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Messages - tannenzäpfle

Troubles & Questions / cannot delete track
August 11, 2021, 14:15:59
I cannot delete tracks, not one by one, not the whole track-directory.
This happens on several devices with LM4, one with Locus date file in internal memory, other date file on external memory.
In both cases, the Locus directory has as per Total Commander "RWX" rights.

I tried to make a backup and restore, delete temporary data.
any Idea
Thank you
Well, I was forced to Android 11 on my Moto g8.
For me the main problem with the 11 is, (This does not concern Locus only) that if your Smartphone, is not rooted, you have no access to the directory SDcard/Android/.  I know now file explorer able to see this directory only if you put the SD car in a card reader on the PC.
With Android 11
I found I way to go back to Android 11, but have now daily the annoying reminders to update.
I spent a lot of time to root the device, but without success.
Please see too:

As I remember, you may now select for Locus as directory on SDCard: SDcard/Locus instead of SDCard/Android/Data/menion.....

wen ich mehrer tracks zum Import auswählen will, word das letzte Markeringskästchen durch den"OK Haken" verdeckt

Locus 4.2.1
Posted by: Alexander Hrncir
« on: December 16, 2015, 14:48:02 »Insert Quote
aus dem Profil:
Last Active:March 17, 2017, 23:09:24
erst unter Android 11 gab es bei mir Probleme, unter 10 entweder als Stand einstellen oder beim Export ein Verzeichnis auswählen
Sorry for the late reply but on the weekend we had summer and furthermore I tried to root my device.
Now I was successful, I set the Locus directory to SD Card (please see below)
But I have to state that starting Locus and opening maps will take a much longer time than with Android 10.
Thank you

Permissions are set, the problem as the change in the handling of the SDCard with Android 11.
The directory SDCard/Android/Data is shown on the Smartphone as empty, reading the card in the PC all subdirectories are shown.

Troubles & Questions / Android 11 Locus crash
May 06, 2021, 20:00:29
today Android 11 has been installed.
Now Locus Pro and Locus 4 crash on start. The Directory Sdcard/Android, is shown but empty. As I see n the PC the files are still there.
Any solution?
Thank you
Web portal & sync / Re: sync Full upload
April 23, 2021, 06:48:23
yes and in the web planner too.

Web portal & sync / sync Full upload
April 22, 2021, 10:07:52
Having a lot of problems with the sync (I restored backup on my main device, Help desk deleted my sync date, started a new Sync, but on the second device the groups were synced but empty)
I would prefer in addiont to "full downlad" a "full upload" function.
Ich warte mal ab ob noch was von asam kommt, bevor ich den vorgeschlagenen Umweg einschlage.

bei mir läuft LM4 auf einem Tablett und einem Smartphone.
Den ersten Sync durchgeführt,
Tracktabellen, Wegpunkttabellen und Gruppen sind mehrfach vorhanden (gleicher Name)
Die Punktetabellen sind alle leer.
In einer Tracktabelle sind 4 tracks enthalten, die anderen sind auch leer.

Quote from: Andrew Heard on February 01, 2021, 22:16:37
I uninstalled LM4 beta 985 & installed LM4 beta 984 but unfortunately it has expired, so there is no way to compare the performance or regressions.

Here the same problem, I have installed LM4 Beta 6

Dann bleibt nur den Ordner als GPX exportieren (einzelne Dateien) im Explorer die *(0*).gpx zu löschen und wieder importieren mit dem Zusatz "Alle im Ordner löschen"
Ich hole den alten thread nochmal vor.
Beim Import von WP erhalte ich den Hinweis auf doppelte Einträge, bei tracks nicht, Tracknamen sind gleich.
Muss ich noch irgendwo einen Schalter umlegen?

Version 3.50