[APP] - version 4.3.+ ( 28. 7. 2021 )

Started by Menion, July 28, 2021, 11:38:24

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I like the new Distance Markers, but disagree with removing the unit. Now they look like tram or metro line numbers. I really liked Josef's proposal with a big number and the unit small in a second line. That looked nicely like a milestone. Please consider...


Trying the latest Beta today: the new track naming I consider a joke, sorry ;-)
Pls. bring back the time stamp naming, and if someone needs the location of the latest point in the default naming for their peace of mind - pls. add it AFTER the time stamp.
TXs for your understanding.


I also like this idea of Josef's idea, but I first tried to do it as simply as possible. So I've re-used existing labels for points & tracks. This improvement will be a huge change so maybe later ...

Do not understand why a "joke"? In the list of tracks and also in the track detail, the time, when the track was recorded, is visible right at the top. So this info was doubled without any reason. The new name is created by the city of the starting point and the activity of the profile. What is wrong with it? Btw. you may simply change it in the profile settings ...
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Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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TXs for the hint to configure the name, Menion. I had not yet learnt about this feature; I have configured "{t}" for the original behaviour. Why? When you look into a folder the most prominent feature is the list of NAMES in bold letters. On the other hand, when you start multiple trips from the same place they will all look like the same. A combination may be most useful.
What shocked me yesterday was that Locus did change my profile without asking ...


Are you sure? My profiles are untouched.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Yes, I am. I have a single Profile with it's default name.
Installed the latest Beta, Later startet tracking and was caught by surprise when saving it.

Žajdlík Josef

Quote from: tapio on September 22, 2021, 11:16:21
Are you sure? My profiles are untouched.

Installing Beta overwritten all settings that were not defined manually. Unpleasantly.


Hmm, it is an unwanted side-effect for older profiles I was not aware of. Because this "naming" is a new feature, older profiles do not have saved original "{t}" value, so this new Beta overwrites it. Anyway, more people think that new naming, that replaces previous duplicate date/time value, is not the ideal solution?
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Žajdlík Josef

The route name setting feature still does not have the help of help. It would be difficult to create a drop-on offer of list names?
1) City start - city goals, time
2) Time
3) City, time
4) The route name by which it is navigated


I think the new configuration feature is cool, because it is so powerful and flexibe.
My only stumbling block was the surprise by the forced change. And that may trigger many questions by many users, once officially released.

Why not offering date/time, followed by location plus type as the default? And provide the context help to adapt as wished.

Then you are out of trouble :-)


@Žajdlík Josef
Options for track naming are already visible in the latest new RC version.

We discussed this for quite a long time last week and this is the result. Value you suggest, so {t}, {city}, {activity} should be quite long. Anyway, you are of course correct, that this change should not affect already existing recording profiles. I'll try to update it somehow. Unfortunately, profiles that already changed with this version, have to be modified manually, sorry for this.
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Hello menion
while writing a log for a geocache i take a photo which is uploaded with the log.

- where is the photo saved in the original quality that i want to use for my album?
i only found a reduced version for the web in
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Andrew Heard

FWIW my profile template name was not affected. I would suggest a track/filename more compact & unique like {t}"-"<ascending-serial#> or just {t} if time is included to make the name unique (I can't recall). The other suggestions are heavily dependent on personal preference, and will often result in a quite long name that subsequently has to be mostly partially deleted by many users. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Žajdlík Josef

Hi Andrew, I had the same idea, but I did some attempts and it's not so bad - see, SCR. I used a template to a shortened date + city start + city goal.