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Messages - Žajdlík Josef

Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
June 28, 2021, 08:50:00
More than half a year from the transition to the 4X version and the placement of Web Planner. It seems to me that Locus has since passed quite great development since then, but Web Planner is still in Beta. There is still no GPX import. The only novelty for the whole time is just that it can edit routes, but it can not be used to repair recorded routes. Is there any schedule, how should web planner continue?
The following users thanked this post: balloni55, Andrew Heard, Hennes
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
June 03, 2021, 10:12:32
You need to add districts for the names to the search list. I was looking for Kyjov in the Hodonín district, but I don't know how to know which it is. At the same time, it is a big city and the first list is a small village.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Jestli chceš, můžeš se zkusit odpíchnout od některého z mých nastavení. Používám pro kolo různé varianty nastavené v Presetech, podle toho, na kterém kole jedu. To první je pro silniční kolo, druhé pro treking a to třetí pro toulání neznámými končinami. Všeobecně chci mít při nízké a vysoké rychlosti přehledovou mapu a při takové té courací spíš podrobnosti. Kombinuji to pak za jízdy se zámkem zoomu.
The following users thanked this post: Menion, terzdek
Quote from: Menion on April 29, 2021, 08:52:13
[@Žajdlík Josef
1) you compare the popup on the map (probably enabled by you in the settings) with the name of the track (defined during saving also by you) with real-time when the track was created. So from my point of view, it is ok like this.
I understand, but it is necessary that the label appears in that little preview? And the route name is the default Lucus setting. This will thus be displayed by most users.
The following users thanked this post: Tapio
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
March 29, 2021, 10:15:44
Locus site does not display solar power plants. See SCR.
The following users thanked this post: janaton
In the Czech Republic, also belongs to that list.  Very popular free application.  According to Slarti, purchasing power is also much lower than in Switzerland.  Nevertheless, I believe that Locus 4 will find enough users with us as well.  I will pay Locus personally even if I am currently out of work and regular income.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
I have a subscription query. If LM4 Gold is installed on a tablet and phone with the same account. Will one Gold License will be enough in this case?
The following users thanked this post: Diddi
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
March 01, 2021, 09:40:33
If I create a route by hand drawing, it is not possible to select "Activity type" when saving. The route cannot be saved without it, but it can be exported to GPX.
The following users thanked this post: janaton
Would it be possible to add a version of the Climb Pro function to version 4?
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Addition of mileage display and number of hours in the folder display in LM4. If this did not affect the display speed, it would be a suitable replacement for the ODO of the cycling computer.
The following users thanked this post: Tapio
Quote from: menion on March 25, 2020, 08:31:06
@Žajdlík Josef
Thanks for the idea with combined rec/gps button. I can't imagine how this may work. Side recording panel is quite big, same with satellite screen, so how you choose which screen to open? I made a small change in recording button to better fit current design, just for quick test.
Just add a bookmark. So far there are GPS and Compass. Recording would be Recording, GPS and Compass. I feel like these things are related. But it's just such an idea.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Hi Menion, I have a proposal to modify the display of warnings and warnings. I don't like the current version, when the warnings are displayed twice. Please try to discuss this. This is because if the backup fails, for example, and you are on an expedition somewhere, the icon now unnecessarily overlaps the map.
soucasnostinformace.jpg - current status for informative announcement
navrhinformace.jpg - proposed version in Google style
soucasnostvarovani.jpg - current status of warning notifications, the icon is shown unnecessarily twice
navrhvarovani.jpg - an icon that nobody will miss should be sufficient

Ahoj Menione, měl bych návrh na úpravu zobrazení upozornění a varování. Současná verze, kdy se varovaní zobrazují dvakrát se mi moc nelíbí. Zkuste se o tom prosím poradit. Důvodem je i to, že pokud selže například odesílání zálohy a jsi někde na výpravě, ikona nyní zbytečně překrývá mapu.
soucasnostinformace.jpg - stávající stav pro informativní oznámení
navrhinformace.jpg - navrhovaná verze ve stylu Google
soucasnostvarovani.jpg - stávající stav varovných oznámení, ikona se ukazuje zbytečně dvakrát
navrhvarovani.jpg - ikona, kterou asi nikdo nepřehlédne by měla postačovat
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
The most difficult thing for Menion will be to find the simplest insight, while preserving the possibilities typical of Locus. If Locus simplifies a lot, it gets into direct competition with Google Maps, and other applications. The development of these applications is based on large teams of people and applications are provided free of charge. If Locus is to be a paid application, it must not lose existing users and these are mostly technically-based users. Therefore, you will need to keep as much user-friendly settings as possible. Also, control logic should not change. The new look is nice, but perhaps irrelevant to me, I appreciate the application because of other things. But I understand that it is time to modernize the interface.
The following users thanked this post: Menion, Henk van der Spek
Wouldn't it be possible to make round buttons "floating"? The user could move them themselves where they are most convenient. Mainly with regard to dashboard.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Díky za vysvětlení Menione, já už jsem i trochu litoval, že jsem příspěvek zveřejnil. Nakonec sami asi nelépe víte "kde vás bota tlačí.
Jinak ty nejsou nijak geniální, ale samozřejmě je znát, že na nich pracuje štáb lidí. Co se mi ale líbí moc - a ostatně jen proto jsem si je dal fo tabletu - je, že na velké množství bodů lze kliknout a dozvíš se docela odst informací včetně fotky. Já to ani nevěděl, ale když jsem byl na výšlapu s kamarádem, narazili jsme v docela zapomenutých končinách kříž a u něj zlaté podkovy. Kamarád jen klikl do mapy a už chrlil informace o co jde. Tohle je úplně geniální a mám obavu, že OSM mapy to jen tak nedoženou. No ale když to licence nedovolí, tak se nedá nic dělat.
Ostatní body - fajn, počkám si - placení měsíčních poplatků není problém, už jsem stejně uvažoval, že není moc spravedlivé používat prakticky denně a řadu let aplikaci za pár korun. Někdo ten vývoj přeci musí zaplatit. Kdybych byl boháčem, investoval bych s radostí do Locusu větší peníze, žel nezadařilo se...
The following users thanked this post: terzdek