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Messages - slarti76

Quote from: jajaballard on August 11, 2015, 16:32:31
Selecting folder from extSD works too.
Here, too - thanks!
Quote from: jajaballard on August 10, 2015, 14:11:56
Update with 3.11.1:
De-installation and new installation of 3.11.1:

Changing to the "external" directories is still not working.
After selecting a "Backup" directory on my external SD systems comes back with "Process not successfully"
Tested on Galaxy S5 with Android 5.0
Same here (with 3.11.1) on Note 4, Android 5.0.1, rooted with extSdCard write permissions.
Quote from: gynta on June 04, 2015, 12:02:03
Quote from: menion on June 02, 2015, 20:37:46
And if I change "Share on Facebook" to just "Share", what should happen then, when Locus now allows simply only a "Share on Facebook"? So not "ignored", but because there are currently no other options, just "leaved".
ok, think I understand now. it's because this isn't a file sharing. It's more a special transfer. right?
But wouldn't that be a very technical distinction, one that was explicitly used as argument for a single tab "Offline" in the map chooser? Most users don't care (and don't understand) if and why "Share on Facebook" is different than "Share with Google Earth" (or whatever).
Quote from: john_percy on June 02, 2015, 23:31:11
Quite agree. Can't change the style of a theme that is currently in use now.
Same here, but only on my S4. On my Tab (Galaxy Tab pro 8.4) it works as before. Strange.
Menion, can you look at it or do we have to write it down in Helpdesk? ;)
The icons for the new direct access to "Points" on the data screen and to the "Points of Interest (Beta)" screen are exactly the same...
Other features / Re: Mapsforge 0.5
May 22, 2015, 10:03:16
Thank you guys, really great that you could "marry" the new Elevate themes with Locus. Looking forward to trying that out.
Good point there @john_percy.
I think we should reserve the term POI for the "official" ones, and perhaps call the Locus-internal ones Personal Points.
That would lead to these definitions:

  • POI (points of interest):
    Points that are defined as part of or additional to a map. Can be searched and shown/hidden with the "Points of interest (beta)" function.
  • Personal points:
    The points defined globally in Data > Points. Can be shown/hidden individually.
As suggested by gynta (, I would like to propose an addition to the manual: A definition of frequently used terms (FUT ;) ).

This is always a problem in discussions here and on the Helpdesk. In the above topic I explicitly inserted my working definitions, to get that out of the way first. I'm pasting an edited version of this here, as starting point. I'm aware that there is no globally accepted definition of all this, so it can't be avoided to be somehow Locus-centric - and it'll probably be criticized by some. But if we here have some kind of common language, even if it isn't perfect, it will make discussions much easier (and shorter).

  • Track:
    A collection of trackpoints that are connected.
  • Route:
    A track whose trackpoints have no timestamps, i.e. a planned track.
  • Recorded track:
    A track whose trackpoints have timestamps.
  • POI (points of interest):
    The points defined globally in Data > Points. Can be shown/hidden individually.
  • Trackpoints:
    The individual points that a track consists of (with or without timestamp).
  • Waypoints:
    Specific points that have the same attributes as POIs, but belong to a track and will be shown/hidden together with the track (not individually). Waypoints do not need to be at the same position as a trackpoint, however waypoints created while recording will be.
  • Navpoint (Navigation waypoint):
    Special waypoints with a fixed set of types that trigger specific actions (speech output, etc.) while navigating. Furthermore, they're always attached to a trackpoint.
As I said, this is open for discussion - but probably at some point the "Locus godfathers" should decide what to use.
Other features / Re: Mapsforge 0.5
May 06, 2015, 15:21:58
I should probably add that I only think the style selection is good as it it. The whole MapsForge 0.5 concept of overlays sounds pretty great and it would really love to see something like that in Locus, at least the ability to choose what POIs are shown as part of the map.
Related discussions:
Other features / Re: Mapsforge 0.5
May 06, 2015, 15:13:21
Menion understood me correctly. And thinking about it again, I think he's right: It's not that big deal. I prefer the internal theme with switching dialog, but this is only "proof-of-concept", as the user has to download the theme file manually.
I just hope that other theme developers will support the Locus solution soon. However, I'm not very optimistic about the Elevate themes, as the developer already implemented MapForge 0.5, and I'm not betting on them to support two different solutions at the same time...
Quote from: balloni55 on May 06, 2015, 13:19:56
Quote from: slarti76 on May 06, 2015, 13:06:18

That is very nice, but I can't see why only navigation waypoint? There's a lot of cases when I would later like to add a waypoint to a recorded track that I forgot on the road - but I can't. I can only add "global" points,
take a look on last section Insert/edit trackpoint[]=add&s[]=trackpoint
Sorry, I think you got me wrong: Editing trackpoints is not the issue, it's the new converting into a waypoint. I know, the words can be confusing and are used differently by different people, but I just used the same terminology as in Locus.
So I have a track (consisting of trackpoints) and want some of those points to be waypoints, just like when I added them while recording. Right now, that's only possible for that specific set of navigation waypoints.
Something else:
New in 3.8.x is the ability to "convert [a trackpoint] to a navigation waypoint".
That is very nice, but I can't see why only navigation waypoint? There's a lot of cases when I would later like to add a waypoint to a recorded track that I forgot on the road - but I can't. I can only add "global" points, but that often makes no sense (example: "Begin of climbing part" is specific to a track and not to the map).
I can't imagine that's a technical problem - the dialog would be the same as the one opened while recording.
Other features / Re: Mapsforge 0.5
May 06, 2015, 12:28:15
OK, yeah, tried it and works fine. Now if there only were a way to hide the 5 internal themes so to get a cleaner quick-switch dialog (got several OAM themes plus the V-Scale2 Pure...). Is that planned?