GPS signaling icon was white, but a beep sounded to signal the loss of GPS signal. I tried to turn the GPS compass on and off again. Still, I noticed at the end of Locus that the phone still searches for satellites and ends when Locus is turned off. This is not happening on Android 7. I'm still restarting the phone and running a new test. Then let me know.
One more question. After restarting the Locus (PRO and BETA), they create a data backup. It is necessary? It slows down on slow phones.

CZ: Testování BETA verze na Android 7 probíhá bez problémů. V dalších třech záznamech jsem nenarazil na potíže.
Testoval jsem zatím jen jednou na Android 4.2. Záznam proběhl bez problémů. Potíže jsem ale měl s vypnutím satelitů GPS po ukončení záznamu. Ikona signalizující GPS byla bílá, ale přesto se ozval zvukový signál oznamující ztrátu GPS signálu. Zkusil jsem na "kompasu" GPS znovu zapnout a vypnout. Přesto jsem si při ukončení Locusu všiml, že telefon stále vyhledává satelity a skončí až po vypnutí Locusu. Na Android 7 se tohle neděje. Dnes ještě telefon zrestartuji a provedu nový test. Pak dám vědět.
Ještě jeden dotaz. Po restartu telefonu Locus (PRO i BETA) vytvářejí zálohu dat. Je to nutné? U pomalých telefonů to dost zdržuje.


Thanks for a tests!
I believe, no need to reset your device. If GPS is still enabled even if you disable it in Locus Map, then it will be definitely some problem in app, so save your time. I'll try to simulate it also on 4.x device.

Backups: how often you restart your device? You probably have set a frequent automatic backups?
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Žajdlík Josef

Quote from: menion on April 12, 2018, 07:37:53
Backups: how often you restart your device? You probably have set a frequent automatic backups?

I turn off my Android 4.2 phone often. I only use it for the weekend route records, so it's useless to keep it on. In addition, Alcatel has a quick power feature so the system loads up quite quickly. As far as I know, I have the automatic backup on my phone completely off, but check it out (in the evening).

CZ: Telefon s Androidem 4.2 vypínám často. Používám ho jen na víkendové záznamy tras, tak je zbytečné aby byl stále zapnutý. Alcatel má navíc funkci rychlého zapnutí takže systém nabíhá docela rychle. Pokud vím, tak automatické zálohování mám na tomto telefonu úplně vypnuté, ale zkontroluji to (večer).

Žajdlík Josef

Results of today's BETA test.
Android 4.2.
Recording without problems. After the phone was restarted, there was no problem with the disabling of the GPS. Tested several times in a row. After shutting down scheduled backups, backup files were stopped after the phone restart. So I'm having trouble solving this phone.
Android 7.
Record again without any problems. However, I encountered one minor problem.
I've tried adding "steps" to the dashboard. Unfortunately, walking and recording does not show anything. I'm sure Galaxy A3 sensors have the Samsung Health Steps app measured reliably. If this feature is problematic, it might be easier to completely drop it, I do not know if someone is using it.

CZ: Výsledky dnešních testů BETA verze.
Android 4.2.
Záznam bez problémů. Po restartu telefonu se už neopakovaly potíže s nevypínáním GPS. Vyzkoušeno několikrát po sobě. Po vypnutí plánovaných záloh se přestaly po restartu telefonu vytvářet záložní soubory.  Považuji tedy potíže na tomto telefonu vyřešené.
Android 7.
Záznam opět bez problémů. Narazil jsem ale na jeden drobnější problém.
Zkusil jsem přidat do dashboardu položku "kroky". Bohužel za chůze ani při zapnutém záznamu nic neukazuje. Jsem si jist, že Galaxy A3 senzory má protože app Samsung Health kroky měří spolehlivě. Pokud je tato funkce problematická, možná by bylo jednodušší ji úplně vypustit, nevím jestli to někdo používá.

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on April 11, 2018, 15:38:42
Issue with satellites.Do you see tiny icon with satellite at top? Here is hidden rest of sats. System report to Locus map some parameters that are used to draw them on correct place. Anyway sometimes sats does not report to Locus correct values, so they cannot be drawn. Nothing I may do here, sorry.
You mean like in this screen cap? No worries - understood - thanks.

LM4.26.3.3 RC12 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


*** BETA 3.30.3 RC ***
Please use is today/tomorrow. If no serious problem remains, I'll publish final Pro version in Sunday to finally get rid of remaining problems with GPS.

@Žajdlík Josef
amazing, thanks for a tests! Seems that except @Condor, now all are satisfied :).

About "steps" ... this number comes from "step counter" sensor connected over ANT+. It is truth, that most of devices allows to count steps directly.

@Andrew Heard
yes, exactly as you marked on your screenshot. I may only hide this top small symbol, nothing more.
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