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Topics - Sonny

After the import of a .gpx file of Caches a friend sent me, I've to use "Update caches" to replace his found status on these Caches with mine.

This is working fine for Caches he didn't visited yet but I already found => yellow found smiley is set

But it isn't working for Caches he found, but I didn't visit yet. Usually the yellow found smiley of his .gpx should change into the "unfound" Cachetype icon. But it stays a yellow smiley.

You can test this yourself by importing the attached .gpx-file of a "found" Cache and click onto "Update caches"
There's a problem if I export a Cache with computed coordinates (=a cache with Orignal + Corrected Coordinates, marked with red star on Cacheicon in the map. see Screenshots "map with" + "detail with").
After re-importing such a Geocache, Locus doesn't treat it as "computed" anymore and also lost its Original Coordinates (see Screenshots "map without" + "detail without").

This would be important: for example a friend sends me an exported .gpx-file of a planed joint Cache-trip. I import his .gpx file and want to see on the map if he solved some of the "Mystery"-Caches already at home (="computed"), or if this are just the Cache's Headercoordinates and we have to solve them in the field.

Please export Original+Corrected Coordinates (+ "computed" flag if necessary) into the .gpx-file so that Locus is able to read both coordinates after a re-import.
I'm managing my Geocaches with GSAK and exporting Geocaches to import them into Locus.
I'm using GSAK also to store waypoints of Non-Geocaching locations, therefor I'm labeling this waypoints with GSAK's pseudo-Cachetype "Other".

I can import these "Other" waypoints into Locus like any Geocache, they are named correctly, and drawn in the map with the default icon of Locus' point folder. (import attached .gpx file of a test waypoint into a folder which already contains other standard waypoints or Caches)

But there's one problem: I cannot filter them. An applied filter always returns 0 results (see Screenshots).

Please make these pseudo-Geocaches filterable and within the filter-dialogue give them the point folders' default icon.   
Right now there are some synchronisation problems if using identical caches within 2 different folders.
I've described the troubles and ideas to solve them here:
I was wondering if it's possible to display the following info during guidance along a track:
What's the distance and vertical differences (exactly: the sum of elevation meters uphill, and the sum of elevation meters downhill) to the track's destination. Maybe additionally display the chart of the remaining track.

It's possible to get these infos for tracks without guidance turned on, you just have to click on the trackline

But i couldn't figure out how to display these infos for a track which I'm actually following by guidance:

I want to inform you about a small bug: Video attachments (at least on my phone, see Screenshot of Mediainfo) are saved by locus in a MPEG-4 file container (ususal file.extension: .mp4).
But Locus by mistake uses a wrong extension .avi, which denotes a completely different container format (AVI).

So please use extension ".mp4" for video-files, thanks.
on some maps it is very difficult so recognize point icons. They are very good "camouflaged" within the layout consisting of streets, paths, landmarks etc of the map. So is there an option within Locus quickly to dim/darken the map by a fixed value (e.g. 50%) or by the use of a slider but not darken the point icons?
So the point icons would be better contrast the the map's layer.
Hi, I'm using the GSAK-database addon for Locus. It's a pity that it seems to be that its delelopment was stopped.

I noticed the following little bug. When opening a cache from a GSAK-databse using this addon in Locus and looking at the Logs tab of the Cache:
Each logtype has its correct icon left of the logtext. But NOT "Archive" logs. When loading the same cache online with Geocaching4Locus addon, then this "Archive" log has the correct icon.

Would it be posssible for Locus to recognize even  this maybe "malformed" Archive logs of GSAK-addon and put an icon next to the log and below in the Quickinfo-window of a cache?
Sometimes I want to know what time the Sunrise is when hiking outdoors. I know, I can use the Weather-function of Locus. But just if an Internet connection is available which is not always true outdoors.

The only offline sunset-info in Locus I found, is the "Sunrise/Sunset"-entry in the large, top text field. But I have to switch to this entry first cause usually I'm displaying other stuff there. And not the (for me prefered) time OF sunrise (e.g. 19:24h) is displayed, but the time TO (e.g. 1:58h) sunrise, which is changing every minute. 

Wouldn't it be possible to provide both, a sunrise- and sunset- item for the use within dashboard? That would be an ideal, offline solution!
I want to clearly identify the Navigation route an the map, therefor I can adjust Settings > Navigation > Style on map.

But this Style right now is just used for Navigation mode "Navifation". Not for "Guidance (commands)" and "Guidance (no commands)". Please use the line style also for these 2 Guide Modes.
Maps / Sonny's LiDAR Digital Terrain Models of Europe
September 11, 2016, 21:17:19
Dear Locus map creators and users!

I want to tell you, that I've created several Digital Terrain Models (DTMs), which are based on precise Opendata LiDAR-elevation data of the country's Geographical Institutes.
You can find all infos and download links on the following Website:

The improvements in accuracy, quality and fine details of my model's elevations compared to those of the popular SRTM-datasets are enormous. Especially in mountainous terrain.

You can use these new DTMs to create improved, more accurate contour lines in maps. Or you can copy the files for the area of your interest into the correct folder of Locus to improve dynamic elavation values and the shading of the maps in these areas.

Yours, Sonny
I'm experimenting in producing more accurate .hgt elevation files compared to the ones downloaded with Locus especially for mountain terrain in Austria.

For example there'e a mountain peak with true elevation=1206 m
The highest peak of this mountain in the original .hgt-file of Locus=1185 m
The highest peak of my new created .hgt-file of this mountain=1206 m

But now the strange thing: When using my new .hgt-file in Locus, the map show me a maximum of 1210 m at the location of the peak. How can this be, since the highest spot in the .hgt file is 1206 m and each point on the map should be <=1206 m?  :o
What method of filter is Locus using to calculate the high at the exact cursor's location out of the elevation-values around this location of .hgt-file?

I usually have the option "Hold map center" on when guiding to a Waypoint or Geocache. But there's the following annoying behaviour:
When opening the infosite of this waypoint and then clicking onto the map-icon on the buttom to return to the map screen, the "Hold map center" is suddenly switched off! (I could alternatively press the "back"-Button of my phone. Here the hold-option is still turned on. But I do not always remember this and just click the more intuitive Locus "map-icon" on the bottom.

A satisfying solution would be: If pressing the "map-icon", jump to the waypoint's coordinates. But keep the "Hold map center" option switched on. Because of that the map would jump to the actual GPS-position after 5 seconds.

I noticed that a few of the Locus-Waypoint icons having a wrong or missleading Hotspot (the pixel that is exactely marking the coordinates an icon's waypoint on the map).

These are the "x"-icon, the ring-icon, and the circle-icon of each color. Their optical hotspot is in the center of these icons. But Locus uses a Pixel at the bottom of these icons as the coordinate hotspot

Look at following example Screenshot:

you can see, there is a difference of about 60 Meters in reality between the center of the icon and the real coordinates of the icon's waypoint indicated by the cross-hair. In extreme cases somebody could by mistake think that the waypoint is somewhere within the parallel street of a town.

Please correct the Hotspots of these icons.

The other Locus icons (arrows and marker-like icons) as well as the Garmin-icons, which having their optical hotspot in their center, are already treated correctly in Locus.

I like the feature of Locus to display OpenStreetMap Notes. I use them to check these notes out in the field and later correct them within Openstreetmap.

But how to save the Notes for offline use before I go out into the field? Not everywhere is mobile Internet available to display the notes around my location. Or even if I'm online, it is just disturbing that already loaded notes get removed from the map when moving the map within Locus. It takes some time if they are loaed and displayed again...

Would be great if we could save Notes for offline use into a Point-folder, maybe like Geocaches could be saved for offline use too.

I want to quickly start my own offline Navigation App ("HERE Maps") when clicking at a point's context menu. Right now when clicking onto "Navigate to" just the internal Locus-Navigation screen is openend. But I don't want to use these Locus powered Navigation methods, just open the "HERE Maps"-App out of the context menu.

Right now I just can start these app with several additional clicks, which is of course tedious:

- click on point
- click on the left side of point's popup-window
- click onto "puzzle" icon
- click onto "Map apps"
- click onto "Navigation apps"

=> now "HERE Maps" starts with the point's coordinates as Finish of the Route.

Right after recording a track, I save it and export it as .GPX-file into a folder of my phone, which runs Android 6.
After that I'm connecting the phone to a PC, using USB cable, for copying the trackfile to my PC.

Now the problem: When opening the phone's export folder within my PC's file explorer, I don't see the exported .GPX-track file to copy it to my PC.  :-\

Each time I've to reboot my phone first, before my PC sees this new exported file on my phone.
Or another method I found out: if I copy the exported file with a *file browser on my phone* into another folder on my phone, I could see this copied file on my PC immediately too.
Both methods are of course not ideal and a pain.

Does anybody have the same problem when exporting tracks and right after that connecting the phone to a PC using USB-cable? Any possible solution to prevent to reboot my phone each time I want to copy a track to my PC?

When recording a Track I often add points with Photo or Video Attachment. After deleting the track I expected Locus to delete these Media attachements too. But they are still there in the folder Locus/data/media and fill up the memory of my phone.

Could Locus please delete these media files too when deleting the track they belong to?

since about some week I've got the following problem: When switching to an offline raster map, the current zoom-level is lost and the raster map is displayed in its minimum zoom level.

For example I'm working in zoom level 15 and switching to the raster map. It is displayd now with Zoom level 6 and I've to zoom in severl times to have same view angle as I had with the the former map.

This problem is just when switching to raster maps. When switching to offline Vector map or Online map, the zoom level stays the same.