[APP] - version 3.30.+ ( 15. 3. 2018 )

Started by Menion, March 15, 2018, 12:35:05

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Žajdlík Josef

 Hello Menione, please try again to add to screen rotation preferences. With the new beta menu, you need to click 9x to change it. This is quite a lot. Otherwise I like the new menu, it is much clearer.


Field Note Manager (FNM)
It does not update the list after editing.

Existing record, tap and hold to edit, edit record - delete record, click back, return to FNM list.

This list will remain old with no existing records.


- screenshot with greyed trackables appear after creating a new log? Greyed trackables are already uploaded to gc.com, so it looks more like editing of old log.
- and I also saw a "ghost line", just wasn't able to simulate it. I'll look at it once more, thanks
- problem with refresh of FNM ... ah, possible. I'll check it too, thanks.

thanks, so, next version ;)

@Žajdlík Josef
understand. I was thinking about this setting in presets ... mainly on the bike, it is usually a problem. Unfortunately, now it's not possible, but in near future...

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- screenshot with greyed trackable

I did a lot of tests ...
Yes, you're right, it's some old records. I do not know where and why does Locus archive them?
These records were tested and deleted. I do not have them stored anywhere.
I have no offline (FN) record at this time.
I open a cache, write a new log, and I will download the TB list to send it. And we'll get a long long gray list!
Now I've looked at it and added another 7 entries! I did not send anything! Each new TB list opening adds additional gray records. I did not send anything.
You understand?  ;)
I already have a list of 4 displays   :D

I did not use the send button!
And I just looked at the GC and:

23. 5. 2018    Condorik took it to Koral
This old test I do not see in Locus anywhere today send on GC!
I did not use the send button!
I did not even use the TB refresh button
This is what the white records are on the screenshot!!!

+edit 2

I have probably reached some limit (Max TB record? I have them 11)
Because the gray record has ceased to grow.
I'm in the state that I can not make any new TB record anymore.

+edit 3
Maybe if I used the TB refresh button I could go on  :D :D :D
I do not want to try it! I do not want another unwanted record on the GC site.

Žajdlík Josef

Thank you, Menion, if it was too complicated, just add the option to the quick settings.


Just back from hiking in Scotland, hope it's not too late for some wish for next version ;)
I didn't get the chance to try out the new intents yet, but I'm looking forward to it. However, I'm missing one: "Activate Preset" (by name). With this, intents would be able to set anything that can be done in presets. Furthermore, adding new settings to presets automatically makes intent more powerful.
Case in point: I now have Tasker setups for Hiking, Biking, Car Navigation, etc. that are able to setup all aspects of my phone, start Locus/recording, etc. Only to have to display a popup at the end "Please choose the correct Locus preset now". With such an intent, it would finally be possible to to have a 1-click solution.

And another tiny thing: As you're improving point filters, could you also amend the track filters with a "Activity type" selection?


Hi guys,
quite a long time since last bigger update and quite a lot of feedback from all of you. This month is "king of active users" @Condor (after many many months before when kings were mostly @gynta & @balloni), so thanks :).

The new version is out, so new discussion in new topic, please.

Last unsolved issues:
probably some old problems caused by older system. If you want to get rid of it, please send me again your field notes database file and I'll fix it manually or simply delete this file ( Locus\data\config\gcFieldNotes.db ) if you don't care about your logs in Locus Map. I should at least check what is a problem with your current db.

@Žajdlík Josef
I'll add this setting to Presets, it will just take a while till I do some more changes in the app

too late, version is out. Anyway, most of your changes need some more work. No worry ... June is another month when we may do some improvements in app ;).

Have a nice week!
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