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Messages - zossebart

Tasker / Re: Tasker task trigger in menubar
September 10, 2024, 08:06:39
Yes, I already ruled out 2 in the first place because of "Two taps needed to run".
I simply don't have the time and accuracy while riding the (mountain)bike to tap multiple locations. I already have to tap 3 times in total (double-tap to activate sidebar + tap the sidebar button) with my old solution or 1 and 3 from the suggestions here.
It's already the less comfortable way after using the bt-remote (one tap of a button without even looking).

OT: Actually, porting my tasker infrastructure from android 10 to 14 wasn't much of a hassle so far. But I only used it for 2 weeks permission issues might kick in later.
Only some minor things like changing the media volume between bike and home settings don't work so far.
Tasker / Re: Tasker task trigger in menubar
September 06, 2024, 13:15:47
Thanks to both of you for your suggestions.

I went with 3 for now and it works! I always wondered what this tasker secondary app was there for. Now I know  ;D

I also thought about a Tasker scene, but I have no good experience with it. Especially the activation/deactivation of the scene when Locus switches between foreground/background does not work as reliable as I hoped...
Tasker / Re: Tasker task trigger in menubar
September 05, 2024, 07:42:47
Yeah, I also thought about quick bookmarks (although I haven't tested it yet), but it's not possible to place one specific bookmark in the menu bar, is it?
I need this button right at my fingertips, I can't handle it on the bike otherwise.
Tasker / Tasker task trigger in menubar
September 04, 2024, 08:49:10
I created multiple bike-related dashboards some time ago for use as a bike computer:
- map/navigation view with small elevation chart and some essential track recording values (default dashboard)
- a "fullscreen" navigation panel with bigger elevation chart and lots of navigation-related values in a grid
- a "fullscreen" recording panel with big chart and recording values in a grid
- a combined nav/rec "fullscreen" panel with nav/rec values in a grid

I also created a Tasker task to cycle through those panels. Normally, I trigger this task through a bluetooth remote at my handlebar, which works really nice.

On my old phone, I also exported this Tasker task to an app (with Tasker app factory) and placed a shortcut to this app in the locus menu sidebar. This allowed me to cycle through the dashboards in case the BT-remote was out of battery or I forgot to mount it.

However, now I'm on Android 14 and the app is no longer available for Locus to place in the menu sidebar.

Does someone know any other option for triggering a tasker task from locus with as few as possible screen taps?

you are right, I see it now. Had slipped my mapview too far on that coastline...

Gesendet von meinem G8441 mit Tapatalk

Okay sorry, there must have gone something wrong at my side. Will try to investigate it in the next days...
For example this way is not shown with latest Github Tiramisu Velo:
It's highway=path and bicycle=designated, no foot tags at all.
Or is it shown for you?
Maybe I did a mistake? The downloaded zip at least contains the latest changelog, so I think I should have the right one.

Even highway=path + bicycle=designated + foot=designated can be a good cycleway (maybe also take surface into account), for example with segregated=yes it means a shared foot- and cycleway where there is a lane for cyclists and one for pedestrians. See , Table "Miscellaneous", row "S5" for example.
I tried it, but it doesn't seem to work?  Should it work with paths that have both bicycle=designated and foot=designated or only with bicycle=designated alone?

Gesendet von meinem G8441 mit Tapatalk

I think Saturo is right, the Tiramisu Velo Theme has to be changed to also show highway=path + bicycle=designated at least.

In OSM, a path is any way which is not meant for motorized traffic. This must not necessarily be a small path in the woods.
See OSM Wiki: -> "Usage as a universal Tag"

It's also used for combined foot- and cycleways. Both of Saturos examples seem to be such combined ways (note that he changed the tagging to highway=cycleway in the meantime, which might be incorrect).

You can find many of such ways:;11.08559;14

If there is no cycle route going over it, these ways are invisible in Tiramisu Velo, although perfectly suitable for bikes.
Genau, nutze für Rundkurse o.ä. lieber Strecken-Priorität.

Wenn du eine Strecke mit festen Zwischenzielen planst, die du auf jeden Fall erreichen willst (z.B. verschiedene Geocaches), dann ist Endpunkt-Priorität sinnvoller. Dazu müssen die Zwischenpunkte aber auch als solche in der Route vorhanden sein (im internen Routeplanner blaues Quadrat statt grünes Dreieck).

Kommt immer darauf an, was das Ziel der Navigation ist:

Ziel(e) erreichen: dann "Endpunkt - Priorität"

eine bestimme Route abfahren: "Routen - Priorität"
Ich finde, so wie es in Brouter-Web implementiert ist ("Track als Route laden") ist es schonmal ein guter Anfang. Dort kann man auch mit einem Schieberegler die Anzahl der Zwischenpunkte anpassen.
Natürlich mit einem entsprechenden Routingprofil.
Vielleicht wäre es noch hilfreich, Stellen größerer Abweichung zwischen original und nachgeroutetem Track hervorzuheben, so dass der User dort ggf. manuell optimieren kann.
@freischneider: wenn ich das richtig verstehe, willst du einen Foren-Thread zur Ideensammlung aufmachen? Die verlinkte Helpdesk-Idee findest du dafür wohl ungeeignet?
Quote from: freischneider on June 15, 2021, 15:05:08
soweit kannte ich das schon. Aber da kann ich gleich das normale Menü benutzen. In dem Block stand was man kann es über BT steuern. Aber wie. Wenn man mit langen Handschuhen auf dem Rad unterwegs ist, könnte das nützlich sein.

Ich kenne nur den indirekten Weg über Tasker (BT -> Tasker -> floating menu action task).
Also aus Tasker einen Broadcast Intent mit "function" "floating_menu" senden. Verwende ich seit einiger Zeit problemlos.
Don't know if it's specific to this current version or generally to LM4, but Action Task "quick_action_menu" doesn't seem to work any more. The Wiki still documents it. Were there any changes in LM4 compared to LM3? If I try to trigger it from Tasker, a toast with "Action `quick_action_menu` does not exists" is shown.

PS: yes, I changed the Package from "" to "" of course.
I wanted to create ticket on helpdesk this morning, but can't reproduce any more. Did you change anything on your side?
If the problem should occur again, I will create a ticket.
I unfortunately have problems with the sync. After installation of the first official version of LM4, I imported my database from LM3 backup, and manually synced it to the web. It took several days (sic!) to get this through (I have a relatively large track- and point-database). It seems that whenever the connection was interrupted (bad WIFI or no WIFI because I left the house), the sync started from scratch the next time WIFI was available. However, after some days, I managed to fully sync over night (might have been luck because normally ther is the forced dsl reconnect at night).

From now on, I thought, only changes (new tracks etc...) in the database would have to be synced. However, Locus seems to try to sync my whole database again for example after I recorded a track! Also, it behaves like the first sync and starts anew after connection losses. This morning it was at 96% when I had to leave the house for work, now it's starting again from the beginning :-(
What also puzzles me is that it is DOWNLOADING points and tracks from the web and not UPLOADING my new items.
Is this intended behaviour? If it was, I would have to disable sync I fear, because I normally don't have a stable WIFI over several hours everytime I add a track or point! So please tell me this is a bug and it can somehow be solved.