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Messages - T-mo

Quote from: Tapio on March 01, 2023, 13:06:20MFV4 Lomaps.
b) When will they be in the store?
AFAIK Menion tried to cover all reg. this in a separate thread
LoMaps + MapsForge V4
See the google-drive-link over there for available maps
Other features / Re: LoMaps + MapsForge V4
February 26, 2023, 17:32:27
- chosed 1 of the linked LoMaps and copied to a dedicated folder inside mapsVector, skipped the poi.db
- offline-theme #4: put theme.xml and the 3 icon-folders to a separate directory and zipped it (compression none, store). Put this zip into mapsVector/_themes/

everything buttersmooth using new LoMap with this MF-theme and also with any other installed theme, no delays, theme-layers and switches all like expected
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.14.+ ( 1/2023 )
February 25, 2023, 15:52:05
installed latest beta
all fine and smooth
I am using AFA with maps and themes at
So far only OAM-vector with Elevate-theme, voluntaryUK-theme and activeRT5, and some Mobac-rasters, so quite simple setup

no doubled entries btw

plan is to checkout situation with Lomaps and MF-theme next
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.14.+ ( 1/2023 )
February 01, 2023, 13:23:10
Quote from: luce on February 01, 2023, 08:09:09It's your choice to buy a phone with an immature screen technology, it's not Locus' fault.
I remember joeloc's request and remember me thinking 'that's valid point and an useful enhancement, well known downside of static high-contrast pixel-sections'.
It's always easy if you're not (yet) affected, and as a long time Locus user and community member he just wants to communicate his dissatisfaction about this addressed potential issue, which is understandable.
Permutating positions is not a difficult matter, though functionality needs to get coded, tested and maintained.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.14.+ ( 1/2023 )
January 29, 2023, 12:05:06
Quote from: Tapio on January 28, 2023, 12:21:29In "Partial auto hide" mode my bottom panel does not hide at all, but its icons are removed. I see, it's WIP.
+1   (.2 here)
Information / Re: Update of the forum (2022/08)
December 18, 2022, 15:18:51
At the forum mainpage I see a block with recent posts at the very bottom
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.13.+ ( 12/2022 )
December 15, 2022, 22:06:01
used todays new Locus 4.13.1

when planning a track and selecting it on the map within the planner, then the track is shown like below
see bottom
Looks like Elevation profile starts appearing a 2nd time, but this is just part of the regular stats pane which slightly pops or moves up, so it's 'Elevation profile' is readable, and due to selecting another segment stats panel pops up, above.
Let me know if I shall create a video.You cannot view this attachment.
Ich vermute Locus setzt die Trigger und nutzt halt zur Ausgabe eben die voice-Datei, genauso wie die tts-Datei zur (Text-To-Speach-)Sprachausgabe benutzt wird.
Letztere ist unter
z.b. de.tts, und kann mit Bedacht angepasst werden (ggf. poi_alert_ oder pass_point).

@Gyntha: habe die de.tts in V9, kann diese in github einpflegen
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.12.+ ( 09/2022 )
November 12, 2022, 12:27:41
Quote from: slarti76 on November 07, 2022, 08:08:40
Quote from: Tapio on November 06, 2022, 18:57:53
Quote from: freischneider on November 06, 2022, 16:23:42Today Auto Stop activated. Looks quite good.
I'm wondering, what's the difference?

Yeah, that should probably be re-worded to make clear that first setting is about "device movement" and second about received GPS positions. Well, or vice versa ;)

Now I thought too much about it to really understand a possible difference in effect :D
being not in movement, dropping identical points or pause record, means no points in both cases.
(Let's assume time constraint is of no interest as the new option is reg. movement)
I also assume it's not a trivial task and definitely dependent on track section upfront and activity, and related dynamics (hiking vs cycling vs car) and maybe energy resources (muscles or motor) if you go wild and target sophisticated estimation :)
Sure, some averaged values of different time ranges and some clever weighting might do a quite good job.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.12.+ ( 09/2022 )
October 13, 2022, 21:11:33
Menion, can you provide an afa-version of 4.13.1?
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.12.+ ( 09/2022 )
September 28, 2022, 19:37:45
reg. tts: screen vid Locus 4.12.0
just minor, bur irritating as not consistent. Language set is the correct one.
Started to navigate and driving with tts-commands only and using in-ears, no view at screen while driving.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.11.+ ( 07/2022 )
September 24, 2022, 07:53:48
Settings>Navigation>SelectVoice uses the correct language (German here), but Settings>Guidance>NotificationOfNextTurn tts test uses the english voice ('do you like Locus?'). Only in this settings-test, guidance is with correct language. I like Locus, just a glitch and irritating
better support for osm-links:
Search with Baker-Street-example-link: parsing link only works with Google as source, not with graphhopper (my personal default) or bing, though parsing probably does not depent on it at all.
lat-lon-zoom-link does not work over here, see pictures what I've tried
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.11.+ ( 07/2022 )
September 08, 2022, 20:28:18
just some comments, though I personally haven't used online-storage yet, but due to experiences with using multiple computers and devices over the years and different tools, finally syncthing (which also has its history and evolution), there are some basic conclusions or extracts
- with mobile devices there is not always data connection or data connection is limited or priced..therefore it easily will happen that synchronisation-state will temporarily be 'somewhere between'
- status of syncing is mandatory - this means status of each item (folder, track, point..whatever) and overall progress has to be precisely known at any time to full degree
- the status should be easily be visible. NOT seeing a status is optional
- no software is perfect (and I don't want to know the amount of time all the softwares have taken as not doing the job as intended by their devs) - the more logging and status is important and missing this is always at cost of people's/users time..always
- conclusion: a vote for basic infos would be a joke..if that feature is not given, best is to not use that feature at all as very very basic thoughts are not understood, that's an adventure-journey by design
Man muss dazu sagen, dass die Bezeichnungen, Namen, hier im Forum intensiv und sehr lebendig diskutiert wurden als der Routeplanner zuletzt überarbeitet wurde, was gar nicht soo lange her ist. Kein triviales Thema und die Bezeichnungen sind das Ergebnis der Diskussionen.
Ich nutze nur noch LM4 und da ist der Routeplanner eben nochmal moderner als Locus classic, das ja im wesentlichen nur noch rudimentär mitgepflegt wird.
Shaping Points heißen hier übersetzt 'Zwischenpunkt' und Via Points 'Zwischenziel'.
Bekannter und üblicher ist es bei nur 2 'Zwischenpunkten' den ersten Start und den anderen Ziel zu nennen, aber so geht das auch.
Die deutsche Hilfeseite beschreibt es ja sehr korrekt mit Gestaltungspunkt und 'über Punkt'..ja, unmittelbar ist der Unterschied nicht zu verstehen, weil viele Routenplaner eine solche Unterscheidung gar nicht haben, eine solche Funktion gar nicht anbieten.
Ich empfehle LM4, da kann man Punkte zb auch umsortieren, und vieles anderes, nicht die olle Klamotte.