I ideas mostlike differs from majority wishes but anyway....
-ability to import data from more then one GPX files to more then one categories AT ONCE - doing this everyday get realy boring/repetetive and this feature would make it more automated
-ability to postpone sleep mode during data importing
-ability to see atributes in geocaching "module"
-i would also very apriciated to see feature which would allow to download full listing + hint pictures, offline maps like c:geo does to cashes we have imported from GPX file
PS: I didn't expected to see PRO version so cheap ;-)
PS2: Personaly I prefer offline usage and don't seek feature which would consume battery like camera usage
-ability to import data from more then one GPX files to more then one categories AT ONCE - doing this everyday get realy boring/repetetive and this feature would make it more automated
-ability to postpone sleep mode during data importing
-ability to see atributes in geocaching "module"
-i would also very apriciated to see feature which would allow to download full listing + hint pictures, offline maps like c:geo does to cashes we have imported from GPX file
PS: I didn't expected to see PRO version so cheap ;-)
PS2: Personaly I prefer offline usage and don't seek feature which would consume battery like camera usage