[APP] - version 3.18.x (27. 6. 2016+)

Started by Menion, June 27, 2016, 20:21:08

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QuoteIs there anything I can try?
just an idea
copy for test a few photos you know their position to internal SD and zoom in  on map
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: balloni55 on June 29, 2016, 08:26:39
QuoteIs there anything I can try?
just an idea
copy for test a few photos you know their position to internal SD and zoom in  on map
Yeah, works. Turns out, the problem is simple: It doesn't work recursively, i.e. subdirectories are not searched! Is that on purpose? Hope it's a bug, because I don't think it's very useful if you have to add all your picture directories separately...

PS: A few posts above, I wrote "added one subdir with not so many pictures" - I was still talking about a directory with more subdirectories, just deeper down the hierarchy. If you must know, my pictures are ordered in directories-by-year, and under that in events. So only 2 levels deep, nothing fancy ;)


Quote from: slarti76 on June 28, 2016, 14:23:41
@Geotagged photos:
OK, will keep an eye on it ;)

Another thing:
I don't find the new "Nearest Points" to be working intuitively. When I open it, it shows me all enabled points, really all, even if they're half around the world. Now we can argue about what's "nearest", but I would've at least expected disabled points to show up, too. For me, that would be the main use, finding a point I have somewhere in the DB, but not currently displayed. Right now, I can only hide points from that list, that are shown - when I open the list next time, they're gone...

Additional: all i can see in "Nearest Points" are the huge number of nav commands of the track (left, right, straight a.s.o.).
So a filter for different purposes is needed.


Energy value

i´ve played a little with my 10 KM jogging course ;)
if activity is
- not specified i burn 357 KJ
- walking 2011 KJ
- nordic walking 1322 Kj
- running 2162 KJ

why i get a value for not spezified? and i cant belief the difference between nordic walking and walking

now i played with my wight and hight, more wight more KJ but more lenght (longer legs) more KJ ????

and best of all, if i am 10 years jounger i burn more KJ 8) 8) 8) 8)
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Search menu does not scroll sufficiently to clear the on screen system buttons in portrait mode on MotoG 2.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Actually the system buttons should not really be there in full screen view. They just appear with the search menu.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Nice new update.  Love the map item buttom.  But please make ik possible to hide it, like the other bars


@slarti76: ah, "funny" problem with subdirs. I personally think that current system is better. Mainly because it gives you the flexibility to select really only directories you wants. Also Locus needs to register a "observer" - feature that watch certain folder for every change. If you now add photo to your directory while Locus is running, it will be automatically placed on the map. And this should not be possible with included sub-directories. And what happen if anyone select root directory? Heh, that will be complete disaster :).

@Christian: filter is already possible with top tools menu in this "Nearest points" screen

@balloni55: nice test, thanks for it.

- value without activity: it¨s currently done mainly because it was a lot easier then create something that notify that "no activity is selected". So it compute energy with activity equal sitting in sofa :).
- nordic walking is considered as faster walk around 6 km/h, while walk or run more depend on your speed. If your difference is so huge, then your walk was really fast and this difference is really possible. In your case it looks like jogging with average speed around 8 km/h.
- compute of energy is based on "basal metabolic rate". There exists many methods how to compute it. Method I use is similar to this http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/bmr-formula.php. As you may see, height increase this value, age decrease. I asked Hanka (she is a nutritionist) - about weight, she do not know exactly. But age is correct. Older = a lot slower regeneration of everything in body, so body needs less and less energy for it's main functions (reason why older people sometimes get fat = because they eat still same amount of energy as younger).

@john_percy: thanks, I'll try to improve it

@Diddi: please check menu > settings > maps > panels > left actions panel to define content. Anyway if you wants a hike/show based on double-tap, this is not currently possible.
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Quote from: menion on June 30, 2016, 08:33:04
@slarti76: ah, "funny" problem with subdirs. I personally think that current system is better. Mainly because it gives you the flexibility to select really only directories you wants. Also Locus needs to register a "observer" - feature that watch certain folder for every change. If you now add photo to your directory while Locus is running, it will be automatically placed on the map. And this should not be possible with included sub-directories. And what happen if anyone select root directory? Heh, that will be complete disaster :).

Give users a choice - they are not silly kids ... :-)
You could allow for ONE directory to be monitored (no recursion), and allow for each directory recursion no/yes (with warning, if you prefer).
All of your concerns addressed, users happy - what do you think ?


Not happy :). Extra work for me, extra complication for UI and no big usage I think. How many directories with photos you have on your device? I have ... wait ... hmm ... one. Oki, slarti76 has for every year one directory, this means around four extra taps every year. Someone wants to display photos from Locus in data/media/photos ... well.
Petr even wanted to completely remove this directory selection and let Locus automatically pick photos from default android camera directory. But I was aware that there will be some other needs ...
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Quote from: menion on June 30, 2016, 09:02:04
Not happy :). Extra work for me, extra complication for UI and no big usage I think. How many directories with photos you have on your device? I have ... wait ... hmm ... one. Oki, slarti76 has for every year one directory, this means around four extra taps every year. Someone wants to display photos from Locus in data/media/photos ... well.
Not quite correct, in my "year directories", there are subdirectories again for single events. Ca. 2 dozen per year, so overall a 3-digit number of directories - unfeasible.
But I do get your point, Menion, and I'm absolutely OK with it - after all, F-Spot does this very well for all my pics, and for Locus, this is just an extra. So I can use it to just show some pictures I need right now.
But you should make that clear somewhere in the UI. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who expects it to work recursively. Constraints like this should be indicated in the UI, e.g. with a message box with "Don't show this again".


Quote from: menion on June 30, 2016, 08:33:04

@Diddi: please check menu > settings > maps > panels > left actions panel to define content. Anyway if you wants a hike/show based on double-tap, this is not currently possible.

Hope to see Double tap based option in future.

One bad thing of update this day is that ALL Points of ALL lists are shown.  Thats confusing.  Would be nice to have it chooseable.


@slarti76: thanks for extra feedback. I'll think about it

Quote from: Diddi on June 30, 2016, 12:50:59
One bad thing of update this day is that ALL Points of ALL lists are shown.  Thats confusing.  Would be nice to have it chooseable.
That's what I was worried. Things cannot be simple ...   :(
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Filter in Nearest Points found. Thanx for the hint. Too much new features ;)

But no points (normal poi's) are displayed. Which poi's are meant?
When i have a look in POI DB, choose a category and close GUI of POI DB, than points from within this category are listed in menu "nearest points". Thats all. No automatic update if i move the map.
Why am i wrong?


Thx for disabled points in "Nearest points" and snowshoeing icon! :)