[APP] - version 3.20.x (31. 10. 2016+)

Started by Menion, October 26, 2016, 14:37:28

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Quote from: menion on October 31, 2016, 15:08:07
@ta-ka , @gynta: yep, little funny. It more like > nothing or all . Unfortunately there is no common method that use all file browsers that open certain directory. So I've rather created really basic call to system that should work in all filebrowsers and  ... well .. also in many other unwanted apps. Better then nothing? @voldapet was quite against this button, I on second side like it. So maybe small voting ... keep it or remove it? :)
Doesn't work: total commander can't read the file. So better remove it.


Quote from: Christian on October 31, 2016, 21:15:35
Quote from: menion on October 31, 2016, 15:08:07
... keep it or remove it? :)
Doesn't work: total commander can't read the file. So better remove it.
??? ? The Filemanager simply open the Items folder.
...and if you have configured your TotalCommander you can do what you want with displayed files.

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Andrew Heard on October 27, 2016, 00:42:45
@menion - I don't see new sound file PassPlace.ogg in navAudio ZIP in - ref. http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=5417.msg45464#msg45464.
traps for young (& old) players - the reason I didn't hear my new PassPlace.ogg - it appears the notification sounds are cached only when the voice is changed. Workaround - if I select a different voice, then re-select my desired voice, now I hear the updated PassPlace.ogg. hmmm.

Quote from: Andrew Heard on October 27, 2016, 00:42:45
What exact navigation scenario is it supposed to cater for, and does the user need to manually add this file into the ZIP?
So to answer my own question - navigation scenario for example using generic cue point in RWGPS - this now invokes PassPlace sound - excellent. Yes, you need to manually add this file into your chosen voice ZIP file.
4.28.2_1170 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


So I had to publish one more version today because of some "funny" issues with Kompass maps, sorry for this. Mainly to @balloni55 and @gynta who already purchased some maps. Anyway all affected people should get from Hanka an email with instructions and also refunded all spend LoCoins, sorry for this.
I had anyway one day to fix at least issue with missing "destination" waypoints for route planner (thanks @0709) and also reported crash in chart and few tiny issues. Hope new version will work fine and stable!

@Christian : thanks for a feedback. This "open in .." button is mainly made not to open files in "mapItems" directory, but to allow some advanced tasks that I do not wont to do in Locus, like copy, paste, edit text files, etc.

@Andrew Heard: hmm sounds like issue with using modified files. I'll check it, thanks

@0709: Willy yes I'm aware that other icons are missing. It is because currently it is not possible to create/attach basic points to tracks, it is allowed to add only "navigation waypoints". I plan to change this and offer full point edit screen also for these track waypoints, I just not yet found time on this.
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update time is "mark as read" time...

Why Locus isn't able to remember my already marked news?

Bucky Kid

Hello. I note a small shortcoming when adding a new track or waypoint. The suggested folder seems to be choosen quite randomly. Should be pre-selected either last used folder from previous add or user preference for default category for new track and waypoint.

Sent from my phone by Tapatalk


Quote from: Bucky Kid on November 05, 2016, 07:47:27
Hello. I note a small shortcoming when adding a new track or waypoint. The suggested folder seems to be choosen quite randomly. Should be pre-selected either last used folder from previous add or user preference for default category for new track and waypoint.
Yeah, noticed that too on holiday, kinda forgot about it again. But I also saw no pattern or way to influence the proposed folder. IMHO, should be the last one something was added to.


Another issue I stumbled across many times but forgot to report: there are sometimes only one or two distance rings.
This should be corrected to have ALWAYS three. If the outer one should be cut a bit - so be it, and in fact such happens.
The pattern I see is:
ZL 5: all missing - should be 500, 100 & 2000 km
ZL 6: 200km - two missing (maybe here only one additional makes sense: 400 km)
ZL 7: 100 & 200 km - one missing (should be 400 km)
ZL 8: 50, 100 & 200 km - good
ZL 9: 25, 50 & 100 km - good
... all good
ZL 13: 1, 2 & 5 km - good
ZL 14: 500m, 1 & 2 km - good
ZL 15: 500m, 1 & 2 km - outer ring nearly invisible - a 200m ring would make more sense
ZL 16: 500m - 2 missing (100 & 200 m e.g.)
ZL 17: 100m - 2 missing (200 & 500 m e.g.)
To make life more interesting - this is latitude dependent, too :-)



I have strange issue with track recording.

I use offline 1 arc second srtm data, that replaces gps values and when I finished recording I noticed strage things on track chart.

1. I was biking on really plain surface, but on chart it looks I passed really short but very steep hill (slope over 20% which is weird)

2. I stopped couple times by traffic lights and was waiting for the green light at least 30 second each time. On chart I can't see that speed drops to 0 value

3. My configuration is: record every 20m OR 3s so I should have had couple times 0 values on my time chart.

4. The problem with crazy high slope doesn't happen if I change recording conditions for example: record every 20m AND every 1 second but speed doesn't drop to 0 which is obvious (no moving by 20m - no points to record)

Is there any option where I can change interval for chart data for example - show slope and speed by every 100m or every 2 minutes? I think, the problem is, because it takes slope from each point to next one and ig there are 2 points that are really really close to each other it cause calculation issues.




@gynta: hmm not sure I understand. Topics are marked as read when you tap on them to open in browser or when you tap on an eye in top right corner of post.

@Bucky Kid: I've already read about similar problems, have to check it, thanks.

@michaelbechtold: thanks for test with rings. Generally they are all incorrect. These rings should be on normal online/vector maps elipses, and not real circles. It is not visible for small distances, but for distances more then100km , this should be visible a lot. Also because of this, I see no sense in values above 100km. I've anyway added at least 200m ring.

@cokeman: not sure how may I help you. I've downloaded attached gpx file and filled values with SRTM 3'' downloaded over Locus and values are in range -5% / +2.5% , so it looks a lot better. MAybe a source of your 1'' isn't as accurate as you think? :).
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Quote from: menion on November 09, 2016, 09:30:28Topics are marked as read when you tap on an eye in top right corner of post.
yep, and after new versions update - Locus mark  same old news as unread and i  have to read/mark old news again.


hmm and we are talking about Locus Map Free installation right? Have to check it then, thanks
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i didn´t know since when, but i didn´t get any notification (FREE and PRO) from auto backup anymore
Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


OS Street View is still categorised wrongly as "OSM Other" in the list of online maps. It ought to be "Ordnance Survey". Possibly confusing, but nothing to do with OSM.
Previous post: http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=5199.msg45169.msg#45169
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


@gynta: hmm I was not watching this too carefully. Because this "news list" is just a simple rss reader, there are no ID of topis. So Locus keep information if topic was read or now, just by using it's title! And maybe Michal changed title of some topics, which made them "unread" for all users? Hmm ... I'll change this system to next version to be more robust, thanks! Expect that all topics will be "unread" in next version ... for the last time I hope :).

@balloni55: for you, auto-backup stopped work at all? Seems another topic that needs more time invest. I wasn't ever 100% satisfied with it ...

@john_percy : hmm and I thought, I've already fixed it, thanks
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